Home of the 100% Vol 19

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  • Quote: Happy Sauna-ing. We have a hot tub and that's my favourite family time of day. We're out in the dark, looking up at the stars, no electronics, just talking about our day. It's even nicer if it's snowing. The kids love to jump out, make snow angels, then jump back in!
    Just read this to DH and he got frost bite. Boy, you are really brave, outside and up in Canada. I'm down in Georgia and we have ours on a sun porch with one of those radiator heaters to warm the air some on the porch at this time of year. Do love that hot tub though.

    Also, congrats on onederland!!

    Quote: I'm picking and choosing my threads very carefully now. Why does EVERYONE think they need to start a new thread?!? Drives me batty!

    I just gotta say it here (to the choir)...can't people do some READING before starting threads and asking questions answered in the thread above theirs?!? I mean REALLY!!! Okay. I'm done. Thanks for tolerating my

    (from one who lurked and read this board for a MONTH before starting IP - I think I read back 6 months...its called taking personal responsibility and researching/learning the info for yourself) Guess I wasn't done
    Lisa, I am right here with you on this. When I started this time last year, it would take a couple days to go to page two. Mostly daily chat, maintainers and a couple other threads. Very annoying. Along with no one reads, just open your mouth and ask. Can't be inconvenienced to take some time.

    Off to my PT session. The foot is very slowly getting better.

  • Good news to share everyone! I decided to do a mid-week weight check because that cursed scale said I was up +2.8 on official WI day. Right before official WI, I had a stomach bug and it caused me to become swollen & retain water horribly. Got some med for it and could tell it was gone in a couple of days, so I weighed mid-week. Not only is that horrible +2.8 GONE, but there was another 1lb gone as well, which puts me IN THE LAST TEN STRETCH til my goal!!! I know it's not official 'til WI, but still I'm so excited and yes I took it off my ticker... premature but I'm like a kid at Christmas. . I've also switched to the alternative protocol (for diabetics), and I believe I'm feeling a bit better already. Thanks again for all the support, couldn't make it without you all!
  • Quote: Good news to share everyone! I decided to do a mid-week weight check because that cursed scale said I was up +2.8 on official WI day. Right before official WI, I had a stomach bug and it caused me to become swollen & retain water horribly. Got some med for it and could tell it was gone in a couple of days, so I weighed mid-week. Not only is that horrible +2.8 GONE, but there was another 1lb gone as well, which puts me IN THE LAST TEN STRETCH til my goal!!! I know it's not official 'til WI, but still I'm so excited and yes I took it off my ticker... premature but I'm like a kid at Christmas. . I've also switched to the alternative protocol (for diabetics), and I believe I'm feeling a bit better already. Thanks again for all the support, couldn't make it without you all!
    Way to go!!!!!
  • Quote: Happy Sauna-ing. We have a hot tub and that's my favourite family time of day. We're out in the dark, looking up at the stars, no electronics, just talking about our day. It's even nicer if it's snowing. The kids love to jump out, make snow angels, then jump back in!
    That just brought back memories! We still have a spa, but don't use it quite as much as we used to. It used to be a nightly ritual for us, and I remember a time years ago when my DH once jumped out of the spa, made a snow angel, and then ran out to the middle of the frozen lake behind the house (thank goodness it was frozen solid!!) and then ran back and jumped back into the spa. The neighbors on the other side of the lake must have thought he was nuts!

    We're in the process of building a new house now, and we've already made a spa on the lanai part of the design. I'm hoping that we can make it a part of our nightly routine again!
  • Quote: Way to go!!!!!

