Daily check in: Were you under your calories today?

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  • Quote: Calcounter1003: How many calories do you eat a day? I've been stuck at 167.4 for two weeks now, I've gone over a few times and I'm set at 1350 to lose 1 lb a week.
    I have my goal at 1200 a day but I usually do a DVD for three miles so that gets me at 1500. I am usually at between 1350-1400.

    Tomorrow I can't exercise so that will be tough to stay at 1200. Thursday I'm not going to count, but I'm not going to eat until I am miserable.
  • Makebelieve, that's funny on your weighing multiple times! I do that but as soon as I get a low one, that's what I go with. Probably not a good idea because then the next day it might be up. Glad to know I'm not the only one with multiple weigh ins! This diet I decided to weigh in the morning with my pjs on. Because I didn't like standing there for five weighs with nothing on! Oh no, I'm not obsessive, lol.

    Skinnyki, that's great!!! 20 pounds is so great! I bought a 20 pound turkey and carrying it in the house I realized how much weight that is!
  • I sort of teeter between feeling great about what I'm doing to feeling panicked. It's taking some adjustment, that's for sure but I'm habit forming now which is good.

    Rebelle - Yep, stats are correct. I thought I was 5'9 but I'm actually 5'8, I'm no good at converting on my own! How do you carry your weight? I don't feel like I look as big as the scale says I am. I don't look smack dab in the middle of obese, I certainly could lose the weight but I guess it's spread out evenly enough & loves my thighs. My realistic goal is to be in the high end of normal by the end of this but I would really like to be in the middle eventually.

    Sum 38 - Great job!

    Ficklehearts - I love to bake and so do my kids, unfortunately! Their lunchboxes have been looking pretty drab recently, I can't bring myself to bake cookies & stand the smell of them baking without salivating, ha!
    I should add, I pack them balanced meals every day. They eat really well, despite my cookie comment

    Makebelieve - I have thought of doing that but I can't bring myself to, just in case it goes up! It's hard enough not weighing every day, especially after a day where there's been a loss. Well done!

    Skinnyki - Right on!

    As for me, yesterday was ok.
    Food: 1251
    Exercise: 314
    Net: 937
    Remaining: 323

    I think I'll try and do a day or two of 1300-1400 this weekend and do a different workout, I know I won't burn as much but I want to keep my body guessing. This is the first time in a long time I'm seeing a loss on the scale. Weighed in the same as yesterday, which I expected. No more weighing for a few days!
  • CalCounter1003 -Ahaha really?! It's not only me?! I am always tempted to use the lowest but I figure it's usually a fluke and I don't want to lie to myself and then get sad when I weigh again and I'm more. So I either do the average or the one that shows up most depending.

    Today I was at... 1540 calories. & I did 30 min at the gym.

    Okay so rant time. I know the holidays are tough on a lot of people, so feel free to just ignore my whining. This is a pretty minor thing but I'm annoyed.

    People can be so inconsiderate! So we aren't close to my extended family for various reasons. We never get invited for thanksgiving dinner with actual family. No big deal, just the way it is. Instead we go to dinner at my moms best friends house. Her best friend is basically my second mom and her three kids are like siblings to me. I do care about them lots, even if we have very different views on a lot of things and being around them more than a couple days a year would drive me insane. Every year her friend makes the meal. (She's an amazing cook.) We always bring some desserts, and all of the drinks. We usually buy a bunch of soda, juice, and bottled water.

    I went shopping and bought the usual drinks over the weekend. I didn't want to leave it for the last minute and end up having to go to the store when it's crazy busy this week. They live an hour and a half away so the plan was to go there fairly early in the morning, spend the day with them... and then come home Thursday night. Originally we were going to go black Friday shopping but as it turns out my mom has to work Friday morning so we can't stay.

    So tonight around 10PM I got a message on facebook from said friend of my moms. The message was basically a list of things she wants us to bring, almost none of it is stuff we actually bought already. A list would have been fine and dandy... a week ago. Now my mom is going to have to go back to the store return the stuff (if you can even return stuff at a grocery store?) because we won't drink it, then buy new stuff. The grocery store is going to be crazyyyy packed tomorrow. I can't go because I have to work.

    THEN her oldest daughter is turning 22 on Thursday. So, she informed us that actually they will be serving the meal on Friday. Thursday they plan on having h'orderves and dessert all day only. (For the daughters birthday.) If we had prior notice my mom could have arranged to have that day off so we could have spent the night.

    SO, we find out 2 days before Thanksgiving that:

    A.) We have to go deal with returning the stuff and waiting in line and crazy crowds.
    B.) We don't get to actually have a thanksgiving dinner.
    C.) What we will get is all the stuff I'm trying to avoid eating!
    D.) The stuff we have to go through the hassle of getting we won't even really enjoy because they'll be used for thanksgiving not for the day we're actually there!

