Beach Chat - Thursday, May 12

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  • Good morning - really quick post this a.m. I'm off to take my daughter to a neurologist. I took her to an Orthopedic Dr. a while back for bunions and she was also born with a hip dislocation. She walks with her knees turned in and has very poor coordination. One Dr. wanted us to go to a Physical Therapy consult, but we changed insurances so we went to a new dr. before we were able to set up the PT. He referred us to the neuro first to see if she had other issues. He thinks it could be more nervous system than muscular. I'm worried, but glad to finally be getting answers. My little girl is so sweet (she's 12!) but she's always lagged physically behind her peers. I hope we get some answers and pray they are good ones!

    As far as me... I'm steadily losing or staying still. I'm happy even though it seems a lot slower than the last time I lost weight. I'm at day 11 of Phase one, and I think I now realize what it means to lose the cravings! I'm surprised. I'm had a few sugar free chocolates here and there, but cheese and veggies is what have got me through. I'm looking forward to having apples and carrots next week. I bought some SB pizzas and Whole Wheat pitas. Those are the only things I'm going to introduce next week (apples, carrots, pitas)

    Good morning all and I'm sorry for not saying hi to each of you I'll be back later!
  • Bamie!! I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to leave you out of my first post... Please take care of yourself and that knee. I understand about needing fresh air when you've had to stick around the house alot... I get cabin fever very easily when I have to stay at home for any reason!
  • Morning chicks!

    Just a quick drive by for me today. I've been to the shrink, tanner, had a pedicure and a manicure now I'm finally at work. I worked out last night and had a great conversation with DS.

    I'll try and get caught up with all the posts later. Stay OP!
  • Hi Chicks!

    What a day so far.....

    I got a call about 45 minutes ago from my mom that Med Alert called her and my grandma had fallen again. She just got home this past Sunday. Apparently she got herself standing back up again and doesn't appear to have broken anything but they are still taking her to the hospital to check her out. I think that's the end of the line for her living by herself. She's a VERY stubborn lady which is what caused her to break her hip in the first place (she refused to use a walker because of her pride). After much discussion about assisted living places, she refused and said she could take care of herself with possibly a caregiver. After she got home, she refused to let a caregiver in her house until 2 days ago when she realized she couldn't make herself any meals and hold onto the walker at the same time. She finally agreed to a caregiver. The caregiver showed up yesterday and tried to make her meals and help her with bathing but, yet again, my grandma refused her help and sent her away. Now this happened today so my mom's taking over. She will more than likely be off to assisted living almost immediately and I'm sure that will be final. Oy....what a day!

    I've been interupted a ton of times since writing this so I'm going to go for now. I'll try to get back on later....

    I hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • CJ, I'm so sorry! My grandparents are very proud too...we went through something similar with them. It's so hard. I hope things get settled well and that your grandma feels at peace with it.
  • Wow, I'm really impressed that all of you have these stressful things in your lives and are still able to focus on staying on the plan... what an inspiration you all are!
  • Thanks Laurie!

    Here's the update: She didn't break anything but is complaining of back pain. The doctor did an x-ray and all seems fine but he says he can't admit her to the hospital because of all the viruses there. He also says he can't send her home because she can't sit or stand up on her own. So she's going to have to go back to a convalescent home. He's moving her to a different one than she was at because she hated it so much. We're hoping she may be a little happier there until she gets to the point where she can go to assisted living. <sigh> What a day it's been!

    I've got to go attempt to get some work done. I knew I should've stayed under the covers today.....