    Saw your lbs AND inches lost on the other thread, WTG!!! Wow you are so close to goal!!!
  • Weigh in done, I'm down 0.8lbs and 1.75 inches! I've been upping the exercise (and feeling AMAZING) so I didn't expect any big whoosh. Maintenance is so close I can smell it!!! I checked my BMI again today, I'm only 0.2 points away from being at a healthy BMI!
  • Quote: Stepped on the scale. 200.0 and I laughed. Damn Murphy! BUT then I got "nekked" and made it to 199.8! So as I said in the daily (for those of you avoiding there)
    Feel free to sing along with me and John Mayer ....(cause my body IS a One-derland people!)

    There is no proper icon so this will have to do "I, Diane, do solemnly pinky swear never to be over 200 lbs while standing butt nekked on a scale ever again"
    Whatever it took, you made it to ONDERLAND!!!!! Congratulations.

    Quote: Good news to share everyone! I decided to do a mid-week weight check because that cursed scale said I was up +2.8 on official WI day. Right before official WI, I had a stomach bug and it caused me to become swollen & retain water horribly. Got some med for it and could tell it was gone in a couple of days, so I weighed mid-week. Not only is that horrible +2.8 GONE, but there was another 1lb gone as well, which puts me IN THE LAST TEN STRETCH til my goal!!! I know it's not official 'til WI, but still I'm so excited and yes I took it off my ticker... premature but I'm like a kid at Christmas. . I've also switched to the alternative protocol (for diabetics), and I believe I'm feeling a bit better already. Thanks again for all the support, couldn't make it without you all!
    Just goes to show how unexpected things can play havoc with the daily weight loss but it all evens out in time. Glad you were able to see it so quickly.

    I'm checking in from my lunch. I still have a stuffy head and headache so I've popped a tylenol this morning. I WI at 6pm tonight so I hope this doesn't cause any water retention. However I think the scale is only half my consideration right now. I'm feeling extra bony in areas, like my rib cage is starting to show extra definition. I don't really want to lose any more there but I do need to lose a bit on my legs still - if only I could choose where the weight comes off. I'm in daily thought as to how much farther I should go to get to where I want to be but not taking it too far.
  • Quote: Weigh in done, I'm down 0.8lbs and 1.75 inches! I've been upping the exercise (and feeling AMAZING) so I didn't expect any big whoosh. Maintenance is so close I can smell it!!! I checked my BMI again today, I'm only 0.2 points away from being at a healthy BMI!
    Wow! Hard to believe you can still have inches like that so close to goal. Maybe there is yet hope for my legs.
  • Quote: Wow! Hard to believe you can still have inches like that so close to goal. Maybe there is yet hope for my legs.
    It's crazy - I lost an entire inch around my hips.
  • Quote: Happy Sauna-ing. We have a hot tub and that's my favourite family time of day. We're out in the dark, looking up at the stars, no electronics, just talking about our day. It's even nicer if it's snowing. The kids love to jump out, make snow angels, then jump back in!
    We use our hot tub the same way. What a great way to have a family visit and catch up. We have ours in an enclosed sun room. We get too much wind here to use it in the winter otherwise. We usually keep the windows open so we feel the chill of the air. Good contrast to the water.
  • Quote: Good news to share everyone! I decided to do a mid-week weight check because that cursed scale said I was up +2.8 on official WI day. Right before official WI, I had a stomach bug and it caused me to become swollen & retain water horribly. Got some med for it and could tell it was gone in a couple of days, so I weighed mid-week. Not only is that horrible +2.8 GONE, but there was another 1lb gone as well, which puts me IN THE LAST TEN STRETCH til my goal!!! I know it's not official 'til WI, but still I'm so excited and yes I took it off my ticker... premature but I'm like a kid at Christmas. . I've also switched to the alternative protocol (for diabetics), and I believe I'm feeling a bit better already. Thanks again for all the support, couldn't make it without you all!
    That's fantastic!

    Quote: Weigh in done, I'm down 0.8lbs and 1.75 inches! I've been upping the exercise (and feeling AMAZING) so I didn't expect any big whoosh. Maintenance is so close I can smell it!!! I checked my BMI again today, I'm only 0.2 points away from being at a healthy BMI!
    That's a great loss with all the excercise you are doing!