  • That sucks, makeblieve. It's way too close to thanksgiving to be handing out lists!
  • Yesterdays stats:
    1,859 calories burned
    1,512 calories eaten
    153 calories over my deficit
    drank 75oz of water

    If I could stop going over my calories maybe my scale would move again but today is a new day and I'm not in a race, will take it one day at a time.!!

  • I did not count calories but I was mindful what I ate.

    Bast Green Tea
    Lunch Pork tenderloin, tomato, cheese
    Dinner Mashed potatoes, Swedish meatballs, small salad
    Snacks Baby carrots, apple w/pb

    4.2 mile walk
    45 minute swim
  • Finally the scale moved - down 1 pound.
    Although... I only had about 4 hours sleep and I know with me if I don't sleep I lose, but then when I catch up on sleep, the weight finds its way back on.
    But I'm happy with it for now!

    Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful that I have found calorie counting and exercise and that it is working. And thankful for all of you!
  • My champagne habit is kicked up for the holidays I need to buy teeny bottles so I don't just sip away an entire bottle. At the very least, I like it as dry as possible. I love it because it's hangover-free and always makes me feel like I'm celebrating. I won't be celebrating at weigh in if I keep it up! LOL

    Yesterday went okay with food, as always. After Thanksgiving, the celebrations should die down a bit!

    Nov 26, 2013
    B: Hot tea w/lemon and agave (30), 1 cup rutabaga soup w/turkey bacon (125) = 155
    S: None = 0
    L: 1 cup beer and beef stew (224) = 224
    S: Baby carrots/cherry tomato (50) w/ light ranch (80) = 130
    D: Quesadilla (110), 2oz chicken (30), green pepper, mushroom, spinach (15), jalapeno (10), 2oz sharp cheese (220), sour cream/salsa (70) = 455
    S: Bottle of champagne (500) = 500
    TOTAL: 1464
  • That is really kind of rude on her part Makebelieve. Family or not, if you go every year at this point it's just tradition and you should be included in the planning. And a day before is not much heads up. Our grocery store sells out of everything by Tues. I wouldn't have a chance to find anything today! (Ahh, the small town life.) I hope it works our for you and you guys somehow get to eat some turkey!

    I'm really trying not to be bummed about my aunt not inviting me, but not much I can do about it other than crash the party. Technically my grandma is living with her so I could say I'm just visiting her, but I'm not going anywhere where I'm not wanted. It's not even about the food at this point. It's about the lack of family respect. She was like a second mom to me growing up and I love her dearly. This is like a massive knife in my back and I haven't even done anything. She's mad at my dad.

    Rebelle - no, they did not have any weights on the cake. It was the only option I could find with cream cheese frosting though. I only had a slice and then an even smaller slice yesterday. I'm sure their slices were really really small LOL, so I purposely tripled the calorie count and still didn't sound right, so I added more. Thankfully, I didn't eat much of anything else the last two days. That being said, I've given up on any deficit this week.

    I'm super po'd at myself. I'm not giving up, it was a mistake I willingly made and tomorrow is another day and all that jazz. But still. What the heck is up with me???? I seriously couldn't wait three days to pig out???? Coworker gave us all chocolate pies yesterday too. I was like, I'll just go ahead and give it to my grandma. Then I was like, no, the hubby and dad might want some. So I carry it home.... That turns into, well, one taste won't hurt, that turned into one piece, that turned into...... WTH I ate half the pie????? Oh and neither man even likes chocolate pie.

    So this morning I trashed it. I'd scrapped all the meringue off so I couldn't really share it at that point. I tasted the sweet potato pie just to see if it was worthy to share, boy is it ever, and then wrapped them up and they are currently at my grandmas waiting to be consumed tomorrow by more than just me, thank GOD!

    Lesson learned? I can not be trusted with baked goods in the least and there shall be no more baking at all until I am at 150 lbs LOL. Thanks to the evil of chocolate, I ended yesterday at 2204. :|

    Oh boy...... Just let this week hurry up and be over with.
  • Quote: Munchy, you are doing great! You are so tiny. You would think that champagne would not be hangover-free for you. You must be buying a better brand than I do, but since I am a big gal, I usually drink 2. Do you like Spumante? It is a little sweet, but I like it on occasion. I have only seen the smaller bottles in the movies. I like how on Moonstruck, they add Alka Seltzer directly in the bottle. LOL The Quesadilla sounds good. What brand do you buy that is 110 calories?
    I'm petite, but not small framed, so I could stand to lose a few! I always drink extra dry or brut (sometimes prosecco or cava) - I don't like any sweetness to my champagne. Maybe that's what keeps me from the hangover Also, first thing in the morning I often take a multivitamin and it squashes any residual feeling from the night before. My SO bought me a small bottle last week from my neighborhood store!

