Diabetes and Prediabetes Chat and Support

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  • My soup is done. I didn't taste it yet. I don't add salt until after it's done and I taste it.

    I found a great website about the leg lift exercising I was talking about and other exercises recommended for seniors. I know everyone posting here isn't a senior, but it's good for younger people too.


    I clicked on HOME and found it's a whole website about exercises for seniors, not just leg exercises!

  • Carol Sue Thanks for the exercise links. I bookmarked it to look at more later. I'm interested in the one on balance too.
  • I looked up the Dash Diet Pyramid and although it is a very healthy diet I see that it's not for me. It calls for 7-8 servings of bread and grains which I know I cannot do and still control my blood sugar. There's no sense in me even trying it because I know what would happen. The best I could do is to keep the grains extremely low and increase the veggies to make up the difference, and that's pretty much what I'm doing now.

    I do wish you luck with it, though, Trish. I think your body is able to handle grains better than mine does. Perhaps you can tweak it and make it work for you.

    Taking my Metformin the way I am now has dropped my fasting blood glucose by 40-50 points and I think if I make some other lifestyle changes, like exercising, and watching my diet a little closer will drop it even more. Right now I am trying taking my first Metformin as soon as I get up to see if it stops the increase I get in the morning. Maybe I just wasn't using it the way I am supposed to. I was told to take it with my meals. That's not how it works for me. 7 years of doing it wrong.
  • Carol Sue I'm not doing DASH either. I do use some carbs, but there is no way I am going to eat 7 or 8 servings a day. That is why I never went back to see the nutritionist the doctor sent me to about 30 yrs ago. Back then she wanted us to eat 9 to 11 servings of bread exchange. One website that I saw which may be a nutritionist taking it and making it work her way only allows 3 bread exchanges a day. I feel comfortable with that. I didn't see the one you saw or I never would have even looked at it. Also I am not cutting fat and protein as far back as they say either. I think my plan is a good one as it is and I believe that as I become faithful to the exercise things my health will improve.

    I am going to try taking the Metformin again but won't start it until tomorrow night. I am going to try taking it at night before going to bed on an empty stomach and see how it works for me. We are going out tomorrow and I'll have a few days after that not going any where to see how my body reacts to it. I would really like to be able to tolerate it.

    I think I found what I needed to hear to get the sugar completely our of my diet. My baby sister and I have done our best to eat healthy so we won't have cancer. I just read yesterday that a study they did with mice that sugar feeds cancer. It wasn't too clear if it causes it, but they said that sugar of any kind feeds it. Suddenly I think of sugar as poison. When I think of sugar I have this image of the skull/cross bone in my mind. Another reason to stick as close to low carb as possible so the desire for it goes away.

    WI this morning was right with my ticker so I'm good. Don't know if I'm going to do carb days. Just have 3 to 5 servings in my daily meals rather than having an all day carb day. I think it trips me up.
  • I don't think an all day carb day is good for diabetics. It's just too much carb. Some people just up their veggies and consider that carb, which it is. I eat very little sugar, but what I don't understand is that all foods except fat turn to sugar in your body in the form of glucose.

    I have been having a bit of groin pain. I don't know if I'm getting a UTI. I haven't had one in so long. I don't have any other symptoms. Maybe I should just up my water intake. I started having this after I started taking the 2 Metformin at bedtime. I don't take mine on an empty stomach. I do have something small to eat at bedtime most nights. I'm going to just take 1 tonight the way it is prescribed. I don't want to skip it altogether. I don't get any other tummy symptoms the way other people do but I noticed that I don't have my normal appetite. It's like I want to eat something but nothing appeals to me.
  • I only took 1 Metfrormin last night and this morning my FBG was 190. It has been running in the 140s and 150s when I take 2. I know that's still not good, but a big drop. The groin pain is gone, but I drank a lot of water last night. In fact, I was up to pee 3 times during the night. I know. TMI LOL I might also try taking the second Metformin with dinner and then the third at bedtime and see how that works.
  • Totally off plan for 2 or 3 days. Hopefully I'll get my act together and get right back OP Wednesday. I did take the Metformin tonight. It is midnight and I'm headed to bed. Just checking in to commit to a better day tomorrow. Exercise is the only thing I've done well the past week.
  • Keeping exercise good is great, Trish. It's important!!

    I learned a lesson yesterday/this morning. I had a very carby dinner. Lasagna. Normally, I eat 1 serving and a salad or other veggie. Yesterday, it was really good and I ate....well, more than one serving. LOL At bedtime my BS was high but still under 200. I told myself that it was OK because the Metformin would bring it down. Didn't happen. FBG was 202 this morning. So, I learned that the Metformin can only do so much and is meant to work with LC diet and exercise. It's not a magic pill. But that lasagna sure was good. LOL I think in the future, when it's that good, I should scrape the filling out from between the noodles and eat it that way. It's the filling that made it so tasty. When I make it I add some shredded taco blend cheese in with the mozzarella. Gives it a little different flavor that we like.

