No-vember, No excuses! Don't be a turkey! Daily Weigh in Thread, pt 1!

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  • Down only 1 lb this week. Better than nothing I guess. My body just doesn't want to let go of the weight.

    cincimini - Congrats on the 3 lb loss, way to go!

    SW 270.2
    GW 262

    1: 270.2
    2: 270.6
    3: 270.2
    4: 269.2
    5: 271.0
    6: 270.6
    7: 269.6
    8: 269.2
    9: 269.2
    10: 268.2
    11: 269.0
    12: 267.4
    13: Took a break from the dreaded scale
    14: 268.4
    15: 268.6
  • 5:135.4
    6: 135.6 (AMAZING because I ate SO MUCH last night - thought I'd be 3lbs up)
    7: 136.8
    8: 134.6 (different scale but Ill take it!)
    9: 134.6
    11:133.2 Is this possible?? Should I get a new scale??? I've been eating about 1600 calories a day but also walking 7.5 miles
    12: 132.4 Something wonky must be happening
    13: 133.2 Water retention?
    14: 134.0
    15: 134.6 (been eating crap and not moving at all for 2 days - I think my seasonal affective disorder has reared it's seasonal ugly head. Started out strong with oatmeal and apple (260 calories) this morning. I was sitting on the "who cares weight doesn't change that much, the weight will just pile on when I lose it, I want to eat my feelings" pity pot yesterday. I need you guys so much. Coming on here helps so much because it forces me to get real. I truly FEEL better when I live healthier. How do I forget that when trying to justify my baby-binges??
  • down to 254.6 today. hooray. I need to keep going DOWN now darn it. I need to stay under 255 for my sanity. A bit surprised had pizza on Thursday, but it didn't bloat me. Different than normal pizza place. I think Domino's in on my banned list. (Which is good because I really didn't like their new pizzas anyway!)

    Fitkristi - you can totally make your goal. Stay on target!

    MamaP - Your son has to accept he has a hot mama now. Tell him to get used to it

    Diana - are you going to use the progesterone at all this month? your losses are so jealousy invoking! I need to work as hard as you.

    Cinci - yay for the 250's! sending you lots of juju to keep the 260's away.

    welcome FatChick!

    Starbrite - you are so close to the 20X's! keep on track and you'll be there in no time.

    Fit4lyfe, I can't wait to see the 240's let alone the 230's lol

    Anna - how are you and the hubby doing? get to those 250's!

    Coondocks - how are you lady? hope things are going well.

    Aimee - hope you had fun with your guest!
  • 1: 236.8
    2: 235.4 -1.4
    3: 233.8 -1.6
    4: 231.2 -2.6
    5: 232.0 +.8
    6: 231.4 -.6
    7: 231.0 -.4 TOM
    8: 232.4 +1.4 TOM
    9: 231.0 -1.4 TOM
    10: 230.6 -.6 TOM
    11: 229.2 -1.4 TOM
    12: 228.8 -.4
    13: 229.4 +.6 (admittedly was a little snacky the night before.)
    14: 231.2 +2.8 (walk/jog for 40 mins. 2 hour hike on a Mt. on Saturday SUPER sore!)
    15: 230.8 -.4 (Still sore but SO worth it.)

    Hi Everyone!

    Had an amazing weekend! I will include the pics from a great hiking trip I went on. I am super sore and dealing with some water retention in these sore legs of mine. Well worth the soreness.

    I was on plan all weekend long and will be today. Just wanted to pop on to say that I hope everyone had a great weekend and I will be back later for personals.
  • hay everybody! you guys are jumping this Morning

    Down 1.2 to 230.8!
  • Mystic - 1lb loss is better than any gain. Always a good side to it.

    Ohman - this site is awesome for keeping a person on track. keep coming here and we'll kick your butt.. metaphorically at least. hehe Good job getting on track today, keep it going.
  • I had a + 4 bounce this morning. No known reason.
  • Happy Monday!

    11-9: 251.6
    11-10: 250.0
    11-13: 249.7
    11-14: 249.7
    11-15: 251.8 (too much salt yesterday)

    I'm proud to say I have committed to exercising 3 times this week and tracking 100%! The holiday season is right around the corner and I refuse to gain during that time!!
  • Vixsin - great weekend sounds like!

    Ona - great loss!!!
  • Sea - sorry for the gain. it's only .4, lose it today!

