SBD Weekend Chat for 3/3-3/4

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  • Good Morning

    Thanks for all the BD wishes, everyone!

    Holly, I'm so glad that you came out safe and sound. We just replaced a tie rod which I wouldn't have known about except for taking my car in to the local good guy for my oil change.

    I'll BBL-DH just came back in and I'd better go be social. His DD and beau are coming up at 3 and mom will be over, too. I got a better than average frozen lasagna from Costco and I'll make salad (of course) and spaghetti squash. I'm amazed at how well they lasted...I still have 6 or 7 left from my garden.

    I love SBD and love you all, too! I'd have a pretty quiet life down here if it weren't for you all and our daily conversations.
  • Morning all,

    Went out to a birthday party last night at 5:30p (prime dinner hour) at a BOWLING ALLEY! I debated back and fourth between just one beer or french fry and decided on a huge diet coke instead. I came home by 9:30 and made a veggie burger and spinach. I done good.

    Ruth, great news on the pants size! 12 is my GOAL size! I have the boob problem too though - the girls haven't gotten smaller though my band size has.

    Happy birthday Debbie!!! Enjoy your day!!!
  • -ing to everyone! I keep trying to post but am interrupted constantly with 3 giggling and enthusiastic girls here (Amber stayed over), so I'm keeping this short.

    Mommy and Daddy are due home late this afternoon, and I can go home. It's been fun, but terribly busy, and I'm eager to sleep in my own bed tonight.

    Talk to you all later -
  • Thought I would just drop in and say HI. Having a great weekend, now that the snow has stopped. It is a nice winter day, have to take the dogs up the driveway yet.

    I put a SB Meatloaf in the oven, it smells so good, can't wait to try it.

    That is about it for life in my world. I never get on here during the morning rush during the week, so I usually don't post in the afternoon, you guys are done with your day by then. (I feel like a second shifter! LOL)

    But I always check and read the posts, you guys are always busy with something going on.

    Have a great Sunday afternoon everyone.
  • Ruth I knew someone would get it! Why, oh why does bourbon have to be made with corn??

    Twynn--I did not go! I'm such a chicken. Instead I ordered some bathing suits online. I'm keeping my fingers crossed they'll get here before I leave, and one of them better fit.

    Vermont, I'm glad you're okay. It's so funny how worrying makes us want to eat chocolate. I had a panic moment during phase one; the first thing I wanted was a cigarette, then immediately I started craving donuts! I never thought of myself as an emotional eater so that was really eye opening for me. I know I eat more when I'm depressed, and the food I eat is less healthy, but I never realized I ate to calm myself down. Anyway you are doing great, I hope you enjoyed the chocolate and aren't beating yourself up about it.

    Since dark chocolate is "allowed" I've made it my mission to seek out every locally available dark chocolate/chili bar, and sample them. I love that combo! Plus it's hard to find around here, so it's kind of a rare treat to look forward to.

    Jenn, congrats on skipping the beer and fries! I'm impressed. Both two major weaknesses of mine!

    Chickadee, I haven't made meatloaf in ages, how do you make the SB meatloaf?