Just ran my first mile!!!

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  • Congrats to you! That's very exciting! Yay!
  • Man, I must have had beginner's luck the first time. I tried to run today - doing it more properly - I walked a half mile briskly first, stretched and then ran. Well, I made it 4 tenths of a mile and my heart was racing (and I was having serious problems with the urinary incontinence - I even went out and bought Depends!!!)

    I then just walked for another 1.7 miles to at least stretch out my legs and do some form of exercise.

    I think I'll try again tomorrow, but I just didn't find the proper pace - I went too fast. How did I find the right pace the first time?
  • I found it better to go so very slow for the first walk/run cycle, then I speed up as i settle into the run. I get all wound up and go too fast at first, then I blow out. It seems to work better if i start off at a pace a geriatric slug could manage.

  • Maybe you were overthinking the second time? I find myself doing that with my breathing. I have asthma, so I try to pace my breathing and sometimes make it worse cuz I am thinking about it.
  • Great job!!!! I wish I had a nice outdoor space to run. I HATTTEEEE hate hate hateeeee running on the treadmill, but I love the results.