Advice on becoming a runner

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  • Quote: Okey, I have been reading this thread for a while now and I have finally decided to jump into it all. Tomorrow will be Day 2 of Week 1 for me so I am new to running. I am alternating days running with 3 days of light strength training and have enjoyed a little stair climbing on occasion too (my office is on the 6th floor so I've been climbing them!!) I didn't want to join this thread since you all were so much ahead of me...then I saw Sunshines post!!! Now I feel like I can join the crowd since there is someone else at the same point as myself!!

    Thanks Sunshine!!

    I am hoping to complete the 5K run/walk in Little Rock on October 7.
    Welcome! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I'm taking a little extra time to complete the program. Today i started the week 2 workouts! So far so good!

    Glad to have a beginner along!
  • [QUOTE=webweevil;1372229]

    Susie Sunshine - are you out there? You were so gung-ho about running. I hope you haven't hurt yourself.


    Nope I haven't hurt myself... well unless you call a drunken stumble a hurt....Just been very busy with the kids and trying to soak up as much fun out of summer before i go back to school. Spent the weekend at the lake doing lots of reading and golfing. I don't run there- bears.....
  • Wow, thanks for all the support, everyone! The only thing that might worry me about running at this weight is the fact that I broke my ankle 2 years ago and it still swells up and stuff. Also, I have a horrible pain in the front of my calf today that my husband says is a shinsplint. Ouchie! I guess it happened because I've been walking fast and my body wasn't ready for it. Should I take a day off? I really don't want to!!

    Again, thanks for being so welcoming, everybody! I'll definitely hang out here as soon as I start running!
  • Welcome LisaMarie! As far as the ankle, when I was child of 5 or 6, I sprained my left ankle. To this day it still swells up. I would have thought it would have healed completely, but perhaps these kind of injuries never return to 100%. It hasn't stopped me from participating in the c25k program. What hurt me in the beginning was running on uneven ground. I would recommend when first starting the program, to make sure you run on a flat surface, be it a treadmill or paved pathway. Your ankles and knees aren't use to the work they are now being asked to do. It's best to take care of them early on and avoid injury.

    I cannot remember who recommended The Complete Book of Running for Women by Claire Kowalchik, but I bought it last week on ebay and just received it today. It look's like it will be very informative. Thanks!
  • Lisa Marie: I have been very fortunate with not having some of the early injuries that some of the girls here had to get through, so I can't give any specific advice on whether you should or not. My philosophy would be Pain = Beware. If you are experiencing sharp pain - STOP and REST for a day or two. Don't run through pain; running through discomfort (muscle fatigue, etc) will IMO build your endurance, but NOT PAIN! It will prob make it worse for you. Take care of yourself, this is not a time limit adventure.

    Webweevil: I think Shrinking Mama mentioned the book. I have borrowed it from the library, and may get for my home library if it is as good as everyone claims. I haven't started reading it yet. I got involved with another book, Passing for Thin by Frances Kuffel. While I haven't lost as much as her (half her body weight), it is a good read and has some acknowledgement of other person's opinions about what we should look like - an issue that I've encountered as I'm getting closer to my goal with people coming out of the woodwork to give me their own opinions of when I should stop this "dieting thing". Can we spell misunderstood, or my favorite: why-your-business? They weren't saying anything when my numbers were on the BMI obese scale!

    Well, I went inside track last night and completed 2.5 miles in 31 minutes. It was suppose to be only 25 minutes (aimed for 2.5 miles), but I was feeling so good that I tried for the half mile extra. I was ecstatic with myself, a feeling I haven't experienced in awhile. My goal is to get two more 25 minute (at least) runs in with no interval walking before going on to Wk 8. If I keep my head on, I should be able to complete wk 7 by the end of this week.
  • Good job softballmom!

    I've decided today is the day I will start to evaluate what I am eating. Now that I've gotten this far with the running (Week 7 Day 1 is tomorrow), I think I can start making food changes. I am going to record calories for everything I eat. The weight loss effort will be a gradual process, so I am thinking that 2,000 calories a day will be doable without being totally restrictive. Are there any other runners out there counting calories? If you feel there's a better way, please bring it to my attention. I am open to suggestion.
  • Hey cool runners! I DID IT!!!! Week 5 Day 2... two 8 minute running segments!

