Intuitive Eating #9

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  • A friend of ours who is diabetic told us that his nutritionist told him he should just eat less of everything. I thought that was interesting, kind of like IE. I thought that they weren't to eat sweets but I guess they allow all foods in moderation now albeit moderation can mean a lot less for some of us. Lately, I've been not enjoying my food as much.....too much rushing around and not being able to wait until I'm really hungry. I know I need to eat breakfast before I leave the house because if I don't I'll be binging later. Kind of a tricky situation.
  • Hi everyone!

    Welcome geoblewis! Thanks for the info, will check out the site. I haven't heard of that plan either. IE gets into your head, too. (Tho mine seems to be a steel trap at the moment. lol)

    Pattygirl, I think you're right, we are at the same stage in this process. I have been gaining, too. I got on the scale the other day and while I wasn't surprised to see the darn thing go up, it was still a shocker to the old diet mentality. The same panic you mention set in and I was like "I've got to do something about this! Now!" And immediately my mind started to search for ways to control the situation without going on a diet. I started reaching into all of my diet knowledge stored away in the diet encyclopedia head of mine ... cut out certain foods, eat half of what I would normally eat, get 15 minutes of exercise for each time I eat. Blah! Blah! Blah! And I'm still sitting here trying to figure out how to get a handle on this. My weight has swung within about 13 pounds in both directions since I joined 3FC. I'm on the up end of that 13 pounds right now.

    And on that note, yes, Carol, it does bother me that I'm not losing this weight at a faster pace ... at any pace for that matter! I think my "revelation" the other day was a short-lived one.

    Oh, as far as what food one can't have in the house, I'm still stuck here, too. After my Ah-Ha moment I went out and bought some favorites of mine, Cheeze-Its, potato chips, butter snaps pretzels and some fresh cruler donuts. Ask me if they are still in the house. There's probably about one handful of Cheeze-Its and the same amount of potato chip crumbs left. The pretzels and donuts are gone. Now I did have a little help with all those, but it was mostly me eating it all. Anything with flour or a crunch to it is a major hurdle for me. I thought I could handle all of that in the house after the light bulb went on but, and can you believe this, I still caught myself thinking about the donuts "better enjoy them, who knows when you'll get those again." I gave myself permission to eat and that's exactly what I did. Funny, I did that earlier on with some other favorites and they didn't have that impact on me. But this time it was like "Eat like there's no tomorrow!"

    And I'm still sitting here wondering what I can do to fix this!

    Carol, wouldn't it be interesting to see Woman's World's profits? Diets sell, that's a cold hard fact! A fact that they've cashed in on!

    Have a great one!
  • Good Morning Ladies,

    Carolr I don't even know if I eat breakfast because I'm hungry or because I've been convinced by "diets" that I have to eat it. I do it a healthy one so I guess that is good. I think your friend's nutritionist is right eat less.

    Blue Serenity I did the same thing with the scales. Probably should give them up, but it wouldn't matter because how my clothes fit tell me just as much. I think I have to keep "diet" food out of the house. Funny I never get tempted with DH potato chips and if I do want to eat them I can eat a handful and forget them. If I buy the lowfat or diet type, I want to eat the whole bag. Like you said it is almost like I have to eat them all today. Really wierd. I think IE will work for me when I begin to treat food like it should be treated and quit giving it so much power in my life. It has to be put in its proper place. When I was thin and when I've lost weight in the past, I didn't think about food all the time. That is one reason I hated WW, SB and other diets... you were always thinking food, food, food. Maybe my problem is that I've dieted for so many years that now that I'm not that I don't know what to do since I don't have to think about food so much. No food plans etc.

    Catch ya later. Have a good day.
  • Just thought I'd mention that I tried a new cracker....a multigrain one put out by Bran Buds. I'm always looking for things with fiber because I know I need it. And these are tasty. I get tired of the Bran Buds cereal but I keep it on hand because it does do the trick. After my daughter had her first baby she had a lot of trouble with hemroids so she keeps it on hand, too.
  • Thanks Carolr I'm always looking for crackers with more fiber as well.
  • Hi Ladies. I enjoyed reading all the posts this week, I only have time to post on the weekends.

    To recap my thoughts on this week's posts, I do have a scale and use it almost daily. It helps me and even though I am up four pounds, I can go back and see how the other things in my life effect my weight loss/gain.

    As for "forbidden foods" the power they have on me varies again, depending on what's going on in other areas of my life.

