300+ Weekly Thread #1165

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  • ok so I went to the eye doctor and asked his professional opinion about my eyeballs loosing weight and he got a good chuckle out of that! LOL but he did say that my eye could of had more of a curve in the astigmatism from my dieting....so technically I didn't loose weight in my eyeball but it did change a bit LOL so I was kinda right LOL

    He gave me one contact for near seeing and my old prescription is still good for my other eye........the right eye is the one that wiggled around on my eyeball alot.....and that just so happens to be the one he is giving me a new prescription for.....its amazing how now I can read as well as see far away!!! Just kinda makes my stomach a bit queezy LOL Like the first time I had bifocals when I'm walking the ground looks odd.....he said that should all settle down within the week and if not we will try another version of this new contact. I got a new pair of glasses as well......thank goodness for my flexspend acct!!! LOL we primarily use it for glasses/contacts and dental so it comes in handy!!! As soon as I pickup my glasses I will snap a pic so you all can see them!

    Today's food choices were great so far! for breakfast Go Lean Crunch cereal with 2% milk(have a hard time with skim) for lunch DD & I went to ChickFilA I had a grilled wrap and fruit cup instead of fries!!! (YEAH me!!!) After this past couple of weeks choices that was a huge thing!!! LOL

    Still need to workout but will get that done in a little bit!!! I feel good about my plans and I know that has a lot to do with my WI's LOL

    Annie!!!!! WOW!!!! that is SO AWESOME!!! I'm so proud of you!!! I know if I get down to where I would like to be...I will be at 50% of me as well!!! I know I can get there eventually!!!

    Debi-Wish I was your neighbor!!! Would love some of your garden harvests!!!

    Naytally-Sorry to hear you having to see that today! That's horrible.....glad you made good choices though instead of going to cigs or food! that is a great NSV!!!
  • RealCdn- I never knew emotional eating was a problem until I started keeping track of my moods and what I eat with fitdaypc... This morning I really just wanted to grab something, but instead of grabbing something bad, I just drank my water (which was hard enough to stomach, given what I had just seen) and tried to continue on to work.

    I love planning my meals... Its so fun for me to do calculations and figuring it out and what i find at the end of the day is I'm actually full and I havent even met the calories I had alloted myself for the day.
  • OMG...Annie...I almost forgot...congrats on hitting your goal! That is sooo awesome! I can't wait to get there myself! Are you going to celebrate? I think you should...go get some nice pics done or something...or go on a shopping spree (accessories mostly since your still going strong!) I am soo proud and yes, jealous!

  • missed a couple

    Anne great pics!!! Yes there is a great difference from your before and now....but I see the difference in your neck between the last three....each one you can see your neck shrinking!!! that's awesome! My youngest DD looked at them and said your eyes stand out more now too! Not just because of the different glasses either! She was majorly impressed with your faceshots!

    Tricia-Sounds good girlfriend!!! Lets get with it!!!!
  • Greetings again everybody

    Well, my days at work just got a bit busier. A big project with an impossible deadline has been mandated and I'm assigned to it.

    Nay, hugs to you for what you witnessed. I know the sick feeling you get and have witnessed both a kitty and a puppy getting hit at different times. The feelings were the same.. yuk.

    Debbie, who'd have thunk that slug poison keeps bunnies away too? Maybe the bunnies are full? The real reason is they are prolly out telling their friends to come visit or making MORE bunnies.. EEP! I *always* get eaten by mosquitos. The horrible thing is that it takes 3 days for the bumps to get big and irritable (has to do with an allergy to the bites). When I was weedeating this weekend, the sweat flies were biting me hard. Grrr. You are cleaning mini blinds? Pffft, you don't need Annie, you got it all covered (Note to self, check the dust on the miniblinds).

    Annie, you are too funny about your cupboards! I have 2 golden retrievers and know about retriever hair.. it goes everywhere!! I have wood floors, so it floats along like it's alive. CongoRat Dancing at being half the woman you used to be! Of course, inside, you are more complete than you were at twice the size (did that make sense?). You have overcome obstacles and continue to grow in ways that make me proud to know you. Your pictures are AWESOME btw. Wow, just wow. *hugs*

    Anne, it's good to see you here and posting. I missed ya, but it's always good to regroup. My cherries were long gone here before I could pick them. I have 2 trees that had fruit for the first time this year. Next year, I vow to spray more and cover limbs more.

