Started on a Thursday... Bad idea for me

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  • Quote: I am new to IP and have been reading around of people only doing un restricted packets to speed up weight loss. Have any of you found this true?
    The official word from IP is that you should include restricted packets daily, because they're built into the program. Also because it gives you something easy to take away, should you plateau (and it seems like we all plateau).

    I happen to really like having a food each day that is portable*, and the lemon and orange wafers taste like candy, so I kind of look forward to them. So I'm doing a restricted per day, for now, though if my weight loss drops below 2.5 pounds per week, I'll cut back to every other day and see if that improves it. (I was at 2.6 last week, so this could be soon.)

    *Not just portable. Also, easy to disguise as non-diet food. The cheddar ridges, put in a plastic baggie, look like a totally normal gluten-free snack. That's important to me, because, right now, I'm not telling people I'm doing this. It isn't fear of failure, oddly. It has a lot to do with fatphobia and fat-shaming and my fear of both. I know from experience that there are haters, and I am not yet ready to take them on. (I am also a wuss and prone to anxiety about stupid things, so if you prefer to be open about it, by all means, DO! The extra accountability helps some people! And finding supporters is a beautiful thing.)
  • Quote: I was thinking of doing something like this except no real food. Did you mean no real food or 6 packets in addition to food?
    If you're concerned about the effects of detox, do the real food plus the extra packets the first few days. They really will make all the difference in the transition.
  • Quote: You'll find differing opinions on this, because people either make use of restricted packets and think they're necessary, or don't use them and think it speeds things along. I haven't really found much comparison by one person using both methods, unless they overdo it on the Quest bars one week, which is a no no for both camps.

    I don't think it makes much difference, what makes the difference is what works for you. I don't make a point to have a restricted a day, but sometimes I want chocolate covered soy balls for my snack, and I'm not going to stop myself, because that'll do more damage to my motivation than just allowing myself the damn soy balls! :P
    Why quest bars when they can eat IP bars? Am I missing something
  • Quote: Why quest bars when they can eat IP bars? Am I missing something
    Quest bars are protein bars that are comparable to IP bars (restricted), but there is a bigger variety of flavors AND they're a lot cheaper, so a lot of us use them in place of IP bars. They're easy to find, too, so when you find yourself needing something between IP appointments, they're a great alternative. But, again, they're restricted, so we have to remember to keep them to one a day!
  • Quote: Thanks, all. They were all very helpful. I am new to IP and have been reading around of people only doing un restricted packets to speed up weight loss. Have any of you found this true?
    No one person can answer this because there is no comparison as each person is different. I would tell you that I never used a restricted in 6+ months and averaged more than 3 pounds loss a week which my coach said was optimal, not to change a thing. What would it have been if I had a restricted each day - can't tell you? And you can't compare to someone who say they had same result with having 1 restricted per day because each of us is different. Would that person have lost more in same time frame if not for restricted or would I have lost less in same time frame if I did have a daily restricted? I did it thinking I would get quicker results but I also did it for a more important reason...they reminded me too much of a sugary dessert and for me, I need to go cold turkey so as to not be tempted so I took these out completely so as to not trigger any cravings. And, as I was afraid of, the first time I deviated from Phase 1, it was with 5 restricted bars
  • Quote: And, as I was afraid of, the first time I deviated from Phase 1, it was with 5 restricted bars
    I think for some of us, our motivation imprints these things on our IP soul and makes it like an AA confession, lol.

    The last time I was on IP, I stopped the diet cold turkey when I fell off the wagon at a Chinese buffet.

    Never forget. Never again!
  • VLC diets can be really hard in thyroid. Cutting the restricted can make it even harder in the thyroid. My personal preference is to follow the plan as written and to be medically monitored. For myself, the thyroid issues came about 5 months in. Over two years later I'm still recovering the thyroid. I can't imagine how much worse it would be had I tried to game the plan for even quicker results by cutting the restricted.
  • Good Morning!

    Mariposah, are you ready to go today? We are all rooting for you! Have you cleared your house of all non-protocol foods that can sabotage you? Have you stocked up on those things that will help you stay the course through cravings? Dill pickles, chopped and ready veggies, hard boiled eggs. Have you grocery shopped so you have everything you need for your non-packet protein/veggie meals? You CAN do this!

    As far as restricted bars - I am like Ro, I don't include these as part of my daily routine by personal choice - for me, because I fear it will trigger my cravings. I do carry a bar with me, but it is reserved as 'emergency rations' should I be in a position of having only non-protocol food available to me. But like Lisa, I buy only 1 at a time - I never have a "supply" within reach. This I learned from my last IP stint - I binged on 4 or 5 IP bars at one sitting last time!

    PS - I started on a Thursday. I live alone, and my past pattern is that weekends have been tougher when on a diet. But this time, when I started my reboot - it didn't matter what day it was. I was SO ready to start, I picked up the phone and got into my coach the same day - a Thursday - and I didn't give the upcoming weekend a second thought. And 3 wks in, I haven't looked back. When you are ready, you are ready.

    GO FOR IT today! We're here to help!
  • Quote: When you are ready, you are ready.
    True words. I've seen many people start and never finish, but when you are ready you will go the entire journey. A diet is 80% mental and 20% physical.

