300+ And Ready to Try Again...#1005

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  • Evening everyone...Just thought i'd pop in between mopping and laundry....my husband is out of town this week and its been pretty lonely without him so i'm trying to keep occupied with some house work while hes gone....unfortunately i can't say i have packed any boxes...Moving sucks lol....Have a good night e1 and sweet weight loss dreams to all
  • Ammi- I have been lurking for a long time. I found this site in the summer of 2005. I remember your struggles in January and the changes you saw in April. It is awsome to see your progress.

    Reading about people struggling but still finding a way to loose the wieght has really motivated me. For as long as i can remeber i have been fat but did not feel fat. In the past few years I have gained enought to feel heavy and to look in the mirror and be suprosed at what i saw. I could see the double chins, the extra rolls on my back and around my wiast but i do not know how much I had gained because i would not wiegh myself. i hated scales like it was the scales fault that i was so heavy... any way i kept comming to this board and so many post i read were like my story. Now I am trying to make some changes and i want to share that the group here so i am trying to post. i am not so good with the personals yet but I am posting and i hope to do more personals as I go...
  • Hi Everyone!

    My name is Vicky and I am new to this bulletinboard. I have been overweight my entire life and over 300 lbs for over fifteen years. I have tried every kind of diet imaginable, but just never found the fortitude to persist and manage to lose the weight. It is particularly hard for me, because I lose weight very slowly. I also have a chronic illness, fibromyalgia, which causes all kinds of strange symptoms which may or may not be related to it, so my life is pretty much in upheaval most of the time.

    This time, I am very serious. As my doctor predicted, I am developing all kinds of health issues, at least some of them having to do with being overweight. I also feel like my life is slipping past me unlived.

    I did well on Weight Watchers last year, unfortunately, I got sick and fell off the diet bandwagon. Realizing one of the biggest problems I have is a lack of interest in cooking, especially since I live by myself, I decided to try Nutrisystems this time. It really is convenient and I have had fun trying out meals and picking out my favorites. So far, since August 21st, I have managed to lose about 7 lbs.

    Thanks for listening.

  • Valerie-The place we go camping is SOOOO beautiful! We camp near Ashton/Rexburg ID. We are about an hour away from West Yellowstone, and about 45 minutes from Jackson Hole. Maybe I will post some pictures...hmmm. I hope it will pay off in the end I am getting SUPER frustrated!
    "I JUST wanna be able to do it like the thinner women who’ve been doing it for years do it!" I AM THE SAME WAY! Everytime I do Turbo Jam I stare at the tiny girls and go ONE DAY I'M GONNA JUMP LIKE THEM DANNIT!

    Newsnerd-Thank you! I have been trying hard and sometimes it is hard to see the results without pictures. I mean I knew the dress was too big for me, but seeing it in the pics was like OMG!

    Lilion-Feel free to call me Chrissy or Idril. I will answer to both Yeah the bridesmaid dresses were not horrible at ALL! She picked really good ones. Thanks! The new pics made me feel much better about what I am doing. You can see a difference between your before and during pics and even the more the later during lol pics that you just took in chicago! You are doing AWESOME!

    Jilly-I hear ya on the whole scale not wanting to move. My scale hasn't wanted to move for like 3 weeks! Even after completely OP and working out! It starts to get frustrating after a while. We have to just keep pushing and it will pay off. Congrats on the new Niece!

    Wyllen-WHOOHOO!!! That is an AWESOME NSV! Congrats!

    Ammi-OMG!! 57 INCHES??! I am only 63 inches TALL! (5'3) That is SUCH an accomplishment! Are you totally proud of yourself or what?
    Actually he kind of figured that he had something in his colon. When he went to meet with the surgeon they told him there was going to be something to remove. Luckily, he is feeling SOO much better since then. Yeah I guess we will see what happens when he visits.
    You probably should have nagged me lol I am the worst at remembering things. And thank you! I am proud, sometimes I wish it would be faster but then I have to remember that this is a process and will take as much time as it is going too. Nothing I can do will rush it anyway.

    Nightkatt-If you were diagnosed as anemic, it might be that. Or it just might be your body just trying to catch up with you. Are you sleeping enough at night?
    I hope your daughter gets better soon!!

    Vilandra-Welcome back! YAY ON BEING OP! I know how hard it is to be OP when you are away!

    Jaleril- My mom has fibromyalgia so I know how many problems you can have from that. But good for you for trying again. THIS TIME IT WILL WORK! Just believe that and it will happen. This board is GREAT! The women here are so amazing and supportive! Congrats on the lbs lost so far!

    Yesterday was a GOOD day. First I fit into my jeans and THEN I got hit on at the store! Some guy asked for my number! I must have been struttin my stuff or something. It was a nice ego boost. Something I have needed. I also peaked at the scale this morning and I think my little plataeu maybe over! I am going to wait till my official WI, but it made me do a little dance. Also a friend of mine just called and told me about a management position that she knows is open and can put a good word in for me. Her mom is the one hiring. Lets hope things work out!
  • Hi everyone. Just checking in this evening! Everybody keep hanging in there!!

    Vicky, welcome to the forum... and hey I see you made it to TwoTown. Nice going!! Glad you are here. I (and a lot of others) certainly understand losing weight with health problems; it's not always easy but you CAN do it. This is a great place to hang out and give and receive encouragement. It does help a lot to have people to share with and also to laugh at our struggles at times too! And trying to keep the Fairy Fat Mother active and running around!! I am sure hoping she pays me a visit tonight!!!

