IP Daily Chat Monday 2/20/12

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  • Quote: I have a hard time a lot of days too. I found that if I save them for meals, I can not eat them all. A lot of times I'll pre-measure out my veggies for the day, and munch on them throughout the day, and that has really seemed to help...but I don't much care for cooked veggies! I'd much rather eat them raw!

    Maybe I will try that today. Measure out 4 cups and munch on them through out the day. Thanks

    WI# -4.2

  • Quote: I stayed 100% OP all weekend! We went to a friends house that we normally have drinks and eat and play games! I took a OP bar and my favorite LARG Fuji water and I did not even WANT to cheat HUGE NSV for me!

    then super sad day today, poor baby has 102 temp most of the day and was stuck to me like glue! I can't lie the cuddeling was nice but it made it hard to eat! Just finished getting in my food for the day and almost did not eat enough!! LOL never thougth I would say something like that!!

    I did not have much of a chance to catch up on the thread today but the things I did read were execelent! Great WI and NSV's!!!

    I made the jars after reading on this forum about them my first weekend and I LOVE them! They are so much fun every time I put a bead/stone in the skinny jar I vow to NEVER put it back in the fat jar!! When I first made them my DH said and if you gain you put them back in the other Jar! I told him NO I'm never gaining again! optomistic I know but motivating!!

    Have a great end of your weekend everyone and here to a 100% OP work week!!!
    Congrats!! And I hope your baby is feeling better! It's hard when they're sick, my daughter was sick all weekend, it's not fun (although the cuddles are awesome!)!

    Quote: does anyone know:
    if I use the crispy cereal to make something else, do I have to use the milk powder in order for it to "count" as my IP food, does it have nutritional value or can I just shift out the cereal puffs?
    I don't know for sure (I haven't had the cereal yet) but I do remember reading someone saying they would just save the powder and add it to a shake later in the day to make sure they were getting enough. I would assume that it has some of the protein in it (just because it's a 'milk' powder) but I don't know for sure.
  • Quote: Maybe I will try that today. Measure out 4 cups and munch on them through out the day. Thanks

    WI# -4.2

    Yes! You have to find a way to make veggies part of your life forever. And ever.
  • A holiday Monday, can't beat that. Kids are still sleeping. I am going to slip out to walk a couple miles. Then plans to go play with the horses for a bit. Fifty more pounds and I will be an acceptable riding weight. That is a good goal.
  • Quote: Good Morning, Its Monday again. It has been tuff staying OP, but I've been doing it. I bought me some dill pickles to help with the between meals struggles. It has seemed to work. I think I still need to eat more veggies
    (THAT I DISLIKE ). I've tryed to get my 4 cups, but I don't think I'm getting them. Between the Kale smoothies, Streamed Cabbage, Broc & Cauliflower Ive veggied myself out.

    WI#1 -4.2

    good work with the pickles. When I get sick of the pickles I munch on Pickled Asparagus Spears from Costco (ten bucks for two huge jars). love em.
  • Quote: I am 1 stinking pound away from hitting 30 pounds! It's amazing how awesome I feel! Yesterday I went shopping with my mom and had been eyeballing a shirt. I had tried it on a few weeks ago, and the XL was still a little tight. Yesterday I tried it on at the store again....and IT FIT...and it looks great! Needless to say...it has now found a new home in my closet. I have to quit buying clothes...but it's so hard when you LIKE the way you look...and your entire wardrobe has been eliminated.
    Yay for you on the shirt fitting. This diet is certainly hard on the wardrobe. I have donated 3 black trash bags full of clothes to our local second hand store and am slowly accumulating stuff that fits now. But it wont fit when I get to goal.... Oh well, I guess it is a good problem to have.
  • Good morning everyone, Looks like a beautiful day here today much better than the dreary weekend we had with all of the rain. I will be going for a bike ride later......WOOHOO!!!!!
  • Hello All! I can finally type for longer than 3 mins without having to take a narcotic pain med . I am feeling better every single day! I did have to up my food intake pre-surgery and for healing. Mostly IP - but a few other things, too . Too much protein AND pain meds makes for ahem, a sloooow system shall we say! Pre sugery I was at 168 (haven't seen the 160s for a decade!) but I am now 175. Not worried, not sad, not going to jump off a cliff - it's not the end of the world. Got back on the IP horsey this morning full tilt and I'm ready to go!

    I loved reading all the posts while I was unable to type - LOTS of great losses and TONS of new (prolific ) posters!

  • Quote: Hello All! I can finally type for longer than 3 mins without having to take a narcotic pain med . I am feeling better every single day! I did have to up my food intake pre-surgery and for healing. Mostly IP - but a few other things, too . Too much protein AND pain meds makes for ahem, a sloooow system shall we say! Pre sugery I was at 168 (haven't seen the 160s for a decade!) but I am now 175. Not worried, not sad, not going to jump off a cliff - it's not the end of the world. Got back on the IP horsey this morning full tilt and I'm ready to go!

    I loved reading all the posts while I was unable to type - LOTS of great losses and TONS of new (prolific ) posters!

    Glad to see you are back in the saddle and ready to ride! also glad to know you aren't going to jump off the cliff either, you know this works when you get back on it...welcome back
  • Good morning all! My baby is also sick today- temp of 101.5. He is teething horribly and had an ear infection about 2 1/2 weeks ago so I am wondering if it has come back. We are off to the doctor soon so we will see. Feel bad for the poor little guy!

    Have a great Monday all!
  • Hi all - I'm Kirstie! I'm only 5 days in so far but I'm starting to feel better and better and reading everyone's comments and ideas is really helpful. (I'm definitely going to track down that skinny jar/fat jar idea!)

    And the tickers - so inspiring!

    Have a great day, folks.
  • It must be a day for sick babies--though my baby is 14 years old, and my 18 year old called in sick today too! Whatever it is, I don't want it. Hope everyone is feeling better soon.
  • Quote: Hi all - I'm Kirstie! I'm only 5 days in so far but I'm starting to feel better and better and reading everyone's comments and ideas is really helpful. (I'm definitely going to track down that skinny jar/fat jar idea!)

    And the tickers - so inspiring!

    Have a great day, folks.
    Welcome! This diet gets easier and more amazing the further you get into it!
  • Quote: Hello All! I can finally type for longer than 3 mins without having to take a narcotic pain med . I am feeling better every single day! I did have to up my food intake pre-surgery and for healing. Mostly IP - but a few other things, too . Too much protein AND pain meds makes for ahem, a sloooow system shall we say! Pre sugery I was at 168 (haven't seen the 160s for a decade!) but I am now 175. Not worried, not sad, not going to jump off a cliff - it's not the end of the world. Got back on the IP horsey this morning full tilt and I'm ready to go!

    I loved reading all the posts while I was unable to type - LOTS of great losses and TONS of new (prolific ) posters!

    Glad to hear you are on the mend and hopefully the surgery went well. I bet the small weight gain will be gone before you know it. Welcome back!

    Hope everyone has a good Monday. I'm off to the gym this morning with my daughter. She finally broke her mini stall and she is feeling motivated again. She is down to her last 4 pounds before reaching her goal. So proud of her.
  • Good morning everyone. Just wondering if anyone has any input. I had a really rough week last week physically. I was really tired and weak all week and by Saturday I had to keep lying down, I actually had minor shaking.
    I tried upping my salt and water, adding in an extra packet. I checked my blood pressure and it was fine. My weight didn't move either even though I have been folllowing the same protocol from the beginning (Jan 1). Someone suggested my blood sugar was low? Can a person get too low blood sugar on this plan. Mine was normal when I started.