We Are Family - Blue Team Chat #3

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  • Quote: alwe74, I have a desk job too and I was surprised when I found out how little steps I was getting per day. I started taking stairs now if I have to go up or down. I'm on the 4th floor and now when I leave I use the stairs it adds to my steps/day Plus I've been drinking lots of water so it makes me go use the restroom more frequently which means more steps .
    Great ideas. Unfortunately my office is in a one story building and the bathroom is about ten steps away. I have tried to walk to co-workers offices rather than e-mail. That also gives me more steps. I might have to start walking on my lunch break.
  • Rhonda the wii and wiifit.. with beach sport and wii sports was $500

    Quote: Hi B-losers!
    Been out of touch, but have read through since my last post and there sure seems to be a trend toward overeating/loss of motivation. I still say its the season and will pass. As for me, I don't think I've mentioned that I am trying to get off synthetic thyroid pills and haven't taken mine since Sept. 1st., so I think this is part of my own problem. The friendship breadcame at a time I was not eating enough (trying to get off my "plateau") so I overdid it.

    Thanks Faerie, Jamie and Amy for sliming the stuff - I just put it all down the drain today and felt great about it.

    Got another acupuncture treatment yesterday (see pic), plus saw three patients, but I was dragging yesterday - not sure if it's the thyroid thing or not. I'll be seeing Naturopath this coming Tuesday to see if I must take the meds or if there is an alternative. I just hate medications - strange for a nurse,eh?

    Dora since you've come off the pills do you think you should go and get your levels checked at the doctors????
    bye bye bread.. lol and for acunpuncture thing still gives me shivers.. lol

    Can you tell what this is?
    Dee you guys did fab on the scultupure that looks amazing how many cans are in it?

    As for me i need to calm down.. lol.. im buzzing like a honey bee this week .. to much running around.. too much exercise.. im gonna pull it back next week .. im so high wired i couldn't sleep last night and at 5.30 this morning i wanted to get up and do some more exercise.. lol

    I love the wiifit and just cant leave it alone.. lol but every part of me is worn out ..

    So tomorrow i am having a rest day.. i have my parents coming over to finally celebrate my sons birthday the kids and pop have been sick so we have been putting it off till everyone was healthy again.. last thing we needed to do was swap flus.. lol..

    anyway sorry to everyone who is sick.. and i will return everyone elses mojo's .. it has just resulted in me over doing it anyway.. so have them back and do your own workouts.. lol

    hope you'll have a great op day ..
  • Morning everyone

    Yes I woke up early on a Saturday morning. I should have stayed in bed considering I didn't sleep well last night. I could not sleep until 1 am . I used to sleep in on the weekends but then it used to make my work week miserable cuz my sleep would get out of schedule. So I decided to sleep no later than 7:30 am on weekends. It still disrupts the schedule little bit as I wake up around 5:30ish/6 am on work days but it's not too bad .

    Anyhoo, enough about sleep. I so want to tell you guys what happened at my SIL's place. We ended up getting there about 30 mins late and she called us while we were on our way there telling us that they ran out of pizza and if we wanted her to go and get us a cheese pizza or something. I was kind of mad that how could you run out of food at a party and it's only 30 mins after the time we were supposed to be there but we told them not to worry about it cuz it did not make sense for them to go out specially for us. So we said don't worry about it. When we got there I asked her if she had any PBJ and some bread for me to make us a sandwich. So that was my dinner, PBJ sandwich and few broccoli florets from the veggie tray with tea. It was awesome . I could not have been more lucky last night that I was saved by the kids finishing all the pizza .

    Oh my MIL did compliment me on how great I looked. And asked me if I was trying to lose weight etc. She told me not to stop. She hadn't seen me in few months and so hadn't my SIL. And they both said I looked really good . So that was a great end to my evening

    BTW I was able to squeeze some treadmill time before I went to my SIL's place. Oh I am SO glad I did that. My scales are smiling this morning and it's still TOM week

    alwe, good idea about lunch break walks. I do it as often as I can. It helps . Keep up the good work cuz you're on a great start.

    Scarahj, moderation is the key word and was part of my plan but pizza is something I go nutso over . However, I lucked out

    Manick, you're my hero...going for your run in the rain!!! Super

    Amy, you are buzzing dear...I can hear it all the way here
    . I want to say slow down but you know you're doing soooo well. Your pictures looked awesome. But maybe for your sanity and peaceful sleep you can probably cut back on your workout a little bit. Scheduled rest day is a great idea. Hope you find a happy median as to how much less will help you sleep better.

  • Good morning Bluesers,

    I think I have regained my composure this morning. Couldn't sleep last night so I got up and went through the pantry and pulled out all the meals that I have left whether I like them or not. I have enough meals to make it 5 days. If I can find something to replace 1 meal a day I can make it 6. So I'm going to see if I can find a bar or shake that comes close in case my shipment doesn't come until Thursday.

    Yesterday was an up and down day for sure. It was Friday...always a happy day! But I was freezing and achy all day. Didn't even go for a short walk. When I got home, I found out I am running a low fever. 100.0. I still have it this morning, although, nothing seems to be wrong with me. It just zaps my energy.

    On the up side...I finally got my car detailed yesterday for my 50 lb reward. OMG! Why have I never done this before? It looks like brand new! I had the dealer do it and I could not tell the difference between my car and the new cars on the lot when I went to pick it up! And my car is almost 5 years old! Fever and all...I felt like so spoiled as I drove home. Like I was driving a brand new car and everyone was looking at my car. I was floating...maybe that is why I took the Medifast news so hard...big crash landing there!

    Well looks like a busy day here today. My youngest dd is moving home today. It will be nice to have her around. She's a good kid. And since she is going to school full time, working full time and has a serious boyfriend...I don't anticipate her getting underfoot to much!