    Keep going everyone... stay OP!!!!!!!
  • Confession Time! Naughty Dinner
    Well, DF and I have been doing great on South Beach, Phase 1, since Saturday. I've lost 5.3 lbs already. But tonight, LOL, we were both tired, stressed, and we JUST HAD TO HAVE CHINESE FOOD.

    I was fairly good, having steamed chicken & veg w/cashews, broccoli w/hot garlic sauce, and egg drop soup, until I had 4 Crab Rangoons But they are my favorite and I had a lighter meal than I ever have from a Chinese place, LOL, so no guilt!

    Then we went to Dairy Queen SMALL Oreo blizzard.

    The funny thing is, I now have a headache!

    But you know what? I was conscious of everything I put into my mouth, I enjoyed it, and I am 100% back on plan as of right now

    Hey, I was losing weight too fast anyways
  • PS-Not gonna weigh myself again until Sat!

    And I'm gonna get back to exercise tomorrow
  • Hi

    Just a quickie before I head off to bed.

    I just quickly browsed through the thread here and wanted to say congrats on the wonderful progress pics I see in the pic thread. You guys are lookin great!! I bet you feel just fantastic about it, I can definitely see a difference in those photos (sorry I'm bad with the names and I didn't take notes)

    WOW girl, congrats on the loss of inches on the ol bod! Yay!!!!!!!!
    I'm a pear too so I can relate to where you are losing. My lower body is much larger than the top too. You are doing fantastic and the tape doesn't lie!

    Melissa welcome back!
    I've been wondering how you were so I'm glad you're back Good to hear that you did so well on your vacation.

    Vicky welcome to the board. We all know how tough this is and we're all in it together. Congrats on your first 7 and more to follow, you can do it

    To everyone else - I hate to leave anyone out but I usuallyl get here after working on a computer all day and my brain is so dead by now I am trying hard to keep up with the threads but they move SO fast!!!

    Keep it up everybody! woo hoo!
  • Good morning ladies! Just wanted to drop in and say hello to all before I start my very long day. Have a great day ladies..

    Melissa- Welcome back.. you were missed! Did you enjoy your trip? I missed reading about your walking
  • Good morning, everyone! Happy Wednesday.

    Melissa, welcome back!

    Well the FFM came last night and dropped OFF a couple pounds... she must have gotten her instructions mixed up as a I gained two pounds. Oh well, perhaps another day.

    We are going for our department lunch today which the company is giving us as a reward for a big project completed. But we are going to Claim Jumper... yikes! I will have to be really careful as they are known for huge portions of pigout food. I will just have to waste food as I'll just get something and try not to feel guilty about leaving all the bread and fattening stuff. Wish me well!
  • Misti - I love Claim Jumper! As far as their food goes, you can always take some home with you Their Beefsteak salad is my favorite... Tomatoes, basil and mozzerella, what could be better? ok the mozzerella is a little much but that used to my favorite I haven't been there in a while but I think you can make smart choices.

    As for me, yesterday was a hungry day so I ate a little more than I should've. I didn't eat anything bad just more than I needed to. Oh well. Anyway, today I am going to be more mindful of what I eat.
  • happy wednesday... seems to be a better day for me emotionally!
  • Chrissy/Idril I can see such a change in those pics, how many inches have you lost? It must make you feel FANTASTIC to have a 'real' proof of your losses, other than the scales. xxxx
    Ammi, WOW, HOW MANY INCHES???!!!! I bet that was a lovely suprise! And of course ANOTHER incentive to carry on being of W/W lol. xxxxx
    Heather, in the UK it's just med, lge, xl, xxl....etc BUT STILL any nsv, and anything with QUEEN in it sounds pretty good to me! xxxx
    Misti, that's the thing with DAILY w-ins, but you know how good your exercise & foods have been so it could be a blip. I know some women who no longer have TOM still gain a bit of fluid at the time they would have been having TOM, do you think it could be that? Apologies if you do still have TOM, but I have a feeling you said you didn't anymore. xxxxx
    I can't remember what else was said but some of us are ill or struggling, BIG HUGS & for everyone who needs it.xxxxxx
    Valerie, I laughed at the leg shaving thing, I only do mine in Summer or if I HAVE to wear a skirt, or at 'special' times. I really can't be bothered the rest of the time, Steve & I have been together 11 years so that sort of effort went out the window after having kids. xxxx
    I'm doing pretty well at the moment, no exercise though as TOM is quite nasty, but in a day or three I will be back to 'formal' exercise. The scales haven't moved yet, but I sneaked in a quick measure and in the last two weeks I've lost an inch from my hips. It was Ammi's fault, lol, I decided to see what size I SHOULD be wearing and according to three different clothing catalogues I'm a 20 top and 22 OR 24 bottom. As my tummy is a big 'flap' of fat I can only assume that it squashes up rather a lot, lol.
    Oh Katt, I loved the drawing of you, get some pics of your new hair colour so we can see it properly! xxxx
    Lilion, you not only look slimmer in your 'during' (lol) pic, you also looked younger & more healthy!!! So don't lose heart, you've come a long way xxxx
    Gotta go & do some MORE house work, roll on when I can go to work; in a couple of years, hopefully; and get a cleaner, I HATE house work and I find being at home lonely and unfulfilling. THANK GOD FOR 3FC!!!! or I'd be in a psychiatric ward by now.
  • Ive not checked in cause ive been doing poopy the last couple of days. BUT so far so good today!!!
  • Robwen, I LOVE your avatar, And doing 'poopy', yep, most of us have been there!! I LOVE the word 'poopy' too, lol, it cheered me up & got a smile.
    I've been feeling a bit paranoid just lately, none of the mums at school speak to me & the other day as I walked into the playground they stopped talking really quickly until I walked past them. Am I weird or are they b***hes or what?