    Food for me is a drug, plain and simple. High carb, fat and sugar foods are my heroin. A large baked potato with tons of salt, butter and sour cream can keep me comatose for a good two hours.

    I know not through intution, but experience that a salad will feed my body without feeding my addiction. Hope this makes sense to anyone out there, it feels very good to share this without feeling so exposed and ashamed.
  • Hi Everyone,

    I decided to weigh Friday and I was up to 233 lbs. and decided that I just could not gain 1 more oz. I have been thinking about eating 5 or 6 small meals each day and then I saw someone mention a 3 Hour Diet. I know another diet, but I googled it and some of the ideas were so much like IE except that you eat every 3 hours. I heard Joyce Meyer (don't know if any of you know of her) but she told in one of her books that she learned that she has to eat something about every 2 hours. Then I remembered Tony's Mother telling me that she heard Dolly Parton say she never could lose any weight until she started eating a little something ever 2 hours. From what I could find online about the eating every 3 hours is that the Yo-yo dieting and cutting back calories too much at times to almost starving over the years has caused my metabolism to stop burning fat. By eating every 2 or 3 hours it will re-train my metabolism to start burning fat again. I started this Friday and as of this morning I have lost 8 lbs. I still eat what I love to eat and there is no diet to follow unless a person wants to follow one. The only difference is that I am eating on a schedule. At my age this is probably good for me because IE I did not get hungry for hours and even the lady on the IE support group said that I should not go over 4 or 5 hours without eating. She said at my age that the hunger slows down so I might have to go ahead and eat something within 3 or 4 hours until I could recognize when I was really hungry. Just wanted to check in and say hello and share with you what I learned. Haven't seen anyone posting here much lately so I hope everyone is doing okay.
  • Hi Trish, sounds like a good plan. My dh has had the computer most of the time because of taxes so I might not post much. I"ll be back.
  • Ever notice that when you are feeling down you lose your appetite? Lately it has been so foggy and dreary and food just doesn't taste very good. I"m sure when the sun comes out things will change. I read in the IE book how important events like weddings cause us to panic and starve. I'm sure trying to get over that but it's difficult.
  • Just saying hi to anyone interested in intuitive eating.
  • Hi Carolr How are you doing? I'm just making a quick flyby myself. How's the gout? You know I get bored with food from time to time, just probably not enough. Into fruit right now. Hope you and all IE-ers out there have a great weekend. It's wet and cold here, but not complaining as we've had droughts the past to years so hoping all this rain means we will be fine this year. Except for church tomorrow, I plan to stay in and try to stay warm.
  • Hello!

    Just wanted to pop in and say "Hi" to everyone.

    Pattygirl, your plan sounds great! This is exactly what a weight trainer told my husband to do. It is something I've not really considered doing myself as I am so brainwashed into thinking I have to have 3 meals plus snacks a day but I may just join you in eating this way to help get me back on my feet. I have been doing better about the "gentle nutrition" part of IE and that makes me feel better.

    Hope everyone is having a great day!

  • Me again.

    Pattygirl, I think you're on to something. What you're doing really is IE (even if it is on a schedule). I've been thinking about how I was able to lose weight with IE in the past and basically what I was doing was the same thing. I wasn't going by the clock but I was purposely cutting my meals in half (or so), which made me hungrier throughout the day, which caused me to snack between meals and late nite. So essentially I was doing the same thing except my approach was "eat less" instead of "eat now." The end result is the same: several small "meals" throughout the day. Eating this way caused me to get used to eating smaller portions and the weight steadily came off for me. There were maybe only a couple of weeks where I plateaued but the overall trend was down, nearly 20 pounds.

    Something about the words "eat every couple of hours" sounds so much more appealing than "eat half of what you used to" even tho you're doing the same thing. The focus is shifted from "I can't eat as much as I used to" to "I can eat every couple of hours." It's taking a negative message and turning it into a positive one. Since the way we think about food (i.e. diet mentality) plays such an important role in how we approach food, I can see how "I can eat every couple of hours" may help break the diet mentality!

    Just some thoughts.
  • Blue, did the 20lb stay off? If not what do you think happened? Sometimes I feel like a detective. ha!
  • It sure didn't Carol! I lost the weight following The Lord's Table using the IE method (they call it Belly Growl) and once the program was over I went back to my old eating habits. I guess for me it was too much like a diet. (The spiritual part of the program was good tho.)