September Chick Chatter!

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  • Hello Everyone.

    So far the day has been a not so good one but that is only because I am royally pissed at my oh so wonderful boyfriend. He's doing the same crap he was doing before we broke up and got back together again. When we got back together he had quit and did good for 2 months but it all started all over again. He was sleeping when I left the house this morning so I ended up leaving him a nice little letter. His the biggest part of my problem lately. I just don't know what to do anymore.

    In the last week I ended up gaining back 4 lbs. Not overly happy about it but it is my fault I know I was emotionally eating and barely exercising. I got myself back on track. Which I guess is good.

    Going to go find something to do with my son along with going for a walk wiu him.

    Hope everyone has a good day
  • Hi, Everyone.

    I am having a bad night. I cannot stop crying. I wish there was someone I could talk to. My symptoms get worse around the Holidays because I have nothing to do. On holidays, I'm reminded that I don't have any friends or boyfriend. I hate staring at the phone hoping for someone to call. I don't know how I'm going to get through the next three days.
  • Hey Everybody!

    I was doing great, lost 4 or 5 pds (could have been some water weight) and exercising every day! Yeah, felt fabulous, don't know what the **** happened, but I had like a 4 day binge fest and ate more peanuts and raisins than I can even describe. The sweet and salty thing must have really gotten me, I am wondering if it was mid cycle pms... Now, I am bloated, feeling fat, and back up all the weight that I lost... But, today was good other than exercise and I am looking at tomorrow to be fixing that. I also found a really old friend on line that I hadn't talked to in years and who used to be my best friend other than DH. We have been emailing, texting, and talking on the phone for a week and it just good!

    I also bought some Gloomaway spray from Origins and some of there moment of peace cream yesterday. Normally I am not a grapefruity type person but it reallly attracted me, I had to have it...not usual...I have found several articles that talk about aromatherapy to head off binging and I am going to see if it is a useful tool for me.

    DH will be getting his next MRI next month and is flying to a hospital away from me to do it...the first time I won't be there with him and his first trip alone since his surgery...a little nervewracking...

    Hope you all have a nice holiday! I am going to have one dog to visit this weekend but other than that I think we are going to go to Dave & Buster's and maybe see a stuff!

    See ya Peeps!!!
  • Hi girls!

    Hope - yes, plenty of notice at work, and not all good - 16 year old boys no longer talk to my FACE... small school in a small town...

    Anyway - I am having one of those super-crazy-productive days - so I'm going to keep at the total organization for as long a it lasts!!

    Hang in there chickies!

  • Good morning everyone

    Ambrosia try getting out of the house, go for a walk, just something. I know how hard that is, but its worse sitting alone with our own thoughts. I'm sure others will have some better advice as I'm just crawling out of my own pit here. But I do know just changing the scenery can help and getting out in the fresh air is always beneficial. I hope you can see some light soon and take care of yourself.

    Raven I've been wondering how you've been. Sorry about the binge it sure does sound like good ol' pms cravings tho.

    Not much going on here. DdC goes back to school on Wednesday but DdA goes back to uni on Tuesday. No major plans this weekend as kids are working all different times. I do have to take DdC in and do the jeans shopping and pick up a few more school supplies. It definitely feels like fall out there now.

    Well have a great weekend everyone.
    Take care,
  • Quote: 16 year old boys no longer talk to my FACE... small school in a small town...
    haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you go girl.

    Good Morning,

    What a great morning, cool and crisp... gotta love it.

    Have a great Sunday Chickies

  • Hi all..

    hope everyone had a good Sunday
  • Happy Labor Day

    Going out to breakfast with some friends and the rest of the day is mine (((( I think)))) ... school starts tomorrow, dd has butterflies in her tummy lol, ahhh I remember those days.

    Have a great Monday.

  • Not a good day. I went off plan this weekend – and somehow gained 7lbs in 2 days. I PROMISE you I did not eat 24,500 calories over the course of 2 days. I’m not even sure that’s possible. I fall asleep when I eat to much, I’d pass out for the entire day after 3,000 – let alone 12,500 a day.
    I’m trying to be good today but the lb weight gain is discouraging, especially since I had been doing so good for 2 weeks and saw a 2lb gain when I was good. Then I go back to "not-hyper-vigilant" and I gain 3.5 lbs a day? Oog.

    s to everyone.
  • Hi everyone,

    marbear - it could be any number of things combined with going a little off-plan (but you knew this, right ).

    ambrosia - how have you been over the past few days?

