Weekly Chat 5/16-5/23

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  • im' hungry!!!
    i had like this humongous lunch at 1130 am O_O (was famished). Which left me with 8 points for the rest of the day (i've already cracked into my weeklies by 6 this week - and thats about as much as i ever do, or i dont lose weight). Trying to save my points for dinner. LOl
  • Jinksie, try drinking so much water you feel like you're going to puke. That's what I do when I get hungry and I think it really works. (You've probably already eaten dinner now though.)

    I was down 5.4 pounds this week!!!! I'm still in shock about it!! I got my 75 lb charm. I'm still not sure how I did it. I usually weight a lb more on the WW scale than I do at home, but today I was almost a lb less at WW. Maybe it's because it's finally warmed up here in Wisconsin and I wore shorts to WI for the first time. Not sure but I'm probably going to wear today's outfit for every WI now. I ate some vegetables that I haven't had since starting WW, and I also switched my higher point snack to the mid-morning instead of mid-afternoon, so the majority of my PP are used up by lunch. I hope everyone else is having a successful week, too!!
  • I know the feeling! omg! some days i feel like i could eat up the world. Ive been having some really really weird cravings too. Stuff i never eat (NO i am not Pregnant lol). Tinned whole tomatoes!!! who eats that crap by choice?! apparently i do... cause i went out after i got home from work at midnight and wanted them. I had them with toast and a poached egg. It was awesome though lol.

    That was last week and while i didnt eat anything earth shatteringly crazy i still gained 0.5lbs and i feel like i have to be so hard on myself this week to lose. I hate the feeling of disapointment.
  • I'm gonna be outta town this weekend with my fiance's band. Wish me luck on trying to find healthy food while out of town with a rock band.
  • Quote: I was down 5.4 pounds this week!!!! I'm still in shock about it!! I got my 75 lb charm.
    WOW! That is such a great accomplishment! Congrats! I'm getting so antsy circling close to 25, I can't imagine how amazing it must feel to hit a 75 lb milestone.
  • Quote: Tinned whole tomatoes!!! who eats that crap by choice?! :
    i purposely buy stewed tomatoes to eat? >_<;
    i have 2 tins sitting in my cupboard now. They're great for sauteing vegetables, cos you can add the sauce, and it cooks off into the other vegetables and chicken.
  • Non Scale Victory
    Quote: Ugh! so i gained 0.5 this week. My first gain since i have started. I felt "heavy" all week and although i was sure i stayed with in my points and excercised 3 times, i somehow felt like i had screwed up. It feels like it has been such a struggle and i hate that so much. The lady who weighed me in said it was the weather she thought. That because its so clammy and humid outside and that we have had so much rain... she said our bodies "soak" that up. I thought she was nuts :P So im going to remain calm and just see how it goes next week.

    Arkansasmom, i work as a nurse full time in a hospital. Its definately nice to have gone down in size for my scrubs. Except that they cost a fortune to replace lol.
    don't let the scale take away your glory of being able to finally go down a size.. you are on the right track... sometimes when we exercise we gain weight because you are replacing fat with muscle..
  • tomatoes and green beans
    Quote: i purposely buy stewed tomatoes to eat? >_<;
    i have 2 tins sitting in my cupboard now. They're great for sauteing vegetables, cos you can add the sauce, and it cooks off into the other vegetables and chicken.
    when I was diagnosed as Type II diabetic I was heartbroken because I love(d) pasta and carbs.. I found an Italian restaurant that makes dishes with long veggie bed instead of pasta.. BRILLIANT! So now at home, I make pasta sauce from tomatoes, seasoning and put over the veggies for low cal low carb Italian food. Fat Free feta is excellent for the mediteranian flavor... sometimes I used the Parmesan.. those cheeses have high flavor for little cheese.
  • Quote: when I was diagnosed as Type II diabetic I was heartbroken because I love(d) pasta and carbs.. I found an Italian restaurant that makes dishes with long veggie bed instead of pasta.. BRILLIANT! So now at home, I make pasta sauce from tomatoes, seasoning and put over the veggies for low cal low carb Italian food. Fat Free feta is excellent for the mediteranian flavor... sometimes I used the Parmesan.. those cheeses have high flavor for little cheese.
    Spaghetti squash are great to replace pasta too And feta cheese... and now I'm so hungry ahahah!
  • i <3 fetta cheese.
    dont like spaghetti squash. I like the regular long yellow stuff.
    Im fortunate to not have diabetes so i eat pasta, ever couple of days. I boil it and vegetables for a HUGE dish of food & usually prego vegetable sauce (2 pts for 1/2 cup).
  • Quote: i purposely buy stewed tomatoes to eat? >_<;
    i have 2 tins sitting in my cupboard now. They're great for sauteing vegetables, cos you can add the sauce, and it cooks off into the other vegetables and chicken.
    But I litterally just open the can and eat them out of the can... now is that weird? lol... cause the BF thinks it is! but he hates tomatoes.
  • naw. I open up cans of green beans to eat O_O; (i like french cut, somehow they taste better to me) but i drain that water crap that put in it.
    i had a room mate who hated tomatoes - to me that's weird. Cos its REALLY SUPER DOPPER good on a grilled cheese sandwich and a little salt..
    you know what is weird.... i freeze tomatoes.. O_O lol i dont use them often enough, and i got sick of them going bad, so i froze them.. i'll defrost one when i want it O_O

    as for drinking alot, i generally dont. But when i feel hungry, and it's a time i dont want to eat, i drink hot tea. Always have, with a dash of milk (0 points, cos i worked it out. 1/8 a cup of fat free milk is 0 points, and i use less than that in tea), and if i use 2 0-calorie sweeteners, it helps satisfy my craving for sugar (tricking my body)... i also just like the smell of a good cup of tea
  • wow i just realised, im 4lbs away from 10% O_O (i WI tomorrow, we'll see)
    Some guy in a truck wolf-whistled at me this morning, while i took my daughter to the flea market. It was like 830am. I ignored it, assuming people were making fun (people have done that in the past)... but they kept doing it, as if to get my attention. Lol. I'll assume it was for me, it was early, no one else was walking about, and he was kinda hanging out of the window. lol

    anyone seen Curious case of benjamin button. Super sad movie. i was bawling
  • I weighed in on Saturday and was down 2.4. That's 18.2 pounds in eight weeks. This morning, I put on my old size 18 jeans and didn't have to struggle to pull them on or zip them!!! Whoo hoo!

    I walked 4.4 miles on Saturday just walking the dog and general shopping / errands. Then I walked a total of 6.25 miles on Sunday between walking the dog, the WW 5K, and taking the dog to a greyhound open house. By the end of the day, I was definitely sore and tired, but in a good way. I was dead asleep by 9:30pm last night!

    First the first time in a long time, I'm proud of myself. It feels so good!
  • I have had a kind of "bad" week. *L* Yesterday was my birthday, so there was Swiss chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. I had two pieces (hello, I only have one birthday a year...lol.) Friday night I went out with some friends and had more to drink than I probably should have, considering the stuff I drink (coolers) and Thursday night I went out to dinner with my mom and my cousin.

    But, yesterday I went for a six-mile walk, and I'm planning on another long walk today. I'm hoping to counteract some of the "extras" I had this week before I weigh in on Wednesday night, but I'm also willing to accept whatever consequences come along with my excesses. This is, after all, the first birthday I've celebrated since starting my weight loss journey. So I guess I bit of backsliding's to be expected....right? *L*