    Hiya Shic! A salad for breakfast.. um.. not sure if I could do that first thing after waking up. I hate veggies, but have created a truce between them and me. I know they are good for me and I'm trying more and more to make healthy choices. Stay cool there!

    DMPLS, the eye doc is the next thing on the list of stuff to do. I need my contacts changed cuz it's hard to read my odometer when I'm riding my bicycle.. hehe. When it's cooler, I can ride with my glasses, but this hot weather has me sweating buckets! I wear a tie around moisture-wicking headband that helps some.

    Debi, sorry to hear about the boy's family. It's always very sad. Regarding veggies....I wish I was your neighbor too! Squash is one of my most tolerated veggies and I can say I like it above most other veggies.

    Julia, I want some strawberry jam too! I tried to encourage my overworked little sister to make me some, but she was stressed and couldn't get to it this year. I've been buying homemade stuff at the farmer's market this year. I love a teaspoon of it in cottage cheese.

    Julee, glad you had a good trip! I can't believe the temps in CA.

    Mizm, how are you today?

    Catherine, I'm glad you got home safely and I'm hoping the edema is lessening. I've sent my check in for a book and am waiting! I'm also excited about your upcoming murder mystery as well. You'll probably work on Himself's compliation of speeches first, but I can still hope you'll get to work on the mystery as well. Just FYI, compliments are hard for me to take as well. I like to do stuff anonymously and take satisfaction of doing a good job. You deserve all the compliments and one day, your brain will believe that concept too!

    Battle, I'm here with ya as you baby step and/or maintain balance. You were there when I was having a rough time this past winter. It's good to see you post, even if it's just a flyby to say hello!

    Speaking of Flybys.. ProfHeather, I like your flyby posts too!

    Hugs to all of you and my lurking peeps,

  • Taking a break from cleaning the house. lol. It is so hot today and we have no air condit. So, the house is closed up with fans going in every room. Well, the rooms I am in. I so far have done the spare room and the master bedroom along with doing laundry. I am shooting for getting the whole shabang done tonight when it cools down but wanted to get a jump on some things.

    Heather: I know right!

    Anne: Glad you are having a nice day.

    Carol: Thanks

    Tricia: Thanks. I thought about vacuuming them or even giving them another bath both to get rid of some of the hair and to cool them down with.

    Bernice: Alas. I still have so much more to go before I am close to my goal weight. I can't wait to see the new glasses.

    Rat: I have wood floors too and it does tuble and roll about making you see a well, rat or mouse, lol in the corner of your eye. lol.

    Okay ladies, back to the grind. I want to get this whole place dusted by 3 p.m. and still have 3 rooms to go.

    Blessings all,
  • It warmed up here to almost 90F. I had to open the windows and turn a fan on. The polar bear I'm married to has melted down to the point he can't speak in complete sentences. I've been freezing wet wash rags for him. My thyroid is too messed up to notice it's hot.

    I've spent half the day in the bathroom, so my legs are finally getting back to size. Diuretics are a great invention. There has been many calls about how big my feet still are. We have a football game on Thursday, and they don't care if I have to sit with my feet up, as long as I'm there to direct traffic in the kitchen. Kind of Patton sitting on top of a tank directing the war. I wonder where I could buy one of those riding crops to slap on the side of my leg?
  • Russian Demantoid
    Hi all,

    Haven't posted much lately. I feel like I should, and yet honestly I don't really feel part of the group. Not really feeling poor me, just stating a fact.

    I need help! Allow me to start with an explanation. My DH and I met on the internet about....wow, I guess about 10 years ago. Anyway, we used to watch DSN (Direct Shopping Network) "together"...3000 miles apart. It was always late at night, and therefore it was really hideous jewelry. He moved across the country to be with me in 2001, and then we watched it together while going to bed. We still do watch it, to this day (well, unless there is something else going on in bed ). Strangely, he really LOVES the mafia looking rings with Russian Demantoid (green garnet) stones. Since we are in bed, it's kind of hard to sneak off and buy one, and they seem to be on rarely anyway. Our 5 yr wedding anniversary is coming up in October and I really want to find him one. I have been searching the net, and definitely find quite a few loose demantoids, but no mens rings (he prefers mafia looking white gold). So....any ideas? I keep thinking of buying a loose gem, and then bringing it to a jeweler to make into the ring I want. Is this doable?Would I need to talk to a jeweler first? Any ideas?