    I'm doing ok over here, just done my first week on meds, which hasn't been too bad at all (although I'm on a lower dosage for two weeks). Over the past couple of days I've been really tired. My sister and I have figured out that I'm likely not taking in enough calories for my activity level, but it might also be a side-effect of my anti-d. Tomorrow I've got another appt with the doc so I'll mention it.

    Other than that I noticed myself worrying about the future a bit, so I've been trying to kick that into touch.

    How is everyone? to all who'd appreciate them.
  • Hope you all don't mind a "Newbie" joining in.
    My name is Ryanne, I have been around for a few weeks, mostly lurking reading posts, and hanging out in the 100 pound support group... but I thought I'd come in here for some other than just weight loss support... and I hope you don't mind...cuz I'm kinda going through a rough spot right now. I have been diagnosed with Chronic Anxiety, Chronic Depression and Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. The current problem I am having in a switch in meds, Doc took me off Lexapro and changed it to Prozac and I am having a little side effects from the prozac and a lot of withdrawal from the Lexapro. Mainly agitation... and I am having a hard time with it right now. Doc says to give it 30 days, but if I really can't take it, they will switch me to something else. I'm afraid most of my agitation has been aimed at my Sweetheart, and I'm afraid if I don't learn to "control" this, I just may say something more that I shouldn't, which I've already said a lot that I shouldn't... I just don't want him being in the hot seat... I love him so much, and I am trying really hard. I just don't know what to do to keep from hurting him...and stay on track with the eating and all that... Right now, I am pms ing on top of it, so I swing between anger and wanting to cry.
    I am a stay at home mom and I really have no friends left since I quit my job in March to stay at home with our youngest before he has to go to school next year, so we were down to one income when my husband had to be off work for a week for surgery and doesn't get paid for the week off.
    So money is tight right now, and getting tighter.
    I hate that I had to switch meds now... but I will just be glad when all these symptoms are over. I just needed some support in this from someone who might understand what I am going through.
  • Welcome Ryanne, looking forward to getting to know you better. Changing meds can be ****, I remember last summer when I was going through paxil with drawl as well as the new side effects of the wellbutrin, I was a complete wreck, it can improve tho. Good luck

    Ambrosia how did you make out this weekend? Hope you are doing better.

    Salsa good to hear you aren't having many problems with the new meds.

    Hope how are the classes going?

    mom where are you??

    A big Hi and to all.

    Still pretty quiet around here. Its definetly fall tho. DdC starts school tomorrow, her last year, wow. Having problems getting myself to phone my doctor's office. I need prescription refills, but I just don't want to deal with it. I better get over myself soon

    Have a great day everyone and take care,
  • Ryanne - welcome!
  • Hi girls,

    I haven't been here in few days but I've been reading. I feel like I've been at work every waking minute. When I haven't I've been preoccupied with my dogs fighting. I came home one day to find them bloody. It was terrible. It has completely stressed me out to the point I'm not sleeping and/or having nightmares. I'm afraid to leave them alone and constantly monitering them. We have been thinking we may have to give one away and that would kill me. I just don't trust anybody with them. They are like my kids. Tonight we bought them some of the training collars that gives them a gentle shock when they are getting out of hand. I hope that works. I have to try them on myself before I put it on them. I'm afraid to hurt them. Anybody ever use these?

    Welcome to the newbies!

    I've missed you guys. Still haven't gotten a handle on the food and exercise thing but I really need to try to feel better. I've been pretty down about myself lately and the stress at home hasn't helped.

    Hope you all are doing well.
  • Morning!

    Hope - . Have you had your dogs long? Is this a new behavior? You can try doing what parents do with people-size-children who fight - keep them at opposite ends of the house .

    Salsa - I'm glad the meds are behaving.

    Ambrosia - You doing ok?

    Bud - quiet is GOOD!

    I havn't taken allergy medicin today, so even though my eyes are itchy and I keep sneezing - I'm 200% better than yesterday. Allergy medicin makes me useless! So no allergy meds - just coffee

    Have a great day all!