"Just Beachy" Blue Team Chat # 5

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  • How are you doing today, Jill? Thinking about you...
  • Quote: Oh, Bluesers, we have seen this in challenges before...

    The first few weeks are Rah! Rah! Go Team! Then the chatter starts to dwindle (which I know some of you see as a blessing). But usually, when people are not stopping by to see us, it is because they are off plan. They are embarrassed to admit what has happened to their enthusiasm as they have seen it lap them while they are in the McD's drive-thru. They don't want to show up for the social aspect when they know the scale aspect is not going well.

    Is this you? Have you stopped popping in because your resolve is weakening?
    I'm here and i'm not off plan.. things just got really busy at work the past few days, and i've been dealing with some health issues that have caused me to gain a few and get me really discouraged over the last two weeks or so... luckily all will be better soon.. the health stuff next week, and the work stress will be over mid-june hopefully.
    i'm taking a few weeks off for weigh-in but will be back soon enough (i don't want to bring the team down with my extra 2lbs up)

    i'll be popping in an out, and home from work for a good deal more than usual next week, so i'll be checking in pretty consistently then.
  • Quote: Jill, I could be wrong, but I don't believe Motrin & advil are nsaid's. They are an older class of drug and were out before the alieve. I don't like alieve either, but M&A are ibuprofen which I don't believe is a nsaid.
    Quote: Yep, they are NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory). Personally, I still like aspirin.
    Yup, they are NSAIDs. We asked my doctor if I could take Aspirin since it is not technically categorized as an NSAID, but I fond some info online that said something to the tune of, "avoid all NSAIDs, including Aspirin..." My doc said he wasn't sure about Aspirin, and I'm not about to find out the hard way, so Tylenol it is!
    Quote: David Cook Won!
    WOOHOO! He needed to win. David A. could carry a tune, but the lack of personality would have proven a tough sell for a live tour, which is where most artists make the big bucks.
    Quote: I said I was going to take a Freebie this week since I was up .4 on my WI day, which was yesterday, but this morning, I showed a .2 lose, so I will post that piddly little lose to avoid using a Freebie Week, which I HATE to do.
    BUT ... I am feeling a little guilty, since I feel like I cheated using an extra day, over course, this means I lose a day for next week's WI, so I guess that means I really need to get off my butt and work hard this week.
    I'm taking a couple extra days this week, too. I usually post my weight on Monday or Tuesday and I haven't posted for this week yet But that's okay--if I can post a loss for a future shorter week, then all the better!
    Quote: Day two of getting up to exercise! It is going well. 26 more days, and I have a new habit!!
    Woohoo! It is tough getting up to exercise. I get up at 4:30 to exercise, but this morning I slept in till 5
    Quote: Hello my babies, hello my hunnies, hello my blueser gals....
    Great, now I'm singing! :laugh:
    Quote: Okay now that I think about it the Kundun reference is only vaguely applicable but since I've typed it out already I won't go back and delete it
    haha, this made me laugh--I hate deleting things, which is why so often I end my poss with, "I'll stop babbling now..."
    Quote: My plan is to tone up in 3 week and be able to walk across the stage in my sexy shoes!
    YES! I've been doing all this liking in the hopes ha my calves will look good in a shorter-than-my-norm dress I bought to wear to a few weddings this summer.
    Quote: Think of three things you love about yourself. How would you treat someone who possessed those qualities? Treat yourself that way starting at this moment.
    1. I honetly think I have more common sense than most. Some things others do just strike me as absolutely ridiculous, but to them, it's completely normal
    2. I'm an excellent proofreader/editor.
    3. Despite whining and babbling on here a lot, I do offer a good shoulder to cry on. I'm a good listener and can usually make even someone who's crying crack a smile
    Quote: So we are heading out of town this weekend to go camping from Friday to Monday. I'm really excited and looking forward to the break (Grandma and Grandpa are watching little man for hubby and I).
    That sounds so fun--have a great time!!
    Quote: In order to lose more than 100 pounds, a person has to change their whole relationship with food...forever!...and that whole concept scares the heck out of me!
    I think it scares the heck out of all of us with such a long journey ahead I know it's a challenge to lose any amount of weight, whether 5 pounds or 500, but having over 100 to go is really a huge mental battle because it truly is a forever change in order to keep it off.
    Quote: I picked up a Wii Fit today at Kmart after work.
    Ooooh, let us know how it is! I think I want one.
    Quote: How are you doing today, Jill? Thinking about you...
    aww thanks!

    I was actually super busy at work today, so no 3FC from the office at all. I checked my blood sugar for the first time all by myself (like a big girl!) this morning, and it was 206. Then I took my Metformin, and it must be working because when I checked my sugar again before dinner, it was 158.
  • Quote: Is it horribly bad that I just had an image of grandma out mowing the lawn with a rope tied around her waist so she wouldn't get lost?
    Well, it would make more sense than giving her car keys!

