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Old 07-05-2011, 06:41 PM   #16  
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Happy Post Independence Day!

Last night I had the best time I've had in a long time. Wayne and I went next doors and watched my neighbor and his son-in-law set off illegal fireworks. Then the neighbor that lives on the other side of my neighbor went and found his fireworks and they set them off. They were gorgeous. Beautiful. Then after that we walked up onto the tenth tee and we could see fireworks being set off in 5 different places. Awesome! That capped off the 4th of July weekend for us.

My FIL is still with us. He's now going to physical therapy outside the home. When I drove him down to Va. Beach to see the orthopedic surgeon more x-rays were taken and his leg is healing nicely. Slowly. But healing. He can now put as much weight on it as he can stand while wearing the brace. He's on a walked only because Wayne took the wheel chair from him. On one hand he is better but on the other hand there is a lot of physical therapy in his future. At least 8-10 weeks. Three times a week. Today is Day 1. He likes the physical therapist. He wants to stay here. In my home. Y'all have not idea.

I think I'm depressed. But if I get the usual medication I will not be able to drive him to all his physical therapy appointments. I need to spend time with my own Dad and I cannot do that right now. And he's just had his Parkinson's Disease medication tripled. Which means his Parkinson's is escalating. And that worries me.

And I'm tired. And I feel all I post is negative. And I'm sorry for that. So I'm going to take a little hiatus from posting until I can clear my head and become a happier person.
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Old 07-05-2011, 10:44 PM   #17  
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Maggie -- It was nice of you and Will to get the cell phone for the little girl. Kids are definitely copy cats as they watch what adults do and say. Your rooster sounds like a nice surprise addition to your desk, and useful too. I hope Will's new chair will be a better fit for him. There's nothing worse than an uncomfortable chair or bed. I like the list of words and will copy them for a daily reminder. I have been off program so much that I hate to even weigh in this week. I need to get my act together again.

Gail -- It was so nice to see your post tonight. I'm really glad you were able to enjoy the fireworks at your neighbors' and the golf course. Are you saying that your FIL has 8 - 10 more weeks of pt at your house? Wouldn't some sort of home health care be available to him in his own home? I'm sure your own dad is a worry for you, even though your brother lives right next door. I can imagine that you are tired as anyone would be. Please know that we are concerned and care about you! Don't stay gone too long.

I'm heading off to bed.
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Old 07-06-2011, 06:46 AM   #18  
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Good morning to you all. Boy we are having a horrible weather week here. The humidity yesterday was near 90% and hot and very sticky. Jack got sunburned working outside the greater part of the day and may head into