I'm not understanding

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  • Oh I remembered something else ... I had trouble trying to decide what was one day when I worked nights. You know ... my day started after lunch and ended the next morning???
    I let fitday divide for me. If I ate it before midnight it was Saturday's food. If I ate it after, it was Sunday's food. Seems like a little thing but it'll even out for you on your off days.
  • Well it is the mini bags. But I eat two of them in the 12 hour shift that I work.

    That seems to be the only place that I am pulling carbs from....so is it all that bad?
  • Well, I guess that's part of the point -- is that you aren't eating much, and unless you're really restricting carbs, you aren't eating a lot of fruit and veg and other whole grains (good places for carbs!).

    Okay, on looking back, I don't think I made a point well. It's not that you're doing really awful things, but perhaps that you aren't making best use of the calories you are eating.

    Let me start over. When you weigh a lot, you need more nutrients than a small person for everything. You expend more calories just existing (what we call your Basal Metabolic Rate or Resting Metabolic Rate). You also expend more calories in every activity, from brushing your teeth, to driving your car, to whatever exercise you do.

    For that reason, it is usually recommended that people who weigh more, eat more than small people. Your starting number of 2059 may be fine. When I weighed what you did I lost steadily on 2000 calories/day– at the time a little over 2 pounds/week with mild exercise. You might want to start with a number in that range, log everything, and see what happens. Trial and error is often needed.

    Here’s a link to an FDA page that is a good starting place for information about losing weight.

    Okay, that’s about how much to eat. There’s also WHAT we eat and WHEN we eat. A lot of this will be dictated by your plan, but you’re here calorie counters, so let’s assume you’re counting calories! To be healthy, not all foods are equal. I started by looking at the kinds of food I ate, trying to figure out what was healthy. You need protein, carbs and fats...

    I try to eat more lean proteins: chicken and turkey, pork loin… also eggs, cottage cheese, light cheese, etc

    Carbs: Fruits and veggies are important here. According to the FDA, you should also eat whole grains (oat
    Meal, brown rice, whole grain breads and pastas, etc).

    Fats: see the links I included. You NEED fats, esp unsaturated fats in nuts (peanut butter in moderation is great, and has protein too!), olive oil… some fish is great (and also has protein).

    Here’s another FDA page talking about healthy foods.

    There are other links there for healthy eating and exercise.

    Take a look at this stuff… for now, you might want to start by logging what you do eat and reading and learning more. Then, see what changes you can make and try some, then try some more…
  • Thanks for the links!!

    I'm gonna try to read these things and see if I can't figure out where I need to get more help from!
  • Sounds like a good start -- knowledge is POWER!
  • Does anyone else drink propel?

    I love this water, and I realized that it has calories! I'm gonna use these calories as part of my Daily Total!

    I do drink plain water too!!
  • I drink Propel once in a while, but only when it's on sale. Otherwise, it's much too expensive for what I'm willing to pay for flavored water, especially when I can just add some fruit slices or pure juice/nectar to my free tap water
  • I like Propel for my workouts too, but it's not adding any MUCH NEEDED NUTRITION to your day. Drinking it can't compensate for eating a totally limited and unbalanced diet! Add it to your Fitday if you want to be accurate, but recognize that it's not part of the solution.
  • I have added it to my fit day!

    Can someone check my fitday and see how I am doing?
  • You still don't seem to be eating much at all! It looks like you are trying to reduce calories as much as you can and you really only eat one meal a day. yesterday you ate a pizza. The day before you ate what looks to be a frozen meal and popcorn. The popcorn was more calories than the meal.

    Do you think that's sustainable? You have to be able to do this for life and those choices, while not necessarily bad in and of themselves, aren't supplemented by anything else.

    Honestly, I think if you keep eating like this you'll get frustrated with the deprivation and sooner or later you'll give up. Not to mention I don't really think it's healthy... see the links above or ask us more questions.
  • I swear, I am not reducing calories.

    This is what I've always eaten like. I've never had an over eating problem. A nutritionist that I seen one time told me I was lying when I wrote down what all I ate for a month.

    I promise this is my normal just about everyday. Sometimes less but it never seems more. I'm still at work tonight, so I still haven't finised eating.

    I really wanna give up with losing weight....but this is sooo important to me. PLEASE HELP!!
  • Why would you give up? Are you satisified? Do you have enough energy to do the things you need to do?
  • I would guess so, but I'm not losing. But I'm not gaining either.

    I would really love for someone to be able to help me

    I took my numbers from FitDay and here they are as follows:

    Eaten: 787
    Burned: 499

    Eaten: 164

    Eaten: 790
    Burned: 529

    Eaten: 640
    Burned: 197

    Eaten: 735
    Burned: 72

    11/4/06 ( So far!)
    Burned: 61

    Does this make any sense?
  • Hmmm, Well I'm looking at your fitday, and for today, for example, I can't see where you have eaten any meals, except maybe breakfast (yogurt and the apple?) Where is your protein? Where is your lunch and your dinner? Where are your vegetables? I would think that maybe you haven't finished updating today, but your other days look just like this.

    Like some of the other posters, I still think you need to up your calories. If you're not sure what type of foods you could be eating for those calories, check out some other peoples fitday. I would welcome you to check mine, but I use the PC version, so I can't make it public. Maybe you should check out some nutrition books at your local library. It's not all about low calorie, we need to also get nutrients from our food. Good luck. I know it can be done.
  • Let's try again...bottom line: you need to eat more. You won't lose any weight when you don't eat enough because your body is not getting enough nutrition or energy, so it does not want to burn ANYTHING and holds on to every last calorie for dear life. If you do burn anything, it will be muscle, NOT FAT, because your body gets more energy by burning muscle than fat. In turn, you are actually SLOWING your metabolism by burning muscle since muscle burns more calories than fat. Eating as few calories as you are eating is a BAD idea because if you continue such a pattern, it is likely that you will NEVER be able to eat a normal amount of food without gaining weight, and you will lose almost all muscle instead of fat. Without direct medical supervision, most people should not eat below 1200 calories a day.

    Also, your calories burned obviously does not include your RMR (or is it BMR in Fitday? either way...). Your body burns many calories a day just to exist (by keeping your heart beating, your blood pumping, your food digesting, your lungs inhaling, etc.). By not feeding it at least enough calories to exist, you are starving your body. Yes, you can starve your body even if you don't feel hungry. OF course by this point, you've probably done some damage to your metabolism, so I wouldn't suggest anything hasty like jumping up to 2000 calories a day--try increasing your calories by about 100-200 daily calories each week until you reach a more reasonable amount to help repair your metabolism. IT may not make perfect sense, but you need energy (calories) in order to burn fat, so by not giving your body enough energy (calories), you won't lose much fat (if any at all).