    You are both so close to goal!
  • Hey there 100%ers, just checking in quick to say hi, and see and the awesomeness that's going on here. My weigh-in today is down 2 lbs - yeah!

    Quote: Today was the super busiest day YET this year! . I immunized over 100 teenagers (think teenage drama x 8 hrs. Seriously I could never be a teacher. Lets all have a moment of silence for all the teachers in this world!), spent over an hour with DS#1 at the chiropractor, ran to get dog at groomers, ran to subway for supper, kids eating in car. Almost got speeding ticket going home where DS#1 gets karate gear. Shuttle him over to karate. Drive home. Discover DS#2 asleep in car. This same DS has Beaver Scouts in 30 minutes! Race in the house for his uniform and quickly eat my salad. Starving. Not enough protein. Wake up a VERY CRANKY soon to be 6 year old and shuttle him to beavers. Race over to karate for DS#1. Go downtown and buy birthday present for soon to be 6 year old and make a quick stop at grocery store for icing and sprinkles. Back to beavers to pick up DS#2. HOME finally. Get kids bathed, into Jammie's, stories read, tantrums handled, school lunches made, backpacks packed, agendas signed off, school paper shuffled.... all whilst making 30 choc cupcakes to send to school tomorrow. Complete wth icing and dinosaur feet sprinkles! DH texts. He's on his way home from work - finally! DH walks in at 10pm. Cupcakes made, presents wrapped, kids in bed and mom frazzled. Mom Flops onto couch to catch up with Ipeeps. LE sigh. Tomorrow will be much quieter!!!!! And Boston Pizza is cooking so all the better!! 100% all day!!!
    Wow - that's a big day for sure, and you survived it all brilliantly!

    Quote: Stepped on the scale. 200.0 and I laughed. Damn Murphy! BUT then I got "nekked" and made it to 199.8! So as I said in the daily (for those of you avoiding there)
    Feel free to sing along with me and John Mayer ....(cause my body IS a One-derland people!)

    There is no proper icon so this will have to do "I, Diane, do solemnly pinky swear never to be over 200 lbs while standing butt nekked on a scale ever again"
    Bravo!!! The song will be stuck in my head for the rest of the day

    Quote: Weigh in done, I'm down 0.8lbs and 1.75 inches! I've been upping the exercise (and feeling AMAZING) so I didn't expect any big whoosh. Maintenance is so close I can smell it!!! I checked my BMI again today, I'm only 0.2 points away from being at a healthy BMI!
    Woot woot! You are an inspiration as always!
  • Quote: This sounds heavenly. My goal weight purchase is a hot tub. I have 2 breakers on the panel reserved for mamas hot tub!!!

    Today was the super busiest day YET this year! . I immunized over 100 teenagers (think teenage drama x 8 hrs. Seriously I could never be a teacher. Lets all have a moment of silence for all the teachers in this world!), spent over an hour with DS#1 at the chiropractor, ran to get dog at groomers, ran to subway for supper, kids eating in car. Almost got speeding ticket going home where DS#1 gets karate gear. Shuttle him over to karate. Drive home. Discover DS#2 asleep in car. This same DS has Beaver Scouts in 30 minutes! Race in the house for his uniform and quickly eat my salad. Starving. Not enough protein. Wake up a VERY CRANKY soon to be 6 year old and shuttle him to beavers. Race over to karate for DS#1. Go downtown and buy birthday present for soon to be 6 year old and make a quick stop at grocery store for icing and sprinkles. Back to beavers to pick up DS#2. HOME finally. Get kids bathed, into Jammie's, stories read, tantrums handled, school lunches made, backpacks packed, agendas signed off, school paper shuffled.... all whilst making 30 choc cupcakes to send to school tomorrow. Complete wth icing and dinosaur feet sprinkles! DH texts. He's on his way home from work - finally! DH walks in at 10pm. Cupcakes made, presents wrapped, kids in bed and mom frazzled. Mom Flops onto couch to catch up with Ipeeps. LE sigh. Tomorrow will be much quieter!!!!! And Boston Pizza is cooking so all the better!! 100% all day!!!
    You will so love the hot tub after days like that!!

