Just Diagnosed Hypothyroid...

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  • bookgirl!!
  • Quote: Your thyroid is bare over the normal range so you shouldn't have trouble losing. Mine was 127 - yes, that is correct - when I was diagnosed and I've been on Synthroid for 13 years and maintained a 200 pound weight loss. Keep posting!
    Wow I thought I was the only one who got to triple digets!!! When I dragged my sorry butt in it was cause a friend said "If you don't go to the dr's I will drive 18 hours to your house then kick you all the way to the office" She would have too!! I told the dr I was tired, depressed, stressed and overwhelmed. My TSH was 203!! I thank my friend every day. I'm just so sorry that my kids had to put up with all that before we figured out there was something wrong!

    I had some problems lossing wieght for a while but now that we have switched brands I'm lossing. Hit my first goal this week!! lost just over 40 I'm now 179 and eyeing the box of size 16 pants I put away years ago. Not sure what my next goal will be we will see how it goes
  • Has anyone out there just stopped taking their meds ....I was on 75mcg and about 5 weeks ago I stopped taking my meds. I shouldnt have I guess I started feeling good like I didnt need them anymore and now I sleep all the time the only thing I can do is get to work .....and what I need to do is get outside and get some fresh air and exercise.
    Im going to order a new Rx from the pharmacy right now.....
  • Hey Jasmine987
    I already know what would happen if I stopped taking them!! when your TSH gets really really high you stop being able to stay warm, move, sleep through the night. Your reaction time goes up to days!! Your too tired to go to bed not that it matters cause you can't sleep worth beans anyway! You become a danger to yourself and your family. been there done that will make the t-shirt some day
  • It is a must for anyone with a hypothyroid condition to exercise. Everyone really needs to exercise to be healthy. It is definitely NOT harder to lose weight when you medication is correct. I lost 214 pounds in 23 months. A good website for more info on thyroid disease is www.thyroid.about.com.
  • Quote: Be careful of the soy products - they can inhibit the absorption of your medications. A good place for info is www.thyroid.about.com. Your diet should be fine. Be sure to get exercise. Your thyroid is bare over the normal range so you shouldn't have trouble losing. Mine was 127 - yes, that is correct - when I was diagnosed and I've been on Synthroid for 13 years and maintained a 200 pound weight loss. Keep posting!

    That website is amazing! Thanks! I had thyroid cancer about a year ago so it's been hard for me (mostly sleeping issues).
  • I have been on thyroid meds for a year now and I cannot believe how much better I feel. It has not hindered my weight loss at all. Best of luck on your weight loss journey.
  • I just want to say how happy I am that I found this forum. I too am newly dx with hypothyroidism. I have been on synthroid for 2 1/2 weeks, 50 mcg. I feel so much less exhausted, although my hair is falling out. The hair loss always seems to happen this time of year and then stops. I keep up on biotin to help it and it ends up ok.

    What I especially love about this forum is the hope it brins you. I really don't care much for about.com because of the negativity surrounding hypothyroidsm/synthroid/weight loss. Being newly dx is a scary place to be, the one thing you need to have is hope. I was thrilled to read the weight loss success stories here.

    Thank you everyone for your inspiration!
  • I was diagnosed shortly after giving birth to my daughter 2 years ago. I am still struggling with my weight.

    I went to my doctor for my check up (on my levels) and he said the synthroid was working just fine. I told him it wasn't because I was still overweight.

    Well he shook my butt in gear. He told me I could lose weight with normal levels but it was up to me to get the weight off. The Synthroid would not be a magic pill for me. (I was so hoping the weight would melt off of me)

    I am very sensitive to what I can and cannot put in my body. I have to be strict. I eat small meals every 3-4 hours and exercise regularly. Losing weight with Hypothryoidism is hard but not impossible. Unfortunately, most of us have to work a little harder to get the weight off.

    Mary R
  • Also Hypo
    It is great to know we are not alone! In 2006 I thought I was doing something right with my wt. loss, but then I started having heart palpitations, sweating tons, hand tremors and falling asleep mid sentence because of exhaustion. But the good part was the wt. was literally falling off.
    Of course I knew that something was not right. I have to work too hard for my wt. loss. My thyroid was overactive...hyper. So after all the tests and CT scan...I had the RAI therapy and over the course of the next six months I started to gain wt. and most of my other symptoms went away but the hypothyroidism was well on its way. My TSH was 69 before they finally started me on Synthroid. I am up to 112mcg a day and if I really work hard, I can lose a pound or two a week. I may need to go a bit higher dosage before I can really feel normal (whatever that may be). My last test had my numbers at 9.1. And the doc wants me at least at a 3.0. So we shall see. One thing I know for sure...Educate yourself. And ask for copies of all labs. It is your right as a patient to know what your numbers are. We have to take care of ourselves.