Daily check in: Were you under your calories today?

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  • Ficklehearts, well that's family! Good idea on not tracking on Thursday and Friday with all that running around. I never go out on Black Friday. Usually I do my tree but I did it early this year to surprise my daughter when she gets here Wed night. I'm sure my family will be like "what? A tree? Christmas doesn't start until dec 24th." They put it up really late and leave it up till Jan 6th.

    Rebelle, I had a weird bread craving today as well. I just couldn't eat my planned dinner and ended up having tuna on toast.

    I stayed within cal limits today but my scale is not budging for about three weeks. I think before I wasn't eating back all the calories I exercised. But now I am. Also I think I was burning more calories when I weighed more. But I'm just keeping at it and if I lose it really slow that's okay. When I get my Fitbit maybe that will help me figure it out.
  • Ficklehearts - Great job on the loss! Sorry to hear things are rough with your family right now, I also don't understand why people have to put a damper on holidays but don't you let them ruin it for you!

    Munchy - You're so close, thats great! Well done

    Calcounter1003 - Sorry you've plateaued, that's so irritating. Maybe shake a few things up with your diet? I try really hard to eat back only 1/3, if any, of my burned calories. I'm not an expert but at least I still have a defecit

    Rebelle - We're really close in weight and height, I didn't notice that before! No white bread in a year? Wow! I hope you enjoyed every bite

    So, I lost another lb this morning. I hadn't weighed in for a few days and didn't expect to see a loss at all. I umm'ed and aaah'ed over it & totally expected my Wii fit to tell me how much I suck, again. At least for today it's left me alone

    Really close to the 10lb mark, I'm getting excited and this is starting to feel worth it. I do have a question though:

    How do you all deal, mentally, with the permanency of these changes? I've been having little panic attacks knowing that this is going to be my diet for a long, long time and even once I maintain, I won't be able to have a lot of the things I previously enjoyed on a daily basis. I guess I'm at the adjustment phase - do or die really. I'm glad I added back the whole wheat toast now that I haven't seen a gain because of it.

    But, I am NOT giving up. I have to keep reminding myself why I'm doing this.
  • I was fifteen calories over. But my calorie goal for the first week is really low; to shrink my stomach and get my cravings under control I always jump start my weight loss program with a week of very-low-calorie/very-low-carb dieting. So I don't feel too bad about being fifteen lousy calories over.
  • I wouldn't sweat it about 15 cals, either!
  • Rebelle-
    I'm over 50 and I was shocked that I have lost as fast as I have. I did gain 22 very quickly from Jan-April so I think when you gain it quickly you can lose it quickly -- but not as quick as you gain it! So if it slows now, I'm okay with it. You are right about slow helps with the skin looking better. I noticed when I was losing very quickly in July/August that my skin looked ... well ... gross. But the exercise and slowing down of loss has helped because now it is okay.
    The other thing is I haven't been below 170 in many years. My body is probably not sure what to think!
    My Aunt got a Fitbit earlier this year and she doesn't use it. I don't know what kind it is though. She's bringing it to me when she visits at Christmas. If I don't like it I will research (aka, ask on here!) and figure out what to get.

    PaisleyMama As far as dealing with the permanency of these changes... in my opinion you can't just say to yourself "oh my gosh! I'll never be able to eat all the <insert favorite pig-out foods> I want anymore!" (chocolate and ice cream for me). You just have to stop yourself from thinking about "forever" and think of one week at a time, one day at a time. As a wise person on here said recently "there will always be the foods you love if you should decide to go off". (or something like that!)

    I've never been able to maintain for more than a year, so I am not much of an expert! Maybe that's the problem, maybe I should think of the forever while dieting so when I reach goal I won't go crazy. How's that for rambling/no advice!
  • Meals
    Bfast ~ Green tea
    Lunch ~ Feta/tomato salad
    Dinner ~ Chicken and rice soup, pork tenderloin, carrots, butternut squash, onions, grapes and mango
    Snacks ~ Apple w/PB
    Calories 1600

    45 minutes of weight lifting (circuit)
  • Quote:
    As far as dealing with the permanency of these changes... in my opinion you can't just say to yourself "oh my gosh! I'll never be able to eat all the <insert favorite pig-out foods> I want anymore!" (chocolate and ice cream for me). You just have to stop yourself from thinking about "forever" and think of one week at a time, one day at a time. As a wise person on here said recently "there will always be the foods you love if you should decide to go off". (or something like that!)
    Agreed! I stayed within a 10lb range since I reached "goal" over 5 years ago. I still have days where I have a square of chocolate, french fries or ice cream. Given, they aren't really my downfall (CHAMPAGNE!) but nothing is truly off limits. I've also found that making my own versions of foods (lean burgers with veggies shredded in, oven fries, Chinese takeout including baked crab rangoon, flatbread pizzas, enchiladas, buffalo wings, "banana ice cream" etc) that I'm not looking to fulfill some taste because I already have it.
  • Paisleymomma - I was like that at first, bummed about all the stuff I was giving up that I enjoyed. Then I realized, I'm only giving it up in the short run and in the long run, I'll be able to have those things in moderation. I will never be able to go back to the way I was eating, but you can't go through life denying yourself everything you love. You just have to enjoy some things in small doses . In the meantime, all those things are waiting for me at the finish line and special occasions.

