I'm afraid I'm not going to make my goal.

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  • I like what ennay suggested--have a goal for X days on plan. Make it days that will cross a weekend, because that's when you've been having difficulties. Worth a try?

    Also, I know that some of you want to improve your DH's weight--but your own weight loss has to come first. Your commitment can't rise and fall based on his success or lack of it. I know, you've heard it before--just a reminder!

  • Quote: I have a goal similar to yours. 18 pounds to go, Christmas deadline. Will I make it? I don't know... I'd LIKE to! I'm going to feel like and assume that I can do it, so I can at least give it an honest try. And... well... if I can do it, SO CAN YOU!
    Hey Shane...Okay, since you have a similar goal to mine, I'll be watching you! I like the "fake it till you make it" attitude. That might get me out of this crummy mood.

    Quote: Also, I know that some of you want to improve your DH's weight--but your own weight loss has to come first. Your commitment can't rise and fall based on his success or lack of it.
    Good reminder, Jay. I guess I have to remember the reason that I am doing this is for myself. My health. My self-esteem. I am going to be a winner even if I lose this contest...I still will have lost weight. My period is coming up, maybe that is why I am a little anxious about this.

    Lovelypurple, Torister & Ennay,

    I like your ideas. Perhaps if we only eat one bad meal a week (which I can accept) until the end of the month, we can go out to watch a band or something.

    Kaplods: I love that you guys are so involved in it together. And what a cute charm! I have a charm bracelet, too. I love your idea of a 20 lb weight loss chart. I just made one but I made it for 10 lbs instead of 20. That is creative and a great idea.

    I always get such good ideas from everyone here. And even just typing these posts makes me reflect on what I'm doing and why. I don't know what I would do without you all!
  • i kno exactly how u feel...up until this point my weight just kinda dropped off but now it has stalled and i haev actually gained a few pounds...it feels like my goal is father than it was when i started...but i've felt this way before and i stuck to my guns and then persistance paid off...so here i am...it will get easier...JUST DON'T GIVE UP!!!
  • Hey, happy belated birthday, Trooworld!
  • I read some statistics about how many calories in one "bad meal" can add up to in a year - ya da ya da - but you know, it's true! Have you thought about working on some new recipes that taste wonderful, but are also healthy? You could look at the "Eating Well" or "Cooking Light" websites or make up something on your own. You are not going to be able to last the course if you don't enjoy your food.
  • I think alot of times we want to be pefect, so we set our goals so high that failure is inevitable, and when we aren't able to succeed, we don't just trip we thow ourselves down a flight of stairs (or for some of us, a very steep cliff).

    It's important to remember that the alternative to a "super, great, fantastic perfect day," is not limited to an "awful, bad, terrible, horrible, worst day possible." In fact if you can learn to accept and even aim for "a pretty good day, considering" but can nearly eliminate horrible days, then you may actually start to see more consistent progress. It may be slower than you're used to expecting, but you may give up less easily."
  • NO HUGS FROM ME! For pete's sake girl....that's what our PITY PARTY is for!

    What you need is

    #1 ~You are not in competition with your husband! If you both want to work together to lose weight ...FINE!....but first and foremost you need to do it for you!

    Angie never makes remarks about my weight or my exercise...er...lack of it. Now I may say things like "Boy I think I really ate too much tonight babe" she then may say something like "Ya think?" She encourages by asking things like... "Would you like to walk the dogs with me?....enter this 5K next week...hike at the lake this week-end"....etc. but she never "demands" it. The "thoughts" are just always out there. She usually cooks healthy food for us....I lean more towards the casserole's and things not quite as healthy for us....she doesn't say anything...except sometimes I get a "Babe, do you really think it needs all this cheese?"....she just eats less of the "crap" I made and eats more salad.

    I guess what I am trying to say is Angie eats well and exercises for HER...because she wants to be in shape...she encourages me by her attitude towards her exercise and eating, but doesn't force it on me. The other day I was feeling sorry for myself, I didn't think she was acknowledging me enough for my weight loss...she felt she had...she doesn't get on me for extra weight and bad habits...but... I don't feel she gives me enough kudos for when I do the good things....anyway....she says to me "You aren't losing weight for me are you? Don't do it for me, do it because you want to." Of course she wants me fit, but thats for ME to do!

    #2 ~ Watch putting time limits on yourself. If I did that I may not be down the 25 pounds I am now. After my first two weeks I was at 199...a loss of 2 pounds...exactly what I was after 1 day! If I would have quit I would not have seen the 8 pound loss after 1 month or the 12 pound loss after 40 days or the 23 pound loss after 60 days.

    You are not in a race to lose weight...it is supposed to be forever! Now you all can say what you want about men lose quicker than women I will not disagree....but TROO in my behalf I had very little "accidents" with chip bags and dip during my "better choices" first 60 days. Go back and re-visit our PITY PARTY! It is not easy!! You have to be stronger than the TWINKIE!