    Have a great weekend Blue! And thank you again for all the great advice and support!

  • Hey ladies!

    Well.. I was here once but have been hoovering.. but I am officially down 50 pounds.. and I BETTER NOT go back up past that mark again!!

    Dora:My father has hypothyroid and I was reading in one of my natural sense books, some natural ways to help with hypothyroid. i'm sure you probably know lots about it but if you want.. I can give you a little list of the natural ways to help reducethe medicine needed and whatnot. Just have to wait untl the movers arrive in Kentucky with my box of books! I tried getting my dad to follow the stuff in this book.. but he kept CASUALLY FORGETTING the list at home when he went to make sure teh supplements are ok with the DR.. ohdads.. lol
    anyway.. letme know

  • Congratulations Fauxtini on 50 lbs. Gone!

    You have worked so hard! This calls for a big reward! What is it going to be?
  • Happy Saturday, fellow teammates. Seems like everyone has things "under control". Heck, we wouldn't be here if it was easy for us, would we? That is my response to the QOTD from the other day, NEVER SURRENDER!

    Even though I was blessed with the genes in my family that I will have to watch my weight my entire life, I will NEVER SURRENDER. Sometimes, I come close to going over that proverbial cliff, but, I never do. LOL. I manage to bring myself back up. Will I ever be the "skinny sister"? No. But I will be the one to survive when famine hits.

    I am breaking even with last week, which I am going to take, because I had a few bad moments, but am back on track 100%. I want to save my freebies for the holidays.

  • fauxtini, on the 50 lbs gone forever!!!!
  • Yay DJAY: Is there a 50 pound lost club? Cause we are both in it!! hehe

    Well.. I've just got a new apartment, and my new hubby and I have barely any furniture.. so i'm getting the most comfortable couch I can find.. so that will be my treat.. I won't be slacking in the couch department..

    And I will be getting a trainer at mynew gym to up my game. (which will probabaly be scary.. but GOOD! ) hehe Oh.. and im throing in a new workout outfit on top of all that stuff! hehe
  • Way to celebrate! You deserve every bit of it!

    Something about that 50 lb mark really inspires you! You are loosing serious weigh now! Puts weight loss as a higher priority somehow!

    Congrats again!
  • Hi BLUE - hope everyone has a good weekend planned.

    Djay, I'm glad you've figured out how to work your program even with the news that your product will be late. I know how it feels when something you know is working for your weight loss is taken away. When I have problems getting online, man oh man, I am in a panic. I mean, I need to get online. I track my calories on TDP and I need to read at 3fc. I have to get online!!!!! Glad you got your car detailed as your 50 lb reward. What great work!

    and Fauxtini - hooray for you reaching your 50 lbs mark!!

    Manick & Jaime - you both got in your run in less than ideal conditions! i give you both big props for finding a way to do it!! i hope you both have nice losses this week because you found a way to get in your workout.

    well, DH and i went out last night. it was a last minute date, which is so nice that he thought of it but, not so good for calories. i know what i need to do today and tomorrow so, no excuses!!

    this morning i did leslie's 5 mile workout. even though i'm not huffin' and puffin' doing this workout, i am drippin'. so it's a nice steady state workout for me.

    have a good one!
  • Angeline: That's what I like about Leslie's dvds.. they make your sweat.. but you also don't want to collapse either. It's a good mid range dvd and melts pounds away even though you do'nt really expect it to.
    Minus her annoying laugh, i love em!
  • Amy I'm trying desperately to pry my mojo off of you, now LET GO, would ya? You are funny! I'm glad you're enjoying the Wii fit, but I hope you get some sleep soon, too! I hope you had a good time at the party today!

    Pinto Yay! What a great hostess your SIL turned out to be But I am happy you did not need to face a food you were worried about and a super good job making the best choice in the situation!!! You deserve all the compliments! You've been working so hard to make consistent choices and exercise every day!

    Fauxtini huge congrats on the 50! Buy the best, most comfy couch EVER! Just don't lay around on it too much!

    DJ you sound in a much more positive place this morning! Good job making a plan for the week! I KNOW you can do it! You don't lose 50# without a lot of gumption! Good news on the daughter company, hope you are feeling better soon! Remember, we've got your back and we're all cheering for you! Onward to.....

    Smiling1--YES! NEVER SURRENDER! I've come to that same realization, I will never be a naturally thin person. But I will not give up. This is just going to be my "thing" for the rest of my life. People have issues that they must manage to be healthy adults...this is mine.

    Thanks Angeline You have 2 more days, I'm sure you'll be fine. Glad you had a nice time with your hubby.

    ITS the weekend!! I worked late last night and then came home and collapsed last night. Time for me to let go of all the stuff from this workweek and relax a bit! I woke up too early this morning, I swear I could feel my little dog "communicating" thru the closed bedroom door. When I got up her little nose was pressed right up to it. Anyway, I'm going to make breakfast for us and get ready to go to the farmer's market and do errands. I think dh is going with me today so it will be nice to have some company.

    This is just my Saturday check in to all who come after me!
  • DixieD, this is for you: "HHAaaahhhh!" There you now have my strep throat!

    SuiteJudy, to get you out of your funk, you can have some too: "HHaaaahhh!"

    Abby, Good for you, 50 lbs! Awesome! I can't believe you were so ill because of too much water!

    Nori, You threw candy away! Good job!

    I'm going to weigh in today, in case I forget on Monday!
  • I'm signing up for a 5k.. and i'm nervous/excited! it's so weird that i was thinking I would do one a year from now.. but I feel ready todo it already!! I will probabaly be the last one finished.. but Im gonna try my best!!! As long as I complete it.. right?