    Quote: Yup, they are NSAIDs. We asked my doctor if I could take Aspirin since it is not technically categorized as an NSAID, but I fond some info online that said something to the tune of, "avoid all NSAIDs, including Aspirin..." My doc said he wasn't sure about Aspirin, and I'm not about to find out the hard way, so Tylenol it is!

    There is nothing in aspirin that is steroidal, so I am not sure why someone would equate those things. I have made aspirin in a lab, for heaven's sake.
  • So Jill, was there no debating the metformin meds bc of the number, so she wouldn't even let you try it alone? (I'm not familiar with the ranges, tho i realize that's pretty high) When is your follow-up to see if they can take you off, or can you check that yourself by taking your sugar before a dose and if it's low you don't have to take it?
  • My husband just popped a giant bag of movie theater butter microwave popcorn. And he mixed in a half a bag of Reeses Pieces. I know it is crap food and not vegan and I wouldn't eat it even if I looked like Gisele Bundchen, but my stomach doesn't appear to know any of that.
  • Quote: Think of three things you love about yourself. How would you treat someone who possessed those qualities? Treat yourself that way starting at this moment.
    First, thank you for this post. I found it quite timely. My weight-loss was going full steam ahead before I took my trip and now I'm struggling to get back OP. I feel munchy and I find myself looking for things to snack on even when I'm not hungry. I'd been doing really well with eating only in relation to hunger so I need to push myself back there again.

    As for the three qualities I love about myself, I love that I'm a very driven person, a good mom, and a good friend. I actually had an "aha" moment the other day when I was thinking about how great my friends are. I realized that if I've got such fantastic friends who tell me often that they love being with me I must be a pretty great person myself!

    I exercised tonight at the gym since it was raining outside. Both treadmills were in use when I got there so I did 2 miles on the elliptical. I took a loooong time stretching but the treadmills were still being used so I hopped back on the elliptical again and did another 2.5 miles. While it wasn't quite as rewarding as running, I did get my heart rate up to 170 and my body feels really good.

    Tomorrow I hope to get in an outdoor run. My mom is taking care of the kids during the day so I can get us packed up for spring camp this weekend, but if I buzz through packing I'll have time to get out.
  • Quote: My husband just popped a giant bag of movie theater butter microwave popcorn. And he mixed in a half a bag of Reeses Pieces. I know it is crap food and not vegan and I wouldn't eat it even if I looked like Gisele Bundchen, but my stomach doesn't appear to know any of that.
    Gah! Popcorn is so hard to ignore too because of the smell.

    You should make him eat his popcorn on the porch.
  • Quote: My husband just popped a giant bag of movie theater butter microwave popcorn. And he mixed in a half a bag of Reeses Pieces. I know it is crap food and not vegan and I wouldn't eat it even if I looked like Gisele Bundchen, but my stomach doesn't appear to know any of that.
    It's all good if he used Reese's. It's M&M's I would have a problem with.
  • Quote: Gah! Popcorn is so hard to ignore too because of the smell.

    You should make him eat his popcorn on the porch.
    If he was here he could share it with the mosquitos.
  • Hi all BLUESERS!!
    onthetee- Where did my motivation go? I just let one excuse turn into another, and other, and another!? Then I wonder why I can't lose. It really sucks but I am picking myself back up again! I am forgiving myself for cheating like crazy and starting fresh again.... starting..... NOW!

    3 things I love about myself....
    umm... (I really have low self esteem, so this isn't easy) umm...
    I try to accept and include everyone because I am a nice lady.
    umm... I am hard worker!
    umm... I am an awesome, super awesome Aunt!
    Okay, that wasn't as hard as I thought... Thanks!

    Rhonda- Come on, start again with me- this week, right now! I may post a gain this week, (and be embarrassed and PISSED, and really freaking frustrated!) but I have been working on this since September of 2007 and ready to do this. I can't give up now, just can't... let's get back to business... for real! And to answer from earlier this week, I got a raise this week at work, 19% can you believe that? Is that even possible? LOL.... I am very pleased!

    Jill- I haven't been reading this 5th thread at all due to a lot of drama, but why are you taking metformin? Is it diabetes? You are headed in the right direction with your health & eating. P.S. I got a WII (bf bought for me) So far we just have the sport game that came with it, it ROCKS, have you tried the boxing... Soon to buy the WII Fit, how can I not?

    kgood- tell us about the WII Fit..
  • I have never in my 36.10 year old life heard of adding candy to popcorn? How was I so deprived? Or spared!!
  • I like my candy on the side.

    Since many of us are watching our sodium intake here is a scary top 20 list.

    I have to admit I ate 40 M&M's tonight. I don't feel guilty.
  • 3 things....

    1) I'm a good mom!
    2) My hair
    3) Perseverance
  • Three things I love about myself:

    1) I'm an eternal optimist. I may not always be saying it outloud, but I love to find the positive in a situation.
    2) I'm easily able to see more than one side of a story.
    3) I take other people's suffering to heart. And I'm always looking for a way to lessen it.