    I was so proud of myself, i felt like a million bucks. Now i just have to make it through friday's run of 20 minutes!
  • Way to go, eadavenp! I think when I hit those 8 minute runs it kicked into my head that I was really becoming a runner. For your 20 minute run, may I suggest that you stay hydrated and do a good warm up (as well as a good, long stretch afterwards). Also, conquer those head games if you feel them creeping up on you. Our bodies can do so much more than we THINK it can, just push through.
  • Quote: It's okay Finn. You did what you could; and next time is, well, next time. There were some days that I could push through with difficulty, some that came "easy" in comparison, and a few that I had to shorten or even modify. The main thing is that you have a program that you are adapting to; work through it, but don't give up! You can do it.

    Thanks Softballmom - I was disappointed because I found the jump from running 9 minutes in week 3 to running 16 minutes in week 4 too much....but you are completly right, I just needed to chill out and modify if I needed to. So thats what I did, I'm taking a week in between to do a 13 minute running (with walking) week.
    Thanks so much for your support - you allowed me to see the bigger picture - thanks!
  • Finn: Sounds like you are adapting the program to your need, so good for you.

    I did a second day of a 25 minute run last night; so when I complete tomorrow night's 25 minute run, I will move on to wk 8 (28 minutes). My goal is to complete three, consecutive runs (still running on alternate days) before moving onto the next final weeks.

    Last night, I was able to run the first mile at just over 11 minutes and then the second mile was just below 12, so my speed is improving when I focus on it. And I ran outside in the heat and some humidity so I was really impressed with myself on the faster times.

    Best to everyone else...
  • Wow Softball Mom, you are turning into a speed demon!

    I just finished the twenty minute run... I rocked it! I am so proud of myself, and my bf was SOOOO proud of me too. I have to say, it gave me major warm fuzzies when the guy next to me got off his treadmill and my bf scooted over one so he could be next to me and cheer me on if i needed it... but i didn't even need extra support. I just kept counting down in fractions, like ok, im 1/4 done, im 3/5 done, etc.
  • Way to go eadavenp! Don't you feel like a runner, now?

    Tonight's plan is for my final day on week 7 - 25 minutes. I'm still going to try to focus on the speed and see if I can at least come in below the 12 minute / mile - aiming for 11min. I have a 5k coming up Sept 9, but I'm also looking at a 10k in November. I might not be able to run all 6.2 miles by then, but I would like to get my speed up so that if I have to power walk some, I won't be the last one across the finish line .
  • webweevil, I just saw your post from earlier this week re: calorie counting. I am a calorie counter.

    I first started keeping a journal after I had lost about 12 pounds. In the beginning I only recorded the calories and water intake, then I became interested in the percentages of Fat/Carb/Protein that I was eating, and then my "calorie counting" included fiber, sodium and cholesterol. So mine has evolved in too much more, but I am an analyzer and this works for me. I also record my weight daily (officially once a week) and I have learned a lot about myself by doing this. When I hit plateaus, I actually play around and I find that sometimes I'm just not getting enough calories; or my percentages, usually fat and/or carbs, need to be monitored more strictly. Better eating has evolved from doing this since I am more aware.

    I like calorie counting and will probably need to continue what I'm doing in order to stay at a healthier lifestyle. I also just started adding my exercise routines to my journal which gives me a whole view of my progress and needed changes. Research and find what works for you.
  • Got my last run in for week 7 tonight.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • Hello Gang.

    I did Week 9, Day 3 this afternoon. It felt great to mark that 27th run off the list. I ran 3.1 miles in 33:37 minutes. Next I'm going to start mixing my runs up with long runs, shorter relaxed runs and speed workouts. I'm excited to change it up.

    Webweevil - Good luck on your food changes! Counting Calories and points messed with my head. It was all I could think about. It just didn't mesh with my personality. Thought I would mention the Sonoma Diet and also the Whole Foods Movement. Both focus on providing your body with good quailty food without the stress of measuring and/or counting calories or points. I started with Sonoma and am now also paying a lot of attention to whole foods. It's just another option to consider. Good luck on week 7!!

    Way to go Softballmom & Eadavenp!! Look how far you've come!!

    Finn - You're doing great!! It doesn't have to be perfect. Make the program work for you. You can do it!!