CC St. Patricks Day Challenge

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  • WOW~So many great things happening~Congrads everyone~Y'all are rocking it!!!! IA M VERY PROUD OF ALL OF U!
    I ate a little over my calories today But I did more stuff today...Lots of cleaning with the exercising.So I will count it even.Plus I had a stressful day and sometimes I exercise more & eat a little more when stressed but it equals itself out.
    Was gonna pay bills today but forgot my hubby had an appointment to figure out why he has been in pain alot lately...He has Rheumatiod arthritis. Which is shattering to me. My dad had lupus & these are both very similair things. Both more rare in men. Both suck! I guess it could have been something worse. But I am just a mess...So If I am on & off here for the next day or 2 with not much to say ignore me~Cause I am devistated basically. He is my best friend & My kids & him are my everything as was my dad. I am worried sick about him. I am so use to him doing everything for me & so is When I try to help him he will not let me ~I feel so badly for him. He is never a complainer & he hurts so bad that he has been complaining and the doctor said it was so far progressed & set in that physical therapy will not help at all. He starts meds 2morrow and will be going to see another doctor in the future to see what if anything can be done to help him. Just kinda all really sucks since I am having issues too and Not knowing an answer to my health issues is driving me bananas!
    Anyways...... please keep my hubby in your thoughts & prayers. He is such a good man~He has to be ~to have a great woman like me!(LOL~Was being so depressing thought I would throw in a joke) HUGS TO ALL~thanks for being the super bestest 3fatchicks members in the world in for this challenge~cause I do not know what I would do without y'all.
    Gotta pay bills will type again as soon as possible
  • farn---a death investigator responds to deaths outside of a medical facility that are unnatural (homicide, suicide, accident, etc)...we perform a brief body exam and document any findings with photography...also, interview families/witnesses to help prepare a report for the pathologist...I do not assist w/autopsies (OH HOW I WISH I DID!!!), but some offices the investigators do get to assist w/autopsies (Columbus, OH I know used to do it this way) really depends on the office as to your background...I have a BS in Forensic Identification and a MS in Forensic Medicine...others in my department had law enforcement or EMS esperience...

    Lori---sooo sorry about the hubs! a co-worker of mine has RA and i know it can be very painful! she actually goes through chemo once a month for it...i'll be praying for you guys!
  • Hi all!

    Sorry I haven't been on here in a while I've been reading, I just haven't been saying anything. Somehow everything I type out sounds dumb. But I've lost 2 lbs. in the past two weeks according to my dietitian. I guess that brings me to about 111.5 lbs.? I'm only guessing because I haven't stepped on the scale in a week. It was up two pounds last time I checked, so I'm afraid to get on it again.

    I don't think I fit into those size 2 pants yet. One question though... which store is a good one to try them on in? I usually shop in Target, Old Navy, and Kohl's. Would any of those do? Oh yes, I tried on a bathing suit yesterday. What a disaster!

  • I'm normally not a weigh every day type of girl either. It's something I'm trying out this month in another thread to really see how what I eat is effecting me over all. Though, it may be the death of me so I might have to stop lol
  • It's been interesting seeing what everyone has been up to for the past couple of days. I am on my way to work but just wanted to register my weekly weigh-in which was up 1.5 lbs this week. I am not changing my ticker because I and most everyone in my group weighed more . We are getting new scales because we all agreed that something isn't right.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Friday.
  • Good morning chics!

    Well,its confirmed..i got my DD's stomach bug i felt awful yesterday but im doing a little bit better today. Ive been to the bathroom about a gazzilion times,ugh.

    Hello to everyone!

    JD-I LOVE your lyrics at the end of your post..SO CUTE! makes me want to get up and dance

    ok...gotta get some house cleaning done...have a GROOVY day and talk to you guys later
  • hello all....Checking in after getting caught back up on all the chatting Haven't fell of plan yet but the scale isn't moving much. I was jumping on it 4 times a day hoping for any downward movement and all that does is give 4 different upward weighs My sleep pattern has been all over the place so first morning weigh in isn't the lowest anymore. I really need to break up with my scale for a while we are getting way to close Still hoping to make my st patty's day goal...