    Rebelle - I have the Fitbit Force and am really loving it so far. I wear it every day and while the last few days my steps have been pretty small and no where near the 10/15k I was doing, I still have it on .

    Shr1nk1ngme - I wouldn't worry with 15 cals. You probably burn that off chewing!

    Grats to all the losses this week and looking great Sum38!

    As for me - bah, I made a red velvet cake last night. I did it because of tradition and normally my aunt makes it, but well, not going to her place this year. MFP says one slice was 120 calories? I totally do not buy that LOL. Must be a small small slice. So I said my slice was probably more like 3 of theirs since it gave no weight measure. Amusingly enough, I did not go over my calories yesterday even with the cake slice upped by 3. Ended at 1147, but I'm going to play safe and say around 1300. So I've cut a huge chunk for the husband and my dad and gave the rest to my friend. I am not keeping that cake anywhere near me. Oh noes....

    And no more break downs on sweets till Thurs Mrs. West!!! I've been so good, I am not going to let this week completely derail me by caving into crazy over the top food traditions. The sweet potato pies are being taken straight over to my grandmas when they are done!!
  • Ficklehearts - It stinks that your family is feuding. My family is in a pretty much constant state of feuding so my mom, sister & I spend thanksgiving with family friends instead of actual blood relatives. It sucks sometimes but they're the ones who have been there for us when our actual family hasn't been.

    rebelle - Me? No, no of course not. What would make you think that?! :P

    Paisleymomma - Pretty much what everyone else says. Sometimes it's hard to say no self no cookies, or whatever the thing I want is. But, then I remember it's not for forever. And there is no CAN'T. I could indeed have a cookie.... but right now I know one cookie will lead to two... which would lead to six. So I'm giving them up now while I teach myself to actually eat things in moderation. Then I can have some.

    I weighed myself again today!!!! So when I weigh myself I always do it multiple times because it seems like the way I stand or something can change then I just use whatever weight comes up the most as my actual weight. It was 251.5 today!!! Sooo close. One of the times I got on the scale, it even showed 249!
  • Excited abt adding that extra wave to my signature this morning Lost my first 20lbs and im waving goodbye to them forever!! Goal intake for today is 1600. Hope all is well
  • Wooo! Congrats on hitting the 20 pound mark!
  • Grats skinnyki!
  • Quote: Excited abt adding that extra wave to my signature this morning Lost my first 20lbs and im waving goodbye to them forever!! Goal intake for today is 1600. Hope all is well
    YAY!! Congrats on your loss!
  • Quote: Rebelle-
    I'm over 50 and I was shocked that I have lost as fast as I have. I did gain 22 very quickly from Jan-April so I think when you gain it quickly you can lose it quickly -- but not as quick as you gain it! So if it slows now, I'm okay with it. You are right about slow helps with the skin looking better. I noticed when I was losing very quickly in July/August that my skin looked ... well ... gross. But the exercise and slowing down of loss has helped because now it is okay.
    The other thing is I haven't been below 170 in many years. My body is probably not sure what to think!
    My Aunt got a Fitbit earlier this year and she doesn't use it. I don't know what kind it is though. She's bringing it to me when she visits at Christmas. If I don't like it I will research (aka, ask on here!) and figure out what to get.

    PaisleyMama As far as dealing with the permanency of these changes... in my opinion you can't just say to yourself "oh my gosh! I'll never be able to eat all the <insert favorite pig-out foods> I want anymore!" (chocolate and ice cream for me). You just have to stop yourself from thinking about "forever" and think of one week at a time, one day at a time. As a wise person on here said recently "there will always be the foods you love if you should decide to go off". (or something like that!)

    I've never been able to maintain for more than a year, so I am not much of an expert! Maybe that's the problem, maybe I should think of the forever while dieting so when I reach goal I won't go crazy. How's that for rambling/no advice!
    Calcounter1003: How many calories do you eat a day? I've been stuck at 167.4 for two weeks now, I've gone over a few times and I'm set at 1350 to lose 1 lb a week.
  • Thank you everyone! You all have been the best offering great support and advice. I appreciate it!