    Enjoy your night out at BP it is one of my favourite places to eat on this diet. Happy Birthday to you little one!

    Quote: Stepped on the scale. 200.0 and I laughed. Damn Murphy! BUT then I got "nekked" and made it to 199.8! So as I said in the daily (for those of you avoiding there)
    Feel free to sing along with me and John Mayer ....(cause my body IS a One-derland people!)

    There is no proper icon so this will have to do "I, Diane, do solemnly pinky swear never to be over 200 lbs while standing butt nekked on a scale ever again"
    Congrats on ONEDERLAND! My only worry is...didn't you say your scale was in the living room in front of the window?? Now that is determined! It counts!

    Quote: Good news to share everyone! I decided to do a mid-week weight check because that cursed scale said I was up +2.8 on official WI day. Right before official WI, I had a stomach bug and it caused me to become swollen & retain water horribly. Got some med for it and could tell it was gone in a couple of days, so I weighed mid-week. Not only is that horrible +2.8 GONE, but there was another 1lb gone as well, which puts me IN THE LAST TEN STRETCH til my goal!!! I know it's not official 'til WI, but still I'm so excited and yes I took it off my ticker... premature but I'm like a kid at Christmas. . I've also switched to the alternative protocol (for diabetics), and I believe I'm feeling a bit better already. Thanks again for all the support, couldn't make it without you all!
    I am so glad you switched to the "other" protocol. Stay healthy! and congrats on the weight gone! I am in the last ten stretch also. So exciting!

    Happy Day Everyone!
  • IP43 Congratulations on onerland!!!! Your story of being 200 and getting off the scale and getting butt neeked is hilarious!

    I'm having a weird day. We had no school so I' home with 3 kids and did not ea my usual work lunch of a wildberry shake and 2 cups of some raw veggie like cucumbers.

    Since I'm home I made a hot lunch and had the pasta with 1/2 c tomatoes, 1 clove garlic, EVOO, and 1.5 cups of seamed broccoli. I finished it less than 1.5 hours ago and am that kind of hungry where I could chew off my arm.

    I have already nibbled some Romaine lettuce while cleaning it and now am onto Herbal tea.

    I've never eaten any restricteds, I know the pasta isn't restricted but I am wondering if the higher carbs and wheat content could be making me hungry?

    Anyone else have feel hungry after the rotini?
  • Quote: Weigh in done, I'm down 0.8lbs and 1.75 inches! I've been upping the exercise (and feeling AMAZING) so I didn't expect any big whoosh. Maintenance is so close I can smell it!!! I checked my BMI again today, I'm only 0.2 points away from being at a healthy BMI!
    Quote: It's crazy - I lost an entire inch around my hips.
    Wow!! Terrific results!! And soooo close! That's really great that you've been able to step up the exercise so significantly and still feel great.

    Since I'm home I made a hot lunch and had the pasta with 1/2 c tomatoes, 1 clove garlic, EVOO, and 1.5 cups of seamed broccoli. I finished it less than 1.5 hours ago and am that kind of hungry where I could chew off my arm.

    I have already nibbled some Romaine lettuce while cleaning it and now am onto Herbal tea.

    I've never eaten any restricteds, I know the pasta isn't restricted but I am wondering if the higher carbs and wheat content could be making me hungry?

    Anyone else have feel hungry after the rotini?
    Funny you should mention that. I've only had it once or twice before but I've planned it for dinner tonight. The other times I've had it, it did seem like I got hungry again pretty soon afterward. I normally have my snack in the afternoon so I just moved the snack up earlier.