How 'bout a Halloween Challenge?

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  • Stacye-- Well as far as weighing yourself everyday....I did that the first week or so and my husband got on to me and told me if I keep doing that then I may get frustrated because sometime your weight fluctuates and that can cause you to get frustrated. It kind of ruins the surprise if you weigh everyday. Maybe you should hide yours like Amy did.

    Amy-- Don't be worried about Monday. I am sure with your eating and exercise you lost some and if it isn't what you want it to be. Just remember that when you exercise you gain muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. Great job on your points!!

    Luckily we had a cold front come in...up until now it has been in the 80s and it is in the 60s here. Hope you all are having a great weekend. I am about to put up Halloween decorations with my son.

  • I forgot to weigh in this morning. But great for those of you who lost. I haven't been too together here lately. That's why I thought this challenge would get me back in gear!!!

    I guess I'll try to tell you about what has been going on in my life, Sit down, this will be a long story. I have been a "regular" here at 3FC for about 5 years at the 300+ for about 3. Here lately, I've been psoting on the OLD HENS threads.

    Stacy, like you my DH, OleAlvin, and I had our own business, but the bottow fell out this year. We manufactured and sold parts for Mustangs and when the price of gasoline started rising so much, people didn't have money to buy the accessories for their cars. To make a long story shorter, in July I started back to work for the group of doctors that I worked for before I went to work with DH. I had been going to the health club and working out and taking 9:00 classes and then getting to work about 11:00. Big change!!! That was July and I still haven't gotten my act together enough to get regular with my workouts again.

    I started to work on a Monday and the next Monday night my sister & I had to take our mother who had never been sick a day in her life and ran circles around both of us to the ER. We were up all night, and the next morning we were told that our mom had 4 tumors in her brain, and more on her thryoid, right kidney, lungs and mid chest cavity. She was in the hospital all that week, went home on Friday went to my nephews Eagle Scout Ceremony on Saturday. She started taking radiation on her head, never stopped doing whatever she wanted and fussed because the doc wouldn't let her drive. Then about 3 weeks later, I went by her house on a Saturday morning and found her passed out in her chair where she had been since she got home the night before from playing games with her friends. We took her back to the hospital, and she never came home. She died Sept 1.

    Going back to the health club was especially hard for me becaues Mom and I always went together. We would walk, and do water aerobics, or work out on the machines, then sit and talk almost every morning. But I'm doing it.

    All this time I was trying to get back in the routine of a full time job, our business was doing worse and worse, and finally two weeks ago my DH and son gave up. They closed the door for good. Now we are having to meet with lawyers, we are having to file bankruptcy and the session with the lawyer just about did me in on Monday. So DH has no job, no means of income, and mine isn't enought to support us for very long. Hopefully he will find something, but it's very scarry. He is 59 years old. Then Monday night my sister & I met with a woman who was going to handle an estate sale to get rid of mothers "stuff". She told us that she was sorry, but we didn't have enough "good" stuff to make it worth her while to do a sale for us. So we don't have any idea how we are going to do it ourselves. My sister worked for us so she just started a new job Monday, and my brother can't take off his job either. Well, we still have to work on that one.

    So Wednesday my brother's wife had a bioposy on a "mass" in her breast and it was found to be cancer, so she has an appointment with the surgeon Tuesday and my Dh's sister is having open heart surgery on Wednesday!!! So it hasn't been the quite uneventful week that I had planned.

    So I didn't add up all my points either, but I did really good on drinking my water, pretty good on my food, and even pretty good on my journalaing, but exercise sucked!!!

    But next week is going to be great!!!

  • Ageoldie-- I am so sorry to hear about all the stuff going on in your life. Sometimes it seems like it all comes at once and you are definitely having all these things happen at one time. I can't say I know how you feel because obviously I am not going through these things. I know it is hard to focus on eating healthy and worry about going to the gym when you have all this extra stress. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother and I imagine it is hard to go to the gym since you went with her. Maybe when you feel up to it you could go to the gym and instead of being sad that she isn't with you anymore you could remember the good times that you shared there together.

    Good job on doing good with drinking water, watching what you eat and journaling....Just take one day at a time and know that your new friends are here for you.


  • I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but I thought it was a good visual to keep me out of the candy!!!

    I did weigh in Sunday morning, and I didn't loose anything, but I didn't gain!!! I'm sitting here eating my breakfast (yogurt and raw oatmeal, I know sounds yucky, but really quite good!) Lunch is packed, swim suit in my lap, getting ready to start the day out right.

    Hope everyone else has a great OP day!!!

  • Good Morning Ladies !! ... It's Monday where'd the weekend go??

    Barbara :: {{{ BIG HUG }}} Bless your heart hun - I'm so very sorry for the things you and your family have and are having to go through right now ... I know we've only just met, but please know that if you EVER need someone to talk to I'm here for ya! You & your family are in my thoughts and in my prayers!

    Amy :: How'd the weigh-in go this morning?

    As for me ... After weighing on Saturday morning I had my DH put the scales in a coat closet .. WAYYYYYYYYY in the back where I can't see or reach them! I chose this closet b/c I won't get in there unless someone is in the room with me - ya see, I'm arachnophobic and last year (yep that long ago!) there was a huge spider crawling under the door going into the closet ... so I no longer go in there alone! I used to do 'ok' with spiders but while we were preparing to move into our house, we lived in an apartment - we left for vacation and came home to pretty much an investation of Brown Recluse Spiders ... that literally sent me over the edge - it no longer matters how big or how small they are - I want no part of it! Yeah, I know... kinda funny that a big ol' girl like me is scared of a silly little spider ... but I am! LoL

    Well, I need to get me DSS up - I'm headed to the gym and he's spending the next 2 nights at his bio moms ... Hope everyone has a great week!

