Core vs. Points

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  • gsd72, I agree however I do tend to be mostly Core type foods when I eat anyway but to me it seems less of a problem to figure points than to figure out this is Core and that isn't and then use all my WPA for regular cheese, breads, with nothing left over for the occasional treats. However for many Core works and I don't hold it against them. Wish most of them would quit telling me how 'poorly' I eat because I use Flex.
  • Yes, I see what you mean about the occassional treat. Most of what I eat is core too. I love chicken and fish and veggies, but I hate ff cheese and dressings with a passion. So I would use all my points on those and never be able to splurge. I would feel deprived.

    I think some people on Flex, however, do not follow the 8 guidelines for healthy eating. They stay within their points and use them for unbalanced, junk food items. I had one day where I ate nothing but Cocoa Pebbles, a slim fast shake, 2 bags of of Baked Lays, and a chicken nuggett happy meal from MCD's. Uh, where is the nutrition from that? I was within my points, I can argue. But no matter what plan you are on--weight watchers or other--it is all about responsible choices. There are restrictions and benefits to both....I just know I like my regular cheese and mayo wayyyy to much to give up entirely! Everything in moderation!
  • Quote: I think some people on Flex, however, do not follow the 8 guidelines for healthy eating. They stay within their points and use them for unbalanced, junk food items. I had one day where I ate nothing but Cocoa Pebbles, a slim fast shake, 2 bags of of Baked Lays, and a chicken nuggett happy meal from MCD's. Uh, where is the nutrition from that?
    I agree 100% but usually this is just at the beginning. Eventually they need to realize they need to follow healthy eat.

    BTW an occasional day like you had above is not bad....
  • On the subject of portion control, I feel like core stressed "self" control as opposed to portion control.

    I have self control with a lot of things, but some I don't. Telling me to eat popcorn, pasta (whole wheat, couscous or any kind) or cereal until I am "satisfied" just wasn't possible.
  • Multi116, That is my problem too. I have self control of much of my life but food just isn't one of those things.