    #3 ~ I never have really understood the planning for a bad meal concept For me it is easier to not deprive myself of the chips, etc. As you know from the PITY PARTY I have learned to portion out a serving size of chips. I don't need to keep the bag warm on my lap anymore! I don't have to keep it safe from harm! I have learned to let the chips go...almost Personally I think if you go out to dinner on occasion, order what you want and keep it smart...bring some home for lunch. The thing about it is TROO the better you become at making the better choices the more you will not want to make bad ones

    That's all the butt kickin' I have for now dear...but I will say that for a few days, I am working by the tower, near the jr. college (you know where that is) so I will have my "eye on you"

  • Quote: up until this point my weight just kinda dropped off but now it has stalled and i haev actually gained a few pounds...JUST DON'T GIVE UP!!!
    Yeah, you know, I just realized why I might be so anxious about it all...it may be that a few years ago, I lost 40 lbs and then stalled my weightloss and gave up and gained it all back. I am afraid that I am going to give up again. That makes me really anxious. I was looking back in my Fitday diaries and I saw how determined I was to lose the weight and keep it off...then I would give up. That happened several times in the diary. I don't want it to be like that, another failed attempt.

    Quote: Hey, happy belated birthday, Trooworld!
    Thank you dear! I feel old.

    Quote: Have you thought about working on some new recipes that taste wonderful, but are also healthy? You could look at the "Eating Well" or "Cooking Light" websites or make up something on your own. You are not going to be able to last the course if you don't enjoy your food.
    That is one of the reasons I have been able to do this since May and not give up: we eat really well. Healthy, but well. I haven't gotten any recipes from Cooking Light (I will have to look at the site this week when I make my meal plan) but I've gotten some stuff from Eating Well...in fact, this past week, we had the Buffalo Chicken Wraps from there...delicious. This weeks meal plan, for example: Artichoke and Sun-dried Tomato Chicken, Turkey Tenderloin, kalamata olive hummus, indonesian grilled chicken, lightened up creamy tomato basil soup, swiss chard, chicken teriyaki bowls with brown rice and turkey italian sausage pepper and onion pitas. All of this, including a side which is usually a salad, is around 500-600 cals or less per serving. And we have a lot of variety, so I definitely don't feel deprived...I feel like I could eat this way for the rest of my life.

    Quote: It's important to remember that the alternative to a "super, great, fantastic perfect day," is not limited to an "awful, bad, terrible, horrible, worst day possible." In fact if you can learn to accept and even aim for "a pretty good day, considering" but can nearly eliminate horrible days, then you may actually start to see more consistent progress.
    Yeah, I have a tendency to look at things black and white. I guess that's probably why I have given up in the past..."I overate lunch...I may as well eat whatever I want for dinner, I've already screwed up" type of mentality... "I can only exercise for 15 minutes today, so I won't do any exercise"...you get it.

    Quote: NO HUGS FROM ME!
    AW, Gary! Don't be like that!!!

    #1 ~You are not in competition with your husband! ...but first and foremost you need to do it for you!

    Oh, don't get me wrong: I am definitely doing this for me...this competition is just giving me an extra "push" to keep up my effort.

    Watch putting time limits on yourself. If I did that I may not be down the 25 pounds I am now. After my first two weeks I was at 199...a loss of 2 pounds...exactly what I was after 1 day! If I would have quit I would not have seen the 8 pound loss after 1 month or the 12 pound loss after 40 days or the 23 pound loss after 60 days.

    Well, I'm giving it until the 18th, and if I still feel anxious about it all, then I am calling off the competition. As of right now, I feel better today...maybe because I had a controlled day of eating yesterday, maybe because the scale is lower today, I don't know. But I do feel a little better today.

    That's all the butt kickin' I have for now dear

    Thank God! My butt is sore!

    I can do this. I am telling myself that. One meal at a time.
  • Quote: ................
    I can do this. I am telling myself that. One meal at a time.
    NOW! You're talkin'! ................oh...OK..........
  • Yeah, I'm not giving up. Not this time. You know what really helps me not throw in the towel? Coming here and getting support and generally interacting with people that share my struggles. Not to mention my friends and husband.
  • Troo, you can find a way. Be willing to go to any lengths! The weekend is coming! Hang out with us! We're rooting for you!

  • Quote:
    One thing I've done for myself, and am trying to get hubby on board with is make 20 lb weight loss charts (they sort of look like a bingo chart without numbers) with 1 lb loss in each box. When I lose the lb, I put in a sticker, and when I lose 5 lbs (one full row), I reward myself with a small gift, and when I fill the whole page (20 lbs) I get a bigger reward. If I backslide, I don't peel off stickers, I just wait until I catch up (this is why I put both the # of pounds lost, and my weight for each square (for example my very first square had a number 1 in one corner, and the weight 393 in it). I usually pencil in my reward in the margins at the end of the row, so I can look at it every time I put in a sticker, and remotivate myself. My next completed row is a book on amazon.com I have my eyes on. It's only a $4 prize, but it's so fun, because although I might spend more on myself outside of the game, I can't buy that particular item until I reach the goal (I can change rewards, but not in order to buy anything that was written in pencil).
    This is genius! I think I'm going to make myself one of these!

    and troo... you can do it!
  • Hey kaplods: do you do the one pound thing once a week or more often?
  • trooworld,

    I put the sticker in the box as soon as I lose the full pound (I don't round up, so I have to be exactly at or under the weight in the box). I weigh myself daily, so any day could be a sticker day. I have a lot of weight to lose though, and daily weight fluctuations don't frustrate me much. If the scale is your mortal enemy, you may want to weigh less frequently.
  • Naw, the scale doesn't frustrate me too much: I weigh 3-6 times during the week and average out the weights...that way, I feel like I get sort of an accurate weight. I think I will do the sticker thing on Sundays, when I average my weights. That is such a good idea, I have my chart taped to my refrigerator. I need to get some cute stickers to use.