    Corn tortillas are usually 50-60 calories each. I just buy a stack like

    My six year old daughter loves quesadillas with black beans (and chicken if we have it) and cheese, so it tends to be at least 1-2 times a week for her. I don't mind because she usually eats it with tomato salad and corn, and I feel like it's pretty balanced and super quick!
  • I live near Panama City We'll be taking our annual shopping trip up to Foley Al, and Silver Sands in Destin in a few weeks! Don't you just love our weather LOL. Hot, cold, hot, cold.... and it's like this all winter. People wonder why we always stay sick around here!

    Thanks for the hugs. I love my family and this is just what they do every year. Maybe by Christmas she'll be back to normal. Nice job on the pinwheels. It feels good to find out you overestimated calories. I love turkey and it's just not the holidays without one. We often just do the breasts too as no one in my house likes dark meat. We'll do ham at Christmas although this year I'm asking for seafood.

    Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

    And with all this talk of champagne Munchy..... I'm a Martini and Rossi Asti girl LOL. Yeah, not expensive or fancy and not really champagne. But it's sweet and bubbly and delicious. I love sweet wines. I've also gotten to where I really like Rosa Regalia, it's a bubbly sweet red. Or well, prior to cutting back, I was getting that way. I have a bottle that begs me to chill and open it every time I walk by, but I really don't need the extra cals in alcohol, or the water gain from drinking. My husband doesn't drink and I end up drinking the whole bottle by myself. Wine doesn't give me a hangover either though. Hmmmm, I might take it over for tomorrow though! That way I don't drink the whole bottle and can split it with my mom and her side of the family.

    Oh and I forgot to say grats on the loss CalCounter! I'm the opposite. I lose when I get more sleep! Way to go.

    Those quesadilllas sound pretty well rounded to me Munchy. And delicious. It's close to lunch time and I'm starving. Now that all the sweets are gone, I think today should be back to normal. It might be best to have a super low cal day anyhow to balance out all the bad hehe.
  • I'm gluten free, so it's a good choice - there is also nothing like wrapping some turkey breast deli meat with some 2% cheese and melting it on a tortilla! It was one of those quick meals when I was a kid. Nowadays I like to put some raw baby spinach on right before I melt it.

    Another option is cutting it into triangles, and spraying with oil spray and seasoning to bake your own tortilla chips or little tortilla toppers for chili or southwestern types of salads.
  • Quote: And with all this talk of champagne Munchy..... I'm a Martini and Rossi Asti girl LOL. Yeah, not expensive or fancy and not really champagne. But it's sweet and bubbly and delicious. I love sweet wines. I've also gotten to where I really like Rosa Regalia, it's a bubbly sweet red. Or well, prior to cutting back, I was getting that way. I have a bottle that begs me to chill and open it every time I walk by, but I really don't need the extra cals in alcohol, or the water gain from drinking. My husband doesn't drink and I end up drinking the whole bottle by myself. Wine doesn't give me a hangover either though. Hmmmm, I might take it over for tomorrow though! That way I don't drink the whole bottle and can split it with my mom and her side of the family.
    Haha, I got you all thinking of delicious champagne

    I don't go for expensive - I just make sure it's dry dry dry. Asti or Spumante are really difficult for me to stomach. I don't have very much "sweet" in my diet. I usually only have sweetener in my tea, but it needs to be with plenty of tart lemon!
  • Rebelle - I'm rockin the DD's as well! I'm Australian but living overseas.
    Skelley - Baby steps, I don't think 1500 cal is a bad day, don't beat yourself up over it!
    Sum38 - Sounds yummy! & great job on the exercise
    Calcounter - congrats on another lb down!
    Ficklehearts - Next week will be better, keep looking forward!

    Yesterday sucked. I was hungry all day, irritable and feeling crummy in general. I upped my cals and had extra red meat. I don't know what the deal is but I'm back to craving carbs, big time. Probably the exercise, I've been cycling after dinner because it's when I have the most energy. I don't think it helps that I'm getting broken sleep with my littlest at the moment.

    Food: 1373
    Exercise: 315
    Net: 1059
    Remaining: 201
    - if any MFP users want to add me, let me know. I could always do with more people on my list to keep me accountable.

    I was invited to thanksgiving dinner with my american friends and I declined. Antisocial, yes. But I plan on taking the kids out on the weekend and having a "cheat meal" then. After 25 days straight of under 1300 cals (bar yesterday) I need the break.

    Wishing a happy Hanukkah & Thanksgiving to all those celebrating!