CC Columbus Day Challenge

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  • I'm in! I need a challenge to keep me going and motivated.

    Goal #1 Get in to Onederland!
    Goal #2 Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day
    Goal #3 Exercise 3x per week
  • I'm in! My goal is to lose 10 lbs. I know it's a stretch and I won't be too disappointed if I don't. That's just a side goal. My *REAL* goals (heh) are:

    1. Work out everyday, even if it's just 20 min.
    2. Continue to get at least 120 oz of water in.
    3. Journal and blog daily. (definitely journal!)
  • Lori- You look so good! Your looking so thin, you must be proud! What kind of toning exercises are you doing? And how long did it take to get those great results?

    Good to see everyone here!! I'm in again! I need these challenges, it keeps me motivated. Again, my goal is to maintain in the 105lb. range, to continue taking 40min. or more walks/jogging everyday, i call it wogging & to stay within my calorie range of 1200 to 1500, another goal is to stay in control so I don't binge or overeat and allow myself treats when I want in moderation, so far this is helping with the overeating issue, I'm 15 days w/ no binges or overeating. Good luck to us all!!!
  • I'm in of course!!! My goal is I weighed in at 170 and so I'd like to be at, keep doing 30 Day Shred 3 days a week and doing the treadmill atleast 3-4x a week......

    Lori--YOU LOOK FAB!!! Keep up the toning...looks like it's working great!!!! I can't wait to be that small!!!!
  • It's 6:49 here in OHIO~I am half asleep & ready for that bus to hurry up & get here cause I am gonna go back to bed this morning(bus comes at 7:03 USUALLY) ~LOL! I will get a shower & do my exercises as soon as I get back up Around 9:30 or 10:00 & eat.(GEESH I AM SOOO SLEEPY TODAY Ignore all my typing errors as usual~LOL) I am trying my best to be more active in this challenge about posting.

    Fruitlady & KDM Thanks so much~sending MEGA HUGS YOUR WAY!

    Kdm~Your doing super ~u will be down to hear in no time ~I am so proud of u! U ROCK!

    Fruitlady~I still walk 45 Minutes 2x's a day & Then after each walk I do 30 squats/35 crunches(cause I can't do a situp LOL)/~all the next are done when I am laying on my back...Or side...I do 30 leg lifts I call them the scissors. Laying on my side with each leg/Then I lay onto my back & lift my legs held straight one at a time 20 times each/Then I do each one again 30 times but lift them by bending my knees . Then I open & close my legs which works the inner thighs 30 times~Just knees touching them together then opening up then reclose(looks kinda sexual~sorry thats the only way I can't think of to describe it.~LOL)/Then I Lay flat on my back still & lift both legs at same time without bending knees & hold them up for 5 to 10 seconds(this hurts like crap in the abs area~all over basically~LOL) I do them 10 times....Then I get up & do my 30 squats... & I lift a 2 lb weight 30 lifts with each arm(I know that aint much but I had a badly broken elbow when I was 4 so I have to take it easy on that arm ) anyways I do them exercises each time after I walk 45 mintutes(2x's a day)
    They seem to be working ~I am working on tummy,upper legs,& upper arms mainly.Plus I do regular chores ~laundry /dishes /running errands ~stuff like that but not over doing it except when I hang clothes out on the line which I have been doing most of the summer But my hubby & kids help sometimes so I consider it a basic chore.~Hope that was helpful & spelled right LOL~I am so sleepy! OH & as u know I do not work I am a stay at home mom/housewife...So no extras other than the said above

    To all those new to the CC Challenges & those who have been in them before~ Do your best because your best is better than your worst

    Well the bus came 10 minutes ago since I wrote a book on here LOL Super slowly since I am sooooooo sleepy~I will type again soon ~HUGS TO ALL !!! (remember ignore my errors.)
  • Good Morning

    LORI, my dear...your looking fab! I can totally tell a difference...your so tiny, my goodness! Looks like you have found what works for you body...congrats to you! Oh and i wish i lived closer to you too...would LOVE to take those clothes off your hands

    Fruitlady- Way to go on the 15 days w/no binges. AWESOME. I know how hard that habit is to break. I too have been allowing little indulgences every now and then and just count the calories to it. Its been working for me too. yay

    Wanted to say to all the new comers

    I've got Lower body weights on tabs for today then abb work. First i will walk the dog for 40mins. Lori, there is something to walking that i think is underestimated. Ever since i started Power walking more in the mornings (and sometimes evenings) i have noticed my legs getting smaller. That with the combination of lower calories and my weight workouts my body is slowly transforming. It just takes forever Im going to take a pic today and then a pic at the end of the challenge...

    ok...later gators
  • Okay I am in!
    Want to get below 160 - I think that will be a huge mental relief!
    I have also started exercising and riding my horses on alternating days - goal will be to keep both of those up!
    Good luck everybody! And thanks Lori for keeping us all on track with another challenge!
  • Lori - OH EM GEEEE!!! You look AWESOME!! I declare you are my motivation!!! Love the denim but I'm too hippy for that look.

    - To the newbies!! This is a great thread to be accountable and very supportive. Look forward to getting to know you all so post OFTEN!

    I'm off today and tomorrow so I will be going to the park to get my two miles in and have done it for today already. I'll check in later after I see where I fall calorie wise. Feeling good about today!

    Okay it's a new shorter challenge so let's make each day count towards out goal. We are able to make it happen.

    NO EXCUSES this challenge get it done!! Whate ver you do get it done everyday!!
  • I love that we have people on here that met goal and still here Reminds me that this is a way of life not a diet.. Eating healthy and exercise is a lifetime goal not a until I get to goal weight.
    Have all my goals down...Now the hard part sticking to them
    Have a long day today with my daughters dance class today will not be home until late so I'm going to precut everything so all I have to do is throw everything in the pan... No fast food
  • Hi all,
    I am in! I love challenges.

    SW: 239.2
    GW: 230.0

    *Workout 6 days per week
    * Stay on plan with calories
    * Water, Water, Water
    * Count calories on the weekend.

    Good luck all.
  • Urgh, I'm back up to 173 pounds / 78.5 kilograms. Frustrating! Staying in that same 1 kilogram range for nearly 2 weeks now! Off to exercise now, not going to let it derail me from my goals!
  • I'm joining this challenge as well.

    My first goal for this challenge is to say goodbye to the 160s. On Columbus Day (well, for me in Canada it will be Thanksgiving Day) I want to weigh 159.9 at the most.
    My second goal is to do 15 workouts of the 30 day shred video between now and Thanksgiving. I really want to lower my BF%.

    I will weigh-in every Thursday and then one last time on October 11th.
  • Just checking in...first day at work with the kids today...very busy to say the least! We also have houseguests for a few days, so not really able to get my exercise in. Doing well on calories so far though! Going to WI Friday, hope I haven't gained too much since returning from Colorado this weekend!

    Welcome newbies!!
  • Well I made it the first day and I'm feeling good. I ended the day at 1394!!! So one day down and 34 more to go. We are going to have so much fun this go around.
  • Hello all, just getting back on the losing weight track and I basically am trying portion control and counting calories. I need a challenge to get started so I was glad to see this one! Lets see my goals from here to Columbus day are:
    1) exercise 4x per week even if for only 20 minutes
    2) Get my water up! Im thinking 60oz is good for me, I usually get only 20-30 in.
    3) Limit "fast food" to only 2 times a week. My life is so hectic I plan very poorly and end up eating out way too much.
