Skin- How do you deal with it?

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  • Thanks so much, AwShucks! I will have to get to a Target! I have a shaper; it fits like a swimsuit. It's uncomfortable and makes you really hot. I'm kind of tall and lots of things don't fit right. They just don't make clothes for tall people. The straps dig into my shoulders like a bra that doesn't fit properly.
  • You're welcome! The ones I described are hanging on the wall, like packages of pantyhose (baby blue pkgs). You can't really try them on, but they have a weight/height chart that is pretty true to size, I've found. Since I'm short waisted and only 5'5", I like to wear the next size down from where I really belong. Target will usually take back anything, too, if you have to return it. I hope you like it! Let me know!
  • I'm 61, don't have wrinkles (due to good Italian genes, I guess!) and after losing 90 pounds last year I have a size 10-12 body in a size 12-14 skin. I've maintained for almost a year now. I think my neck looks better than it did. My upper arms and thighs are a little saggy, but no better than they were last year when I first hit 162. In fact, this is the reason I quit at 90 pounds when my goal was actually to lose 100. The difference between 80 and 90 pounds lost was very noticeable, so I assumed the difference between 90 and 100 would have an even greater impact on how loose my skin is. For reasons of 100% pure vanity, I stopped losing when I got to about 162 pounds. Even if I lost 20 more pounds (high school weight,) there would not be enough loose skin to think about surgery, so this is the way it will stay indefinitely.

    I am, as I said, 61. I was at 250+ pounds for over 25 years. Between 25 and 35, I was between 155 and 180 pretty consistently, and before that I was 140 - 145. No real yo-yo dieting. At 36 I had some pretty big changes in my life and gained steadily until I hit 250 and stayed there. My mom and her sisters were all average weight and had no significant facial wrinkles in their 80s and 90s, so I'm glad to have inherited that trait. My face is not saggy. My upper arms, stomach, and thighs are a different story. Not too many people see me naked, so I guess this is OK - way better than being 250+.

    If I were younger I might have kept losing and then considered surgery. At my age, it isn't as important to me. What is important to all of us is the improved health the weight loss brings. We need to focus on that and hide our flaws the best we can. I always marvel at the fact that being seen fat didn't bother me, but being seen saggy does. Go figure.

  • @Apparentlynothing Perhaps you'll have to see when you're at goal what you're gonna do about the skin. I hate shapeware myself, I'll hardly ever wear it. 3 Libras, one of my fave songs ever...Maynard is my hero too, up there with Jesus. I listen to a lot of Tool and APC while I'm working out
  • re:
    I think it really takes a couple of years for a body to adjust to its new skin after weight loss has stopped. My husband lost over 100 lbs 2 years ago, and while his excess skin has improved it has not disappeared - even with weight training.

    I think there's a point at which there is just too much skin to firm up and the only way around it is to hide it or remove it.

    I already have some - especially on my legs. Jury is out on whether i'll have surgery or not. CherryPie99 has a GREAT write up on skin surgery w/pics on her blog for those who are interested. I am kind of annoyed that I'm probably in a bigger size than most because of the extra skin, but enough to go through surgery - I don't know.

    Sometimes, if you have enough excess skin and it's becoming a health issue (rashes, etc.) insurance will pay for the removal, but most of the time not.
  • There is a large amount of information on the Body Image and Issues after Weight Loss section including discussions about excess skin and reconstructive surgery forum. You might want to check it out.
  • Thanks everyone! This has been nice to have other people to talk to about it. No one in my daily life knows about my struggle. Cheryl, I'm going to check that board out next. Sounds like it may be more along the lines of what I need help with. Emotionally, my body is draining. No matter how much mass I lose I'll always have issues looking at myself and seeing anything other than a 300 lb walrus. In a way i suppose it's a bit like body dysmorphic, but even now I have legitimate reasons to see myself as disgusting. If I even had medical insurance I would likely be a candidate for removal. Alas, I'm a 30 yr old college student. I don't have much of anything but stress and knowledge, lol.