    *btw* What does OP mean??
  • Well I had a great weekend as far as my eating and exercise goes. We are still walking every night...this morning I did 15 minutes on the elliptical and and upper body workout. Hope everyone else had a great weekend.

    Stacye -- Atleast now you won't be tempted to weigh in every morning with the scale in the back of the closet.

    Amy -- You will have to let us know how your weigh in goes.

  • OK, the weigh in..... Lost ONLY 1 pound. I'm happy I lost, but I've really been working hard at the gym this week, so I was hoping for more. But believe me, I'll take it! And I'm not giving up, either.

    I've been following my WW plan, journaling, drinking water, and exercising every day, so my points are 5 for the last several days. Yay!

    Barbara: I'm sorry you've had such a hard time. I wish I had some great words to make everything better, but it looks like you're moving ahead (and with a good attitude, thanks for the laugh).

    Andrea: Good job on the exercising and eating! How do you like the elliptical? I've been wanting to try it at the gym, but I'm a little intimidated. I think I'm afraid I'll fall off! Is it hard on your knees?

    Stacye: I hate spiders, too--well, I call them spiders, I think they are actually crickets, but they're sure ugly.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Amy -- Great job on the 1 pound weight loss....I know you are probably a little frustrated and hoping it was more but since you have been working out you are probably gaining muscle and losing inches. One of the reasons I like the elliptical is because it is good on your knees...If I tried to go do cardio in an aerobics class my knees woule probably give out. It is low impact on your knees. I like it better than the treadmill. You should try it....I have one at home but when I use to do it at the gym I started off with 10-15 minutes and worked myself up. Now that I am getting back to doing the elliptical again I will gradually increase my time.

  • Ok Girls........Where are ya??? Hope all is well with you. Things are going great here. Still staying on track. I did 20 minutes on the elliptical this morning and then walked a mile and a half tonight. My points are as follows:

    Monday - 5
    Tuesday - 5

    I weigh in on I will let you know then about my weight.

  • Here I am!

    Thanks for the info on the elliptical, Andrea. I tried it out yesterday. I really liked it. It got my heart rate up better than the bicycle or the treadmill. I think I'll try it again today.

    Here's my points for this week:

    Monday: 5
    Tuesday: 5

    Keep up the good work everybody!
  • I've done good this week except for that journaling. I just can't get in the habit. I d o it a day or two, but then forget.

    DH does the elliptical and he likes it a lot. (of course he gripes and complains a lot too!!!)

    OP means On Plan, or On Program. either way it means you do what you plan to do for the day, week, or whatever.

    Well, my time is running short, if I make it to the health club, I've got to get ready soon.

    Have a great day!
  • Hi girls - HAPPY HUMP DAY!

    Just a quick check-in for me today ... things have been very busy around here!

    Before I forget, here are my points for the week so far.

    Sunday = 3
    Monday = 5
    Tuesday = 3
    Wednesday = 5

    I like the elliptical machine too, but it really kicks my butt!! I'll be GLAD when I'll be able to do 20 mins on it! Why is that I can walk around my neighborhood forever but when I get to the gym my stamina totally vanishes??

    I think that I was either over-doing-it at the gym yesterday or my sugar was low - I was finishing up my workout (I walk laps to cool down) when I started to feel as tho my equalibrium was off (I seemed to be swaying from side to side) ... it kind of scared me ... so, I packed up and headed home. Even after I was home for a bit I felt out of sorts ... I had a terrible headache too ... I'm NOT a napper but I did end up taking about a 45 min. nap in the afternoon. I feel fine today - hasn't bothered me a bit. So, maybe it was my sugar.

    3 BIG for everyone!!
  • ... Barbara :: I wasn't able to see the "No Halloween Candy" pic until today ... No offense taken here! I love it - too cute!!
  • Well I weighed in this morning and I lost another 3 pounds so I am pretty excited....I am doing well with water, exercise and my eating but as Stacye said about the journaling......I haven't done mine either the past couple days. I need to work on that though.
    Wed - 3
    Thurs - 3
    Fri - 3

    Have a great weekend girls!!
  • WoW ... things have REALLY been slow around here! Where the heck is everyone??

    Andrea :: Woohoo - Congrats girlie for the loss - I know you're so happy with it!! Continued Success to you!!

    It's been a pretty good week for me - I didn't get as much exercise in as I wanted to, but overall I've done ok ... the hardest part of the week was knowing that I couldn't weigh in - having to wait until Saturday was a struggle but I did it! And the payoff was a sweet one ... I've lost 4 lbs this week!!

    Mine and Gregs (dh) Anniversary was Thursday (Oct 13th) - we've been married for 4 yrs (together for 7.5 yrs) ... business has been good and he's been working so hard - he's a TOTAL workaholic - but somehow I managed to talk him into taking Friday off so that we could go to IL on a little gambling trip ... we had a really nice time - between the 2 of us, I'm usually the one who walks out the door with $$ - but it was Gregs turn to win and all I can say is thank goodness he did, b/c I lost my butt!! But, as I said ... we had fun and with Gregs winnings it's as if we didn't even go!

    I am a little sad today tho - we're going to have dinner with my mom & dad tonight b/c they're moving ... ya see, they live in Lebanon, TN - which about 25 mins from me, but they've bought a house in Dothan, AL (we lived there when I was a kid) - which is 6 hrs from here and they're leaving in the morning I know I'll still talk to them everyday - but knowing that I won't be able to just jump in the car and drive over is going to take some getting used to! I know - I know ... I'm a big girl and I'll be just fine ... it's just a little sad is all ...

    Well, I think I'm going to browse for a bit before I head out to run some errands ... I hope everyone is having a great weekend!!