    We finally got a significant snowfall. About 4 inches total. It snowed most of the day yesterday, but lightly. Otherwise, an all-day snowfall would accumulate about a foot. Roads are pretty clean now, but it's still piled up on the grass and deck because of the cold temperature. Winter has finally arrived in PA. It's supposed to warm up into the 40s over the weekend.
  • Carol Sue I am not sure but I think I once read that Metformin does work better with low carb. I know I'm not going to go extremely low carb, but I am going to try to stay more low carbish. (Is that a word?) Any way, I told the Metformin with my dinner last night around 7:30. No big change but then yesterday was a lot of carbs.

    I think I will keep the CAD way of eating carbs, but not go wild with the carbs. I still think it will be better for me to have most of my carbs at one meal only and low carb all the other meals. That way I can have my beans/lentils at the time. I'll see how that goes.

    Enjoy the snow. I don't think we got one last year so I hope we will get one this year. Usually get ours sometime in February for a few days and nothing else. So not like y'all do.

    I've got my plan for today and already did the 3 miles on my bike for today. Not going to do the 4 miles at this time because I don't like the way it made my hip bones feel the last time I did it. It maybe just that I rode so long I felt them but I think at my age that I just need to be careful. Since we walked stores yesterday, I took a day off from the bike. I will do at least 1 more day to get the 4 days in and decide later if I want to do a 5th one Friday or Saturday. However, Saturday is usually a busy day in the store. I had hoped I wouldn't have to go to the store but Walmart didn't have DH Glimiperide ready so I'll have to pick it up.

    I got a beautiful big batch of fresh kale at the store yesterday. I ate some last night and had some in my eggs this morning. I will be adding it to my salad each day at lunch as well.
  • This morning my FBG was 136. That's the lowest fasting I've had in a very long time. I hope I'm not doing something wrong by taking the 2 Metformin at the same time because it sure is doing it's job! Such a big difference! And I did not have a low carb dinner last night. I had roasted chicken and peas, but DH wanted Stove Top Stuffing with it so I had some of that, too. That was around 4:30 and I didn't eat anything the rest of the evening until my egg at bedtime.

    It's been several days since I put my kale in those vacuum seal bags. It looks OK so far. I think I'll open one for lunch today and see if it stayed fresh.
  • Carol Sue Is your Metformin the 500 mg. If so I don't think it will hurt at all. Glad it is working for you. I'm taking my one Metformin a day with my last meal of the day between 7 to 8 pm. It seems to be working as my FBS was down to 176 this morning. So far I am having no potty problems. I'm not eating a lot of fat either so I think that is keeping down those problems too.

    I read about a Harvard test done where they found that low carb is the best way to eat for weight loss and health. They said that keeping carbs around 40 was best for quick weight loss. I've decided to keep mine around 60 to 80 because I don't care to lose fast. I just want to lose it.

    I am on 3 groups on FB. I joined the DASH diet, South Beach and I'm also on CAD groups on FB. I have a pending membership on SB Phase 1 group. One DASH site I found online and can't seem to find now was more like SBD so I thought I might get some food ideas from there. Of course, I don't follow those strictly because I eat bacon where they eat Canadian Bacon which I might change to but I drink 2% milk where they use FF or 1%. I don't post on there, I just read and learn from them. And of course, I know there will always be one or two days a week when I will have a carb meal thrown in there. I did get a couple of recipes for no carb cheesecake that I'm going to try. I am basically on SBD Phase 1 starting today.

    I've got my 4 days of exercise in for this week and thinking maybe I will throw in a 25 min/3 mile ride today.
  • Trish, my Metformin is 850. I am prescribed 3 per day which is 2550 per day, the maximum dose. I searched and searched online but could not find anything that referred to taking 1700 in one dose. I don't get any bad side effects from it, but I'm concerned about things that only show up in bloodwork, such as kidney damage.

    My test with the kale in the vacuum seal bags failed. It was no longer fresh. I put it in the bags dry and it came with the consistency of frozen spinach after you defrost it. It was ok to eat, but it wasn't what I was trying to achieve. Next time I will vacuum seal it and put it in the freezer and see if that makes a difference. If not, then I will just have to eat it from the bag in just a few days. The big bag was only $3.
  • I found and bookmarked a section from Bloodsugar 101 that states that it doesn't matter when you take your Metformin as long as you don't take more than the prescribed dose in a 24 hour period. I am still taking part of it during the day. I will be getting bloodwork done April 1, so I will see what effect this is having on my kidney function. I have no obvious symptoms so far.
  • Carol Sue, missing you at WATP.
  • Quote: Carol Sue, missing you at WATP.
    Hi Carol! Thanks for reminding me. You see, I haven't been exercising lately and don't think about that thread. Reading it just might be what I need to get myself back there!!