Weekend Chat - January 22 and 23

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  • Bonnie, how wonderful that the tape has helped you!
    Like Ruth said, don't feel a stranger around us! We're all friends here... the more, the merrier!
  • Good Saturday Morning Ladies!

    Got up before the sun even peeked out this morning. Baby decided he wanted breakfast then refused to eat it!! Stubborn kid. HAHA

    Ellis~thanks for asking about baby. He's in a MUCH better mood today! Thank goodness!! Teeth still not through but at least he's cheerful.

    To all those who recieved TONS & TONS of snow..I feel for you, but, thank goodness we didnt get any!! It's just freezing cold here.

    Well, I couldn't resist it any longer, I had to step on the scale this morning.. It showed I was down another 3#, but, do I believe it?? I'll wait til Monday to be sure. I also measured last night, 4inches gone from my abdomen and 1.5 inches gone from my thighs. Wish I had more gone from my thighs but I will take what I can get for now.

    Not alot going on here today, goofing around the house. I should go upstairs and walk on the treadmill but, later. Catching up on some net stuff for now. Wanted to stop in & say HELLO!

    Have a great weekend everyone!! OP Vibes!!
  • Hello Ladies!

    It's a cold and dreary Sat. here in Virginia.....well it's raining...freezing rain I think so there is ice everywhere......I hate ice....ugh not fun at all it's relaly slick out....I guess I could clean my room but that's never fun...but I really need to....we will see...my lil brother is out playing in this wintery mix.....dad's napping and mom is at work...I had the weekend off...thank goodness....I'm still half frozen...I might make myself a cup of hot tea...sounds like a good idea.....Ellis I'm like you...I love to hear about everyone's success stories....they're always a motivation...just recently I read about some ladies in People Magazine who had lost a great amount of weight...it showed their before and after pictures and they just looked wonderful! I think everyone here should submit their success stories...it would help inspire others....Everyone is doing such an amazing and incredible job....It's something we should all be very proud of! I was at a car dealership the other day waiting for my car to come out and I was talking to this car dealer who was telling me he was on atkins and thinking about switching over to South Beach and I told him that I was on that and said that I had lost nearly 80lbs since May....and he couldn't believe it and said that I looked great....I told him I was still on it and wasn't at my goal...yet..and he told me that I couldn't be too far off....anyways I hope everyone is keeping warm....I think it's time for me to fix that cup of hot tea!
  • Quote: I have been busy buying a house(my moms, she died in Oct.)
    My mum died in October, too. It seems like 2004 was an awful year for a lot of people. I know that, for me, it was one thing after another until it pretty much culminated in my mum's death. I'm sorry to hear you've been having such a bad time.
  • I was driving by to see if Anchor had dropped in yet! I hope she is not still out on her HOT date with that young thang! hahahahahahahahaha
    It's snowing here now! But it is not supposed to stick!
  • Yeah, I'm starting to wonder if she's still in bed, Bamie!
  • Good afternoon beachers!
    Just popping in to say hi. Finally had some phase 2 phood today! Heaven, trying not to go overboard, but it was wonderful. Did a bit of shopping today and think I'll go to a movie tonight.............didn't go last night, sat down on the couch and was asleep. Ended up working an extra shift so I was beat.

    8 pounds lost on my phase 1 3peat. Not disappointed....well....actually I would loved to have been to goal............I'm the kind of person who stands in front of the microwave and says hurry...........bad mentality.

    It's great to read everyone's post. It's good to see how you cope with disappointment and stress. We all learn from that. Thanks for helping me all the time.
  • Brr! Baby it's COLD outside! I just tramped to the mailbox and wished I was wearing skis or snowshoes because it has drifted to a foot and a half in some places. The poor dog (Juliet) was having trouble walking in it and she is a lab/dalmatian mix, so she's not small.

    Not much else going on here -- I got some laundry done today and made some progress on some socks I am knitting for DH. He got back from grocery shopping and brought me the following things to help me on my first week of SBD:
    • Mustard Greens
    • Brussels Sprouts
    • Tomatoes
    • Cabbage
    • Laughing Cow cheese
    • Lowfat Colby cheese
    • Coffee!!! It is called Southern Pecan and it has real pecan pieces in it!
    • Canned tuna

    We do most of our shopping at a big farmer's market, and the meat vendor was not there so he was not able to get me any lunch meat, so on Monday I will get some lean ham, turkey, and roast beef. Of course we have plenty of eggs and milk from our own farm. So I think I am all set!
  • It is a cold, blizzardy, windy, frassing miserable day out there! I know because I had to haul in wood and then chase Miss Lucy who decided a romp in the forest would be a good idea! Some tea thawed me out a bit but I still have cold hands.
    If you are in this blizzard, chickies, stay warm and treat yourself to a nice hand cream massage or something more exciting.
  • All of this talk of snow and we are just melting with the heat here! I have never actually seen snow.....

    Hmmm just waiting for my husband to make me a coff..oops here it is..ahhhh. Having a pretty ordinary weekend here. Just cleaning yesterday and now we might drive to the bay and go for a walk this afternoon. They have some great parks and it is always cooler.

    Made some curry last night and some dhal... added heaps of vegies which was very yummo. I should post the recipe later... nice and easy one to make.

    My weight seems to be a bit static lately. I am eating well and on plan, so hopefully the big exercise today will start some more loss. I am still playing around with what to add it and it is getting a little frustrating - but I do feel better. So even if I am not losing weight I have more energy and am doing more exercise!

    Wonder how the date went???

    Have a wonderful day!
  • Well looks like I'm not waiting till Monday to start SBD, I'm starting it tomorrow!
  • Oh, happy day, Geekchic.
    Good luck, girl!
  • All right!
    Can I go to bed now. Please!
  • Hey, guys! Just a quick checkin before bed. The Pinewood Derby races were today. What a long day. My son came in second in his den of 10 boys and third in the entire pack of around 80 kids. He was so happy! I spent hours working at the Derby. Mostly distributing ribbons and setting up the cars for each race. And then a TON of cleanup. It is amazing how much of a mess the graphite can make. I brought hot dogs for their food sale but packed my own lunch and snacks since I didn't even want to look too close at their snacks and food. I had several people ask what I had been doing to lose weight since they hadn't seen me in awhile so I got to tell them what SBD is like.

    Tomorrow I WILL make it to the gym but I definitely got lots of bending and moving in today (and a little more tiling).
  • Quote: All right!
    Can I go to bed now. Please!
    Ummm... okay, Ruth. Sure. Whatever you say. You go and put your head down, darling.