Operation 5-10 (or more) for the summer!

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  • My post of yesterday or was it Friday dematerialised, it seems.

    Dropping here so will try again tomo. You know, not good idea to eat trifle made by son & mother when you never eat pudding. They know I don't so wouldn't have minded.
  • hello

    cleaning house while waiting for a visit from my mother. she is bringing a whole trunk filled with high sugar carb devils and wanted to bake brownies and a fruit tart also. I asked her not to as I had a peach cobbler planned and we just DID NOT need it. that was cool with her.
    what was NOT COOL with her was the fact that our one air con unit had a large hornet nest which was blocking the fan. the hornets are now gone (spray) but the ac unit is lodged in the wall and DH and neighbor were unsuccessful in evacuating the now empty nest from the unit.

    country living, eh?

    scale update: hovering 127/128 likely realistically 129/130 but I am doing my best to control and possibly lower. amazing how much less leeway I have w/o the whole exercise thing...duh!

    how you all doing in the dog days of summer?????
  • Writing on a deadline today about the naughty (former) CEO of HP. Well, not about him, really. My job is just not that interesting, unfortunately.

    Will surface for air later today.

    I did get some weights & rowing done this morning. (Rowing on a Concept II machine, Silver; nothing as lovely & pastoral as what I imagine on a river in your land.) And I plan to show up for 7:30 PM spin class tonight, and will enjoy taking out my aggressions in peddling.
  • -just said no thank you to two different types of sweet buns. go me!
  • Great job, Kitty! I shall draw inspiration from your most excellent example.

    Personally, I've been sucking at this whole eating healthy thing. And it must stop. Must. Will. I have the day planned and I will stick to it no matter what.
  • It's three hours later, midwife. So Has. Already. Stopped? Of course it has.

    Well done, KC! Were those buns imported by your mother?

    saef: you've not mentioned your hearing recently. No news is good news?

    Have I told you I'm cat-sitting in London? I've done some good schlepping about today and fairly healthy eating. I'm trying out tomato and mozzarella salad as a basic in some of the places I'm ending up in. (Today, the Science Museum.)
  • So far so good, SB!

    Enjoy London! I'm jealous (again!).
  • Oh, London. I'd love to go back. If I do, remind me I want to go to Liberty's and buy a pink plastic shopping bag with the Hera print on it.

    Thanks for asking, Silver. My hearing is still very bad in my left ear. But there has been some very slight improvement. When I hold the phone to my left ear, I can hear the dial tone, faintly. (Before, I heard nothing at all.) Still can't make out the operator's voice when she eventually comes on -- it's just a series of rising & falling tones, and I just know it's her from experience & because the pattern of the notes is different from the steady drill of the dial tone. So I am still waiting & hoping.

    A quiet day at the office, such as we only have at Christmas & in the doldrums of August. I'm deleting & filing e-mails from Outlook. (But I still have 2,032 items in my inbox.)
  • thx for the update saef, I was just wondering about your hearing myself
    yes, silver, buns from mom. but I must confess I did just have a few bites of my ds4's and I have not held back on the muddy buddies (cereal squares w/choc, pb, confectioners sugar)
    midwife, great to hear from you! yes, CAN, WILL, hugs

    girls I have ds6, ds6, and ds8 screaming @ me to get my suit on. we are going out for a lake swim, and I mean OUT into the lake. we bring safety floats (no worries ;0))
  • Have fun! Watch out for fish!
    Saef, glad to hear your hearing is getting a little better.
    In about an hour and a half, I will walk into my house where there will be a swim party and pizza. I will not have pizza. I will have veggies and a grilled turkey burger. So there.
  • Up 3.2 pounds from last Friday, but TOM came upon me on Wednesday evening, so I was hardly expecting a lower number.

    As for weight & bodily transformation: I have a pair of cargo pants that roll up at the bottoms & have tabs you can button to make them shorter. They're 100% cotton. When they came out of the wash, and I put them on, they fit in the waist, & in fact, were a bit loose, but they were slightly tight in the thighs. This has been happening lately with my washed jeans, too. No longer tight in the waist initially -- plenty of room there, even unstretched -- but always a bit tight in the thighs. Could this be a sign of my body changing, as remarked upon by the Pilates instructor I hadn't seen since April & one guy at work whom I work out with regularly? (I can't see it. And the scale says just a few pounds less since April.)

    Down to 1,244 items in my inbox, after more deleting & filing. I should say I am no prodigy & this is common in my company.
  • up to 130.5 after a sweet/carb almost binge last night
    good run complete
    back in control
  • saef: 1,244 is pretty impressive.

    May I barge into your musings on your thighs?

    (Does not wait for answer and goes ahead anyway.)

    My waist has got smaller and my thighs bigger. I put this last down to muscle pushing out the fat of which, in my case, there is still a *fair bit* to lose.

    I posted (and lost) last week that the osteopath I'd seen suggested (a) that squats & deadlifts were not helping my lower back and (b) that I should lose some of the muscle I've got. That I've got a lot of muscle in my legs (perfectly true). 'Kill' was the word he used & he mentioned that hot baths can do this.

    Er. I don't really go along with this. It doesn't fit with received wisdom on the Weight & Resistance Training board. Any comments, wise travellers?

    Thanks for letting me rant a little. I'm away from home with its known food, mirrors, bed and exercise routine. I'm waking up stiff and lethargic and seeing very poor reflections. Though I'm eating OK and taking some exercise, it makes me doubt where I am on the journey.

    Midwife - please post more. Please eat your veg nicely. Have a big helping.

    KC - running looking good!
  • Here is a fortune cookie for you, Silver, which if you crack open, will have a slip of paper that says:

    Beware of Men Who Tell You to Kill Your Muscles

    Get another osteopath. Who is this idiot who thinks lying in a hot bath will cause one's muscles to atrophy? Where is the science to support this?

    And thanks for making observations about your own waist & thighs, as that helps me understand that it does make sense to discover that one's freshly washed jeans now are always loose in the waist but tight on the thighs till they stretch a bit. Probably in my case this is exacerbated by spin class three nights a week, plus two other nights a week on a stationary bike, for a total of five hours of peddling per week.
  • Quote: Beware of Men Who Tell You to Kill Your Muscles
    Thank you, FFF*. The osteopath was a one-off in my mother's town, more accustomed to ladies in their 70s than women with muscle in their 50s. In the words of Cheryl, jamsk8r, over on the Weight and Resistance Training Board, "a radical nutjob".

    I'm not a jeans wearer at present as the tiny waist is out of synch with the large bottom and thighs and I don't have half a decade to devote to finding the perfect flattering pair. I wear wide legged linen trousers and that's that. But I digress. Have you been wearing the same make for ages? Would another make fit you better now? Just an idea.

    * Fellow Feminist Friend.