Aussie Chicks 2009 (2)

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  • I got it to work. WOW!!!!!!!
  • Wow Barb, 1.3kg is awesome!
  • Lindor i finally got to watch it after much down time waiting for download (we have reached our monthly limit).

    How awesome that must have felt. You have such a gorgeous smile. And mista is lovely. (ps yeah i agree the dude is hot)

    has anyone heard from ani?
  • I'm here - I've been reading all your posts, but am on a really tight deadline for my next book so I don't have much time just at the moment.

    Lindor I watched your jump video - how awesome! Were you scared?

    How's Mista? I'm having a similar time with my cat Lucy - trying not to think about it too much, but I know it's not all that far away.

    I'm thinking of you all, and will post when I get more time, but I won't be around much for the next four weeks because I HAVE to get this book finished.
  • Good to hear from you Ani!!!!
  • Ani! Good to see you!!

    Barb, well done on the 1.3kg loss!!

    Julia, great comeback after the lollies!

    Sorry about the size of the video took me two whole days to workout how to convert it into a file that YouTube would accept! Somehow I managed it, but if I was asked to do it again it would probably take me two days again!

    When I took the jump I was so sure I wasn't going to enjoy it because I'd be constantly worried about the chute not opening or something going wrong. Even in the plane I was concerned about that. But Ashley (the dude!!!) was calm and casual and that made me feel quite secure.

    I was enjoying the freefall at nearly 200kms/hr so much I was disappointed when the chute opened! I find it hard to believe there is nearly five minutes of filming there, because it seemed to happen so much faster. It was like one minute I was flying through the air and the next I was walking back to the pavillion saying thankyou and goodbye to Ashley.

    Mista is doing ok today. He remains quite dozy and gets cold too easily, but when he is awake he appears comfortable and content.

    Ani, your comment about Lucy " - trying not to think about it too much, but I know it's not all that far away." is how I have felt about Mista since he was about 12yrs old!

    The thing I find really hard just now is leaving him at home while I go to work for 9hrs a day. Everytime I pull up in my driveway after work I am gripped by the anxiety of possibly finding him passed away on the floor when I open my door.

    It's a long weekend here this weekend - Picnic Day (I have no idea!!!) - and I have no plans! The last week has been too I just want to relax and do nothing!
  • Quote: I was enjoying the freefall at nearly 200kms/hr so much I was disappointed when the chute opened!
    lol you know you could totally see this in the video . . . when the chute opens you were like - what? what? what!


    Have a great long weeeeeeeeekend!
  • it looked so amazing - what an experience... do you think you would do it again??
    that guy SERIOUSLY cute but funny looking with face flopping about - i love that in skydive photos floppy face heheheehehe

    i am feeling skinnier but i dont know
    will see what the scales say on monday and get benji to do my measurements tuesday or wednesday

    i told my friend to join my gym and she did
    now at least 2 times a week i have a work out buddy
    i am sharing my personal trainer with her once a week
    she has at least 60kg to lose - but she wants a quick fix..... as i have just crossed that path i hope i can help her
    i told her we are both so stubborn we have to stop it and give in and do it properly
  • Kel, I don't think I'd do it again!

  • we want the book title when released ani so we can say we KNOW that lady author
  • stupid sneak peak at scales has me over it this morning
    was UP 200-400grams.... i know weight fluctuates etc etc and i KNOW i should not have snuck a peak but grrr
    however it means i will tweak what i was going to have for lunch and see what happens in the morning
    all i can say is i am glad that the paper had an article on natural remedies for depression as it confirmed what i am now realising
    that exercise and eating right does wonders for the mind
  • I am with you Kel. When I eat well and move I feel far less anxiety. I am not sure I will ever work out at a level to completely re shape my body and am ok with that. I like what it does for my
    mind. Like an active meditation.

    Hope everyone is having a good wkend.
  • I'm bored!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • me to......
  • hehehe ME THREE!!!
    lindor - time must have stood still when you were jumping out of that plane, you must have felt so free
    ani - what is the book about?
    gen - how many kittens do you have now?
    danni - active meditation is exactly what i mean

    i am not looking forward to thinking i have put on weight but i am going to keep going coz i feel skinnier... and healthier.....
    and i know that in 3 years time if i stick to this plan i will be 30kg lighter