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  • For some reason I thought I was supposed to consume 3-5 servings each! Yikes!
  • Quote: However, a reasonable amount of fruit and vegetables are already included into the daily plan. They aren't zero calories, they're just already counted in before you even get your daily points number.
    Ah, when they figured the formula for points they averaged the calories of 5 servings INTO the daily count, so it is counted....we just don't see it. That makes so much more sense to me. They're already in there so you may as well eat 'em.
  • I know this is a fairly old post, but I wanted to chime in.

    Someone else mentioned it and I think it needs repeating. There are no FREE foods, they are ZERO POINT foods!! WW has already calculated them into the plan for us--so thus, they aren't free, they're zero points.
  • I also feel that I'm eating more fruit now on the new plan because it's "free".