    You can do this, Mariposah. It's just one day at a time to get through. After the first couple of weeks it becomes a habit and a pattern of eating that you do without thinking. When you get to the stage where that changes, start seeking out all the wonderful recipes shared by Rainbowsmiles, Frawniemae, Lisa and others to keep the boredom at bay.
  • Thank you. I made it up until 5 and then it went downhill. I had a headache ALL Day and the normal response is to eat to starve it off. Again, feeling deflated. For me it's not a matter of being ready. It's just the cravings :/ I even allowed myself 6 packets today. I wasn't even physically hungry. I'm at a loss. But there's always tomorrow right?
  • Quote: Thank you. I made it up until 5 and then it went downhill. I had a headache ALL Day and the normal response is to eat to starve it off. Again, feeling deflated. For me it's not a matter of being ready. It's just the cravings :/ I even allowed myself 6 packets today. I wasn't even physically hungry. I'm at a loss. But there's always tomorrow right?
    I, too had headaches. My coach recommended me putting salt in 8oz of water and drinking that to help. If you can push past the first few days, you will feel so much better! Part of it is a mental battle! Good luck to you!
  • Quote: I, too had headaches. My coach recommended me putting salt in 8oz of water and drinking that to help. If you can push past the first few days, you will feel so much better! Part of it is a mental battle! Good luck to you!
    Thank you. It's hard after having so many false starts but I'll get there. Just one day at a time for me.
  • Quote: I was thinking of doing something like this except no real food. Did you mean no real food or 6 packets in addition to food?
    "In addition to the real food" ... I think of it as a DOUBLE DOSE of IP P1 for the first few days as an "ease in" period. Just to get you through those TOUGH few days early on while you are breaking all the bad food addictions.

    You are still restricting carbs and sugar ... but getting closer to 1500 calories instead of only 900 calories. I completely bypass the lethargy, headache, and climbing the walls cravings that I would normally get on days 2 and 3 by doing this method. By day 4 or 5 my body is ready to drop back into the strict IP P1 mode without any problems or symptoms whatsoever.

    If you do get to day 5 again ... and start getting a headache ... rather than cheating with carbs or sugar ... simply have an extra meat and veggies dinner in addition to the normal foods. Try about 4 oz's of diced chicken breast and rainbow peppers and a tsp of olive oil (you can buy frozen organic rainbow peppers in the frozen food aisle -- they taste fantastic). If you "cheat" with no carb no sugar foods ... you dont break your keytosis and dont have to start over getting over the first-week wall.

    Another thing to use is some great decaf coffee ... with some Saigon Cinnamon ... and some Stevia ... and some sugar free hazelnut creamer ... that tastes like desert and has less than 10 calories and no sugar.

    Another thing I have used when I start feeling famished or munchy is some diced up chicken breast with some French's Mustard (maybe 4 ounces or so of chicken). That will satisfy and kill any craving without giving you a carb/sugar jolt.

    All of these are in ADDITION TO the regular IP P1 ... The trick is just to use these little extras occasionally when your body starts to freak out.
  • Quote: *Not just portable. Also, easy to disguise as non-diet food. The cheddar ridges, put in a plastic baggie, look like a totally normal gluten-free snack. That's important to me, because, right now, I'm not telling people I'm doing this. It isn't fear of failure, oddly. It has a lot to do with fatphobia and fat-shaming and my fear of both. I know from experience that there are haters, and I am not yet ready to take them on. (I am also a wuss and prone to anxiety about stupid things, so if you prefer to be open about it, by all means, DO! The extra accountability helps some people! And finding supporters is a beautiful thing.)
    I have tended to just be very abrasive about stupid questions and observations about what I am eating by others. People who ask probing questions know what they are asking and yes, your probably not paranoid they are probably prodding you in the guise of an innocent question. Some typical responses I give are:

    Diet? I wish, I'm positive but the retro viral drugs are helping (then picked up his coffee mug and took a sip before setting it down and walking away)

    Why? I always wanted to bully fat people but it never felt right.

    And to a co-worker who I am now slightly skinnier than who offered me breakfast burritos just this morning (who knows I have been on this system for over half a year) No, not going to have any, don't want to be a FF with clogged arteries. That was priceless as he stood there with a half eaten burrito while I watched him finish it.

    I know guys tend to be far less polite, or feigned polite, but I am telling you the look on the other person's face is the ultimate cure for anxiety.
  • Quote: Thank you. I made it up until 5 and then it went downhill. I had a headache ALL Day and the normal response is to eat to starve it off. Again, feeling deflated. For me it's not a matter of being ready. It's just the cravings :/ I even allowed myself 6 packets today. I wasn't even physically hungry. I'm at a loss. But there's always tomorrow right?

    Yes! And your 'tomorrow' is TODAY!! I feel pretty confident in saying that almost all of us had cravings - at least when first starting, if not still, occasionally. So, it IS possible to get past them. Are you prepared? Do you have some dill pickles, cut up cucumbers and celery, hard boiled eggs, ready for when those cravings hit? Avalon has given you some great ideas as well. Remind yourself that you will only get PAST this initial hard part, if you get THROUGH this initial hard part! Accept that it will be hard, but once you have conquered it, things will go much more smoothly for you. But if you never get past it, you will continue to have to battle the cravings. So if you don't have your 'ammunition' ready - do that today! You need to give yourself the tools needed to succeed. Make today your FRESH START!! Resolve that by the time Thursday rolls around again, you will be over the hump and well on your way! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!