    Any guidance would be appreciated.

  • Hi Angie!

    We have a friend of the family that happens to be a jeweler. They are very talented little buggers..lol! We took him an octagon-like shaped amethyst (my birthstone) and asked him to make some suggestions for settings. He drew a few on paper and I made a little change to the one I wanted and he did it. If you can find someone that you actually trust to do it exactly how you want it, without cheating you, I think it's a great idea! Good luck...and oh, nice to meet you. I came while you were gone (or lurking..lol)!
  • Hi All,

    Survived another weekend of camping...... I feel like dancing passed out cake to 250 campers ....And was not tempted to have any!! Brought the left overs to my trailer for crib the next day ...And ignored it!!Yipppeee
    Anne wow I am so proud of you your an inspiration to me!! Keep going!!I know you can do it!!
  • Just a quick post. I'm at school and the siren just went for the starf of the school day.

    My choir got their photo in the school newsletter and it is now up on the school's website. I've made the link to the newsletter page, and you just have to click on "Current Newsletter". The pic (just a little one) is on the third page of the newsletter. I think they look very smart in their choir uniforms.

    You may also want to have a look around the school site, but I'm not sure how interesting that would be for you.

    Here's the link, for those who are interested:

    My School Newsletter
  • Hello again!

    Zelma, that's a really neat newsletter. We never had stuff like that when I was in school. Very nice pics...the kids look so well behaved. Thank you for sharing.

    Angel, good for you not snacking on all the crap that the kids eat! I'm proud of you, keep it up girl!!!!

    Well, I'm off to check on my client's dog....just thought I would pop in and say hi and see what's going on! Y'all have a great nite!
    Take care!
  • Good Morning,

    Not much going on here. Trying to keep the garden picked which is keeping me busy. Tomatoes are finally turning orange...a few more days should have the 1st one ripe!! I have eaten so many green ones hubby is joking that we need to plant more next year so i can eat all the green ones i want without worry about them never getting ripe. Picked 2 bell peppers today and saw 5 melons on the vines. I am leaving all the squash till tommorow and let it grow a little bit bigger. I love gardens!! I dont have to worry about weeding now...the plants are so big now they have all grown together and no weeds can come up.LOL
    Im heading out for my walk early today as i will be working on potty training again today with the boys. M&Ms are the reward for going to the potty. Now if i can stay out of them!! These kids dont get candy so the M&Ms are a really big treat for them!!
    Have a great day
  • G'morning my Chickies!

    I pried the money out of my wallet and broke down to buy a Wii Fit. It is so much fun! My evening bicycle rides (I'm still commuting to work) have been postponed because of evening t-storms. Having something else to occupy my widdle mind and large jello body has me excited (hehe).

    Annie, I hope you got all your rooms dusted. Don't over do it if you are still feeling icky!

    Catherine, poor Himself. He's melting away. My thyroid makes me hot and cold intolerant, but it's my iron and B12 levels are what make me cold when everyone else is melting. I'm not sure if you take a multivitamin with iron, but it might be worth investigating..especially considering how you've had to do some major healing over the winter. I think an Indiana whip would be more threatening at the football game. Imagine your reach!! Think of the drunks who can't feel the frozen hotdogs pelted at their heads.. they'd feel the bite of the whip on their behinds, right??

    Realist, I agree about finding a good jeweler. There are many talented ones out there. Just another idea, I bet there are great rings on eBay as well. Make sure you buy from a powerseller with a good rating I'm sorry you aren't feeling part of us here... posting more to let us know what's up with you perhaps? You might be extreemly busy though. Never worry about personals, ok?

    Yay Angels for not wanting cake!! Camping always makes me retain water because of the heat. Doesn't seem to matter how much I drink either. Do you find that happens to you?

    Zelma, what a sweet group of kiddos!! That's a very nice newsletter.

    Shic, *wavies* have a great day and hugs to the puppy!

    Debi, yah00 for your wonderful garden. You are too funny about the green tomatoes. Thinking about those makes my tummy turn, however. Not my veggie of choice, but the squash is!! I also like sauteed green pepper and onions. Have a great walk and try not to be tempted by the M&Ms!

    Hugs and Luv to all,

  • How is this for an NSV - I can now sit in the tub and not have the water plugged behind me my hips are now small enough for the water to drain properly and not have me as the fleshy dam