    Misspriss- get well soon I woke up dizzy yesterday morning and it turned out to be a head cold. Felt like my head was going to's a little better today with some powerful sinus meds

    emileigh- Hope the new scale is nicer to you

    shylah- I hear scale drives me batty

    Lori- Sorry about dh ... Hope he finds something to help with the pain My hubby likes to do it all too. You just have to not take no for an answer....or have it done before he even knows what your doing

    KDM- what a neat you don't complain often about a boring day
  • Lori - very sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis. I don't know much about RA but I believe there are various treatment options that can help, so hopefully one of those will work out for him.

    Funny that you guys say to take measurements and use that as a reference point instead of just the scale - I did exactly that this morning! I usually measure monthly but this was three weeks, and I was down on all the measurements, so definitely things are getting tighter and smaller! Also, one of my older but favorite pairs of pants are fitting so much better - they have these diagonal pockets that used to gape horribly because I was too big for the pants, but I noticed when I put them on today that they are not gaping AT ALL. Ah, the small victories I must learn to embrace!
  • I ate 1100 cal. today. 100 less than yesterday, that's good. I lost a 1/2 a lb. from 2 days of dieting ****. That doesn't seem fair to me.
  • Well, according to the scale today, I'VE MET MY ST. PATTY'S DAY GOAL!!! However, I will truly believe it when it reads 17x tomorrow! LoL I went ahead and changed my ticker bc I like to change it w/every drop...the only bad thing is that I'm not sure the scale has been friendly bc I'm eating more, exercising more, or TOM is almost over?!?!?!?!? Maybe a combo of all 3, but I'll take it! LoL I did WATP 30min Walk and WATP Walk & Kick so 1hr total for today! YAY!

    MrsLovett--I say try on pants at all 3 places...different brands at each may just find a brand that sz2 will fit )

    Shylah--I weigh every day to see how food affects me also...but if it's driving you crazy, then just take a break for a few days! It worked for me! LoL

    emiliegh--good luck w/the new scale

    misspriss--hope you feel better soon...hope you're enjoying your new place!

    losing--I found that weighing multiple times WILL DRIVE YOU CRAZY! LOl and No, my job is never boring!!! LoL

    jules--thats AWESOME about your pants!! those diagonal pockets are always a deal breaker for me when I'm shopping! LoL

    fruit--good job gettin back on plan! It's not fair that the weight comes on so easily, but it's much harder to get rid of it...but hang in there, it will come off!!

    Off to meet my aunt for dinner! Here's to hoping I can choose something atleast a little bit healthy!! LoL I still have a TON of cal, so we'll see what happens!! HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!!!
  • Well, I lost 1 pound for the week. Not what I was hoping for, but at least it's a loss and not a gain. It could be TOM still affecting me too. That puts me at needing to lose 4 more pounds for my St. Patty's goal. I sure hope my body & the scale cooperate. I'm doing everything I can to make it happen!

    I tried on my new (16 nuthin') jeans again today, and they fit! I'm wearing them tomorrow for the first time. They fit perfectly now. I am so excited. I haven't worn anything w/o a "W" behind it since 1996!!!! I also found a really cute pair of super dark wash jeans on EBAY I got for $5 and they came yesterday. They are really cute, look better in real life than they did online and they're brand new. They're still a bit snug in the waist, but hopefully next week they'll fit too.

    I went last night and got a pair of size 10 jean capris and tried them on and took a picture. They went up further than I thought they would to tell the truth! But I looked at them and thought, "how on earth will I ever be THAT small?!" It looked like I was trying on my 9 year old daughter's jeans! But that's the purpose of taking a pic each month on my "anniversary" day so I can see my progress month after month.

    I ended up at 1379 calories today and walked 3 times around my subdivision which is right at 2 miles. It was so nice today, 62*, and I walked with some neighbor ladies which was fun.

    LORI: I'm so sorry to hear of your husband's diagnosis. I hope they can find some medicine for him to ease the pain. I don't know much about RA.

    KRISTA: How awesome that you've met your St. Patty's goal already! Oh my goodness when I see those 170's I'm going to scream with joy!