    Cutie - good job on the exercising!
  • Quote: Diana - are you going to use the progesterone at all this month? your losses are so jealousy invoking! I need to work as hard as you.
    Shylah NO! It helped some with TTOM but I think it had a negative effect on my weight. I don't see any sense in working out and watching my calories only to have the progesterone cream negate my efforts. We'll see how my next TTOM is. I'm hoping the estrogen has regulated by now.
  • Hey girls. I've been MIA for the past couple of days, so many crappy things going on. Work is a bummer, really, so many changes on our team and I just haven't been happy about going to work in a while. Maybe it's time for something new. Hubby and I have been having really extreme good and bad days lately. My brother's been having a really rough time at home with my parents (he and my dad have never the greatest at communicating with each other). Anyway, all in all, last week was really rough, I succumbed to making a lot of bad eating decisions, fully aware that I was making bad eating decisions, but I did it anyway. That in itself kind of bothered me, because I've never been an emotional eater, so I'm not sure what came over me last week. Added to which, I was at restaurants for various reasons 3 dinners in a row. So today was the beginning of a new week and I decided to finally hold myself accountable, so I did weigh-in this morning. And the crappy part about the entire thing is I'm down from my last weigh in, so I'm at 196.6. Ha! Sometimes, you work so damn hard and make all the right choices and see nothing from it. And other times, you do all the wrong things and the scale just baffles you. I don't know, maybe it's just being nice to me so that I realize I can do this. But I also have to say that hubby has FINALLY become serious about his weight loss, I think after I told him that when I calculated his BMI, he was in the class II obese range and that hit home with him. We agreed that we both wanted to be a lot healthier before we start having kids, so yay him. He's already lost 8 lbs in 4 days, the bugger

    Anyway, I think I really just needed to purge all of that and get back on here and into the swing of things. I still have half the month left and no Thanksgiving here in Canada to contend with, so I still have time to make it out of the 90s by the end of the month. I can and will get there!
  • Oct 31 wt: 191
    Goal wt:180

    1: 192
    2: 192 - 67 minutes power walking on the treadmill + 1 mile Leslie Sansone in my office.
    3: 192 - 60 minutes treadmill jog/walk
    4: 190 - 68 minutes treadmill jog/walk
    5: 191- 30 run on treadmill
    6: 193 - 60 min run @ 3.6
    7: 194- weights upper body
    8: 194.4 - 2 mile bike ride with kids
    9: 195- 63 min @4.0 fast walk/run
    10: 194.4 - 2 mile jog outside 33 min
    11: 195 - 2 mile jog outside 33 min
    12: 194.6- 2 mile jog outside 33 min & heavy yard cleaning
    13: 194.4 - 2 mile jog outside 33 min
    14: 194.4 - 48 min country line dance video
    15: 194.0 - no exercise

    Okay, the month is half over. I feel so behind. I have to confess something or it will eat me alive.

    I haven't been on here for more than a week. I kinda went back to my old ways and really paid for it. The short and simple story is that I am a "starver" when things go bad for me. I had an argument last week and even though I kept up with exercise, it affected my OP eating. I starved myself for 3 days in protest of this stupid argument and it set me behind.
    Then once things were over I ate like mad (binged) for two days. I felt like total crap yesterday, agonizing about having to get on the scale last night and what it was going to show. It showed 196.6 and I had myself a good cry about it. But resolved to learn from it and keep going. I thought I had better control than this. Apparently this is something I need to keep working on. I never thought myself to have an eating disorder, but I think I do, because starving was my answer for everything...weight loss, stress, self punishment. I haven't done this in more than 6 months mind you (I used to do it every month), so I think I have come a long way.

    I am embarrassed by this but again I am very relived to have gotten it out. I am back on plan today and only 3 lbs over from my last goal, which I thought was going to be WAAAAY worse. I know the damage still may not have shown itself completely, but I am dealing with it "one day at a time". So thanks for listening guys!

  • And WHOOSH! just like that I am down the pound I gained over the last week. 241.4...actually I am down 1.4 lbs. from last week and 1 lb from yesterday I didn't work out this morning so I have an absence of lactic acid and my muscles are at rest, but I know after tomorrow's workout I will have a gain but that's okay. Have a good one ladies!
  • Paris,It be like that sometimesget back on that horse and keep on riding

    Fit4life,Fantastic job!!

    KuKKie,Nice DH is getting serious about his weight,i know that will help you too.That's great you're down to 196.6

    Cuite,Great job on the exercise!

    Sea,the body does strange things it's not much Edit: or did you mean 4 lbs.? If it is 4 lbs..something has to be wrong with your scale.

    Vixsin,Glad you had a good time.Congrats on the .4


    Shylah,you're doing great!! Seems you've found a Pizza place that agrees w/you,fantastic!!

    OhmanILoveGod,Positive thinking,casting down negative thoughts works wonders

    Mystic,1 lb is great Fight on and you will lose more


    Kristi,you can do it !