who wants to get out of the 300's with me?????

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  • Silent,
    Thats good that you ate something. By all means don't eat out of habit thats a weight killer if any. I was just telling you what I do to keep from snacking.

  • OHLOVE: Way to go! 100 pounds GONE! (Yes, I'm very late. But I can't pass up noticing 100 pounds! Have you ever tried to lift something that weighed a hundred pounds??? YAY!!!!)

    Had a 4-day weekend trip, didn't eat very well (though I wasn't all THAT bad) and didn't exercise. So I'm not surprised to see that I'm holding at 304.

    We haven't had anyone leave us yet, have we? We need to establish a list as people start to go... like a "Never Again" list or something... even if people still hang around...
  • Vortex - The last time I was around here... there was talk about what to call a person who finally got to 299. I love the idea of a "Twonderland!" list of those of us who finally make it to 299 and never look back ^^
  • Silent,
    How are you doing today?

    How are you doing today?

    I am sure you will do just fine with ur weight loss.

    Everyone else: Smile!!!

  • I forgot to eat until 2pm!

    I was busy this morning, overslept, appointments, etc and was working at a charity event packaging things for Joplin, Mo tornado victims (my neck of the woods) when suddenly I was mid pack with baby diapers in hand and my legs went wobbly and I was down on my behind! oops and whats worse is it took DH to figure it out. "I don't feel so good, my stomach hurts and I feel like I'm gonna throw up..." "What did you eat today?" :\ "Eat? ... oh oops"
  • Lost - that happens try to plan meals ahead for busy days it helps.

    Lynn- doing allright? How are you? None of my previous postings made It through? I am lazy to retype on my phone will give a full update from home tonight!

    Vortex - we can do this.

    Lovely - Personally I am headed to Two Town, I just like the ring of that
  • 313 today, crazy awful headache..i think i spent too much time out in the sun, i took a nap when i got home and headache is worst, been trying to lower my carbs more, and push the water..something will have to help me..i don't know! i had a cousin who has lost 40 pounds in two months, and i have lost a little over 20 pounds in 4 months...i don't know if maybe i have a medical issue..i sure hope not, i don't have insurance or any money so a doctor is out,
    i am really discouraged and frustrated right now..something will have to work for me.
  • Hi Repto - sometimes a change for a week helps shake you up - may be do something different as far as your eating goes - 6 small meals instead of 3 large or vice versa - larger meal at breakfast instead of dinner - something like that? But above all keep on plugging away a 20lb loss in FANTASTIC!

    There is no right or wrong in how long your body takes to lose the weight. As an old WW lecturer used to say to me, you didn't GET fat in 6 months, so why on earth would in take only 6 months to lose it!
    Anyway - That's 20lbs you don't have to lug about in the hot weather, 20lb of fat not getting sweaty and uncomfortable, 20lb of weight that your heart does not need to worry about.....
    Minus 20lb is GREAT , no matter how long it took to lose.

    Please say all these words to me when my weight loss slows down....I know I'll go through this too....
  • Repto! I agree, 20 lbs is awesome, 5 lbs is my goal for this month, and I was afraid I set it to high, but I'm gonna go for it! I know you're frustrated, but everybody is different. If you wanna shake it up, do so - life is boring in general if you don't shake it up sometimes, but be proud!
  • Okay my gals what my phone didn't want to say was...

    311.6 today, i will not be weighing in tomorrow need to buy new batteries for the scale and I forgot to take the old ones out to see what # they were, I new they were 3 volts but not what model number apparently there is more than one kind of 3V, (i did not know that) anyways...

    I'm very okay with that, with everything I had yesterday I was sure I'd be retaining water etc. I think the cardio before dinner really did wonders for keeping me from bloating up or something. At any rate, I'll take a loss or maintain over a gain any day.

    Today my eating was okay... rings in at 2750 or so which seems high but with my BMR at 3358, that is still a calorie deficit of 500, I also walked a lot today, and worked out for 40 minutes (10 minutes bike, 30 minutes treadmill) so I figure I at least have a small calorie deficit. I know weight loss will be SLOW with my current regime but I am mostly okay with that. I also know that I will have to adjust it as I lose weight but its a work in progress. Much room for improvement and tightening my belt as I go along. With the road so far I don't feel any desire to be "extreme" with my food choices or exercise as this point. {Caveat, It IS tempting to just go extreme and eat 1200 calories a day and do 2 hours of cardio a night because I want to see 299... but I know if I rush that then I'll just get stuck there or bounce back here really fast and thats NOT want I want...} So I am trying to be patient.

    Cooking chicken right now to freeze for easy meals the rest of the week... should have done this sunday night but I was lazy!
  • Hi girls...been a couple full days for me, emotional issues with Mom, mad cleaning and cooking for a business luncheon hosted at my house, and then I was exhausted and I crashed after everyone left. Didn't go to Pilates. I also overate, but only up to BMR for my size. But I'm feeling quite bloated, plus emotional and I'm craving carbs and fat. I think it's time for my hormones to mess with me again.

    Anybody else plagued by peri-menopause? My period skips town for two or three months, but I still get all the physical and emotional signs that it's coming on. Then it shows up, with no warning signs, and then I spend the week feeling exhausted. I can't figure out how to deal with this! And it's so frustrating when breaking past 300lbs is ripped from my grasp again!

    I weighed in at 308 this morning. Gained four pounds overnight. Didn't even drink that much water yesterday! Totally ate OP! And somehow, that scale reading upset me all day. Or maybe I was already upset from the hormone issues and things that I've learned to take in stride seemed to be harder to handle.

    @Silent, where are you getting that BMR calculation? I'm 50 and I calculate my BMR on a variety of online calculators and they tell me my BMR is just under 2100. And from personal experience, if I eat over 1700 calories, I am very likely to gain weight. I don't even start losing weight until I get under 1500 calories and I keep carbs under 120 gm.

    @Lost, I can't even imagine forgetting to eat. Wow!

    Tomorrow is another day. Pilates in the morning. Might as well start the day in a good mood!
  • Christina - great job!

    abbysue715 - congratulations!

    lets all join them there everyone, we can do it!!!
  • up some more 314.4, so from last week i have gained 7 pounds!! i am going to try to get back to IF again, i am already getting hungry lol..
    yeah i know 20 pounds is good...but i was almost at 30 pounds lost before all this weight gain started...now i am sure some of it from today is water weight, bc i drank more water than i had been drinking, and i had hotdogs yesterday, so im guessing a lot is just sodium related....but not the whole 7 pounds i have gained, and i have been doing 30 mins of wii fit everyday (well for the past 3 days, hoping to go for a 4th today) so maybe my muscles are holding some water in also--isn't that how it goes--takes in water to repair theirselves--of course i don't know if a half hour of wii fit would do it, maybe since i am so out of shape! i am just frustrated..and i am sure my weight loss will start again..i am just scared i am doing something wrong and that it is just going to keep going up and up and up........
  • Hey folks! HAPPY JUNE! ^^ A whole new month. Summer starts soon.

    Repto - Weight loss can be a very frustrating thing. Keep up with the new exercise routine. Give yourself another week of the schedule and see how the weight is then, it could be water retention, it could be getting used to the new movement.

    Georgia - There's no way that gained weight is fat overnight. Could be all sorts of things. You're following plan. YOU ARE DOING THIS! You're healthier than when you began. Be kind to yourself today, and try to get a good restful sleep tonight. I'm about to ride a hormonal train myself in a day or two here (I can feel the pre-hormonal clumsiness coming on) so I do know what that's like even if I can't relate to it all.

    Lynn - I'm happy and I hope you're doing well, too!

    Silent - Hey I like the sound of two town, too! I like the sound of ANYTHING with a 2 in front!

    *smiles & waves & hugs* to everyone! Gosh I'm in such a good mood. I just can't believe it's June already. June is an opportunity month. June is a chance to begin the summer right. To enjoy the nice weather. To really get in some work and over the whole season day by day transform my life from where I was into where I want to be.

    I can't push myself too hard or I'll end up burnt, but where I'd like to be for the rest of my life is... about 30 minutes of extra activity every day. Eating well-balanced meals and snacks that include fruits and vegetables. And... trying to keep in better touch with my family and what's going on in their lives.

    That last one I can start doing immediately. Even once a week just calling everyone for a few minutes or texting them. I don't live near them so regular visits aren't going to happen, but staying in touch certainly can.

    I'm the type of person who forgets birthdays. **** I practically forget my own birthday... but I want to be a little more involved.
  • Georgia - just been through the same thing - I'm 53 now, and it is a tough time. I was not motivated to do anything much for 2009/2010. But like all things - it passes and I feel far more motivated this year, TOM has been absent for 18 months now?
    Hang in there.