    SHYLA: I weigh using my Wii fit, it's what I started with. I have to get it all out and set up each time (have to unplug the dvd and plug the wii in etc.) so it's a big pain in the bootie. I'd probably be more apt to hop on the scale more often if it were "right there" so it's probably a good thing I use the Wii and just do it once a week. I finally got new batteries for my bathroom scale, but it weighs 2 pounds heavier than the Wii so I'm sticking with the Wii!!! Once I get close to maintenance, though, I'll have to start using the bathroom scale. But I think I'll still just weigh a couple times a week, at least that's my plan right now.
  • ughhhhhhhh~long day. My hubby sent me out to pay the bills & to shop. He gave me 50 bucks. I shopped til I dropped. More or less. & this gave him the day to relax while I was gone & the kids was in school. I think he just didn't want me to see him in to bed...I adore all of ya but I am soooooooooooo sleepy. I took all 3 of my xanax today that I am prescribed a day.( I normally just take one of them & sometimes a half at night before bed) I ate 1260 calories..which I normally eat evry bit of my 1400~I am stressed & Depressed I think...UGH! ~Off to get some sleep.

    misspriss~Your avatar pic Brightens my days! I know I mentioned before I like it~But I am so happy you have a beautiful family cause your a great girl~Love that pic!! HUGS!

    Everyone else~HUGS ~OFF TO BED
  • KMD- your early too Forgot about TOM effecting weigh in ..maybe thats why my scale was driving me more crazy than usual. Thankfully TOM is gone and will stop making deals with my scale to drive me batty How did you do at dinner?

    Susie- way to go getting into the 16. I'm on my way into a 20 and excited to be so close to anything that doesn't include a 20 something. I have a wii fit too and have to do the same thing...unplug the DVD and plug in the wii fit lifting and moving my huge old school TV....One of these days we will upgrade to the flat screen. Each place I weigh in is different....Weight watchers is a pound less than my scale and the DR office is four pounds more.

    Went a little over in points but I have the flex to spare. Hopefully the scale doesn't find out Looking forward to being able to sleep more than 4 hours straight tonight. Has anyone seen the crazies? My 14 yr old wants me to take her to see it this weekend. I already had nightmares about it and haven't even watched it yet..At what age do the kids stop liking the horror films and start liking the normal drama/comedy movies? Guess I shouldn't complain this same child still wants to watch alice in the wonderland too.
  • Lori: I am so terribly sorry to hear about your husband and his RA. I only hope that God helps you guys during this difficult situation. Be strong!!!

    KDM: Wow. I am completely jealous. Well I'm still in school so haven't started "looking" for jobs yet but I would really be interested in a job like yours. There has got to be a lot of competition to get into a position like that though. How many years have you been doing it?! oh and CONGRATS on making your St. Patty's Day goal!!!!!! That is soo awesome!!!

    Losing4another: it sounds like your child has good taste in movies!! haha, I want to see those movies as well. I'm actually going to see Alice in Wonderland tonight. I hear it's getting mixed reviews, but that's always the case with Tim Burton films.

    Well, today was just a quick check in. I'm still trying to find new and unique ways to exercise without using my ankle. I have started doing rehabilitating exercises with it to regain my strength and my function. I can finally walk on it with only minimal pain, but it is a very awkward walk. haha. with time I will be back to good again!! well I justed wanted to let you all know that I'm down another pound today, so that means that I'm only 1-6 pounds away from my original goal!! I originally intended on 15-20 pounds lost for St Patty's day and right now I am sitting at 14 pounds lost. So i'm pretty pumped about that!! We will see if i make my max goal or not. Well I'm off to go get ready to see Alice in Wonderland!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting two years for this film! I loved the books and I absolutely love Tim Burton, he's my favorite director, so this is going to be pretty awesome for me! Have a good night!
  • Good Morning chics

    Today i plan on getting back in the groove of my workouts, ive got an upper body + step workout planned, about an hour in total. The scale is up five lbs,i haven't really been trying to lose the last couple of weeks so im not surprised...hopefully
    some of it is water

    Lori-Your so sweet,thank you. You and your DH are in my thoughts and prayers, hopefully the meds will help with your dh's pain. Hugs girl, hang in there,k

    KDM-Congrats on meeting your goal for st pats day! yay!

    A big HELLO to off to eat some breakfast and start my workout...have an AWESEOME saturday

    Edit to add-----Workout done, did an upper body weight work! i feel better!