267lbs..had a hissy fit with the WW weigh in..

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  • I don't know how old you are, but don't count on the "it flies off in the beginning", or you could be set up for another disappointment. I started at about the same weight and lost a little over a pound a week. Not really horrible, but when I had so far to go it got a bit discouraging. But it added up over time and 72 weeks later I was down 102 lbs.
  • You can only imagine my shock when I had the courage to step on the scale (that went up to 305) and it screamed ERROR at me! LOL I was in total denial. Oh boy, those first few weeks were ****. I finally had to buy a new scale that went to 400 pounds to get somewhat of a beginning number. 333...the number that still haunts me. I see it everywhere. On licence plates, even the last hotel room we stayed at! ANYWAY, lol. Yeah, I hate the term mini-goal. Any weight lost and not gained back is major. Nothing mini about a 333 pound fat chick losing 33 pounds. Big stuff. Victory!

    What I'm trying to say is, celebrate every single little pound lost. It's a big deal, especially if you never give up and don't have to lose the same damn pound over and over and over.

    I've been in the 140's for 2 years now, and still to this day I can remember the blood sweat and tears it took to get that first 5% off. But, thankfully the memories are sweet reminders of how I plan to never go back
  • caryesings,
    You were able tobstick to diet for 72 weeks!!! Hats off to you.
    I have a question for ya, do you eat potatoes?
    Lorry, you kept weight in check for 2 years!! How did you manage, it must be life style change!!
    You ladies are my heros!!!!
    Pl help me.
  • Wow Annie, I really needed to read that today. I think I will print this out to re-read when I feel like giving up.
    I love this form because even if I do not post issues myself, I know I will find the words I need to continue on from fellow 3FC members.
    Thank you.
  • To answer, it took me tell 240s to notice my weight loss, and I went down a clothing size. People could tell I had lost weight. My endurance for working out improved. To the person who asked, it might be different for u because we have a 4 inch height difference.
  • I think of it as chipping away at a marble block, one day at a time.
    Thinking of the big picture is just too depressing, smaller goals (and rewarding yourself for meeting them) makes things so much more manageable.
  • Quote: Me: Seriously I weigh what?

    WW girl: 267

    Me: ...(speechless)

    WW: we are going to start with a 5 % goal of 13 lbs, then a 10% goal..

    ME: LIKe uh..13 lbs is nothing..its going to take forever!!!

    WW: one day at a time..

    ME: this sucks..267lbs!! how did I get so fat!ok so I had two kids..but like oh my god!!

    WW: before you know it u will reach your 5% goal...

    ME: woopdidoo..then I will be 254..which is closer to the weight i thought I was.. hey do you guys rig the machines to make us like 10 lbs heavier so you will get more money out of us???

    WW: meeting is starting soon.better get a seat..

    Oh, this sounds so much like a conversation I had several years ago when I first joined one of those all-women gyms. The "trainer" weighed me. Up until that point, I had always been around 135 - 140 (I'm 5 ft. 3), and having gained some weight, I figured I was about 150-155. Well, I weighed in a 176! I was actually flabbergasted. I said, "What?!! 176! That can't be!!" The woman was taken aback and said, "Calm down!"

    So, I feel your pain. But the only thing you can do is just deal with the reality of it. It's discouraging, and it will take a bit longer than you thought, but the weight will come off.
  • Quote: Wow Annie, I really needed to read that today. I think I will print this out to re-read when I feel like giving up.
    I love this form because even if I do not post issues myself, I know I will find the words I need to continue on from fellow 3FC members.
    Thank you.
    I'm glad it was helpful! It's not my original work but me paraphrasing someone else probably a year ago. (I wish I could find the original post.) It has stuck with me for a long time (even when I'm not on plan) and has been helpful to me. I'm glad to keep it alive.
  • Reading all of these has really brightened my spirits today =) Being at 265 is not exactly where I want to be at all but like someone else said I did not put this weight on in a day and I can't take it off in a day either. One day at a time! We can do this!
  • This is one of the best posts I have read...and I've been lurking for a while, lol.

    Slim, I think everyone on this site had that moment...the "oh no...I don't weigh that much. The scale/pants/picture/you name it must be wrong". I feel (re)inspired to continue on as I sit here eating my bland celery sticks while there is cheesecake in the office kitchen!
  • Haha.. I had that moment as well... I figured I'd weighed about 330 or so, and when I got on the WW scale, it said 350, i just about cried on the spot. What a wakeup call... This forum is great inspiration, especially to us newbies ... Great job all of you!!

    *Day 2 of WW*