Binge-free challenge ~ Feb. 22-28

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  • finished Day 22 tonight. Very pleased. Way to go everyone.
  • Every day without a binge is like a day with SANITY - and it's a great gift!!
  • I did make it through day one.

    And let's give eratosthanes a nice for having the discipline to keep track of her calories even during a binge. I'd have lost track. And she didn't end up *that* far over!

    Here's to new starts.
  • Starting day 2 today
  • Good morning everyone! Seems like we're all off to a pretty good start, eratosthanes good job for keeping track of your calories and being aware. Chrys that's great that you resisted.. you sound a lot like me with your weakness for pastries! lol We can overcome the muffins!
    I'm starting day 2 today, almost binged yesterday on tortilla strips for my tortilla soup but I stopped myself. I bought the cutest planner to go on my wall to write down all my food and workouts, i'm excited about that. I hope the planner also serves as a reminder of the work I am putting in. Have a great day everyone!!
  • Bad night. Sugar levels boomeranged, for reasons I don't quite know, and I even had a mild seizure. (Could it be I'm losing weight and need less insulin now? The scale has been the same for the past month or so, but...) Anyway, it looks like I'm going to have to miss out on the clubhouse today. I'm kind of foggy in the brain. And haven't slept.

    But I'll still refrain from binging, just for today.

    I was honestly hungry a few minutes ago and had a couple of handfuls of mixed nuts. Probably amounted to about 1/2 cup. Approximately 340 calories, 32 grams of fat, 12 carbs. I'm on a low-carb diet, which raises the fat allowance some, but I try not to go crazy with it. After eating these nuts I was no longer hungry, so I stopped. I'm putting them away now.
  • Day 5! Everything is planned out, I have no reason to go off plan. What's more, I don't WANT to go off plan. I was thinking today about how downright awful I feel after binging -- usually it's hard for me to remember those feelings. It made me uncomfortable to think about feeling that way and I realized that I didn't have to feel uncomfortable and anxious -- I haven't binged! It was like a weight was lifted -- as corny as that sounds, lol.

    I still have this nagging thought in the back of my head saying "Eat, eat, eat..." but layered over it is the other thought saying "You know how that makes you feel, it's not worth it."

    Does anyone else have multiple voices in their head? I'm I the only crazy one?? lol
  • Fell off the wagon last night at work :-( I don't know what it is about Mondays and the fact that I'm at work but if I've had a weekend where I ate too much then I have more of a tendency to binge that Monday at work. Maybe I'm tired, maybe I figure since my stomach is already big and distended I can just eat whatever and it won't make THAT much more of a difference? I don't know. All I know is that after I ate my dinner last night which I thoroughly enjoyed (my dads homemade chili :-)) this intense urge and desire came over me to want CHOCOLATE. yes it always goes back to chocolate. One of the other techs in the outpatient pharmacy sells chocolate bars for 50 cents, well they close at 6. I'm in the inpatient pharmacy and if we ever need anything we grab the key and go down to outpatient. Well I volunteered TWICE to go down and get something we needed because I knew I could buy a couple candy bars. un-be-lievable. I felt like a dirty rat trying to scheme her way into getting the chocolate. Needless it was a crappy night and fully intend on talking the whole experience through with my therapist today. And even tho I was still stuffed this morning I made myself eat a nice bowl of oatmeal. And just got done now having a turkey sandwhich after having a good cardio workout. So I fully intend on NOT letting this day go in the crapper as well!!

  • I feel good about this week! So far things are going really well and I have no plans to give myself an option to binge.
  • I ended up having about 1200 cal again last night. I really am trying, I just keep making freshman mistakes on my eating habits (not eating enough at dinner, and wondering why I am eating so much over night!!!). Really, I know better, why is it so hard?!
  • tomorrow is a milestone for me and i am having issues getting to it! on one hand i got great news yesterday - i am down 2% body fat in the last 1.5 months! I am very excited even if the scale only changed 2 lbs (means i built a lot of muscle!) tomorrow is day 60 for me without a binge! i am nervous about making it that far... today is tuesday which is always hard and my youngest is giving me a run for my money to earn it too...

    i just need to take a deep breath and realise today is nearly over... a few more hours and i am into day 60... tomorrow i am going to a trade show with supplied lunch so it should be interesting to see what kinda meal i get served (i am packing healthy snacks just in case...worst case i'll leave early and get something from subway)... i can do this... i get strength from all of you... day 60... here i come (right????)
  • day 1 again, yesterday would've been 5 but I had a mini binge, then worked out for an hour and a half, so i hope that made up for it. Did really well today.
  • Day 3 for me. Did good, I was cleaning the house today and hopefully burned alot of calories since It takes me 8 hrs. to do the whole house. I was still tempted to binge though because I am a caregiver and had a really rough day trying to clean and take care of my mom at the same time, I did 7 loads of laundry too!
  • Back to day 1 - stressful day at work. Gonna have to figure out a new coping mechanism or I'll be busting out of my clothes.
  • Happytobemomof2, congratulations on reaching day 60! Good luck tomorrow at the trade show. You can do it! Wishing you much success!

    This is day 15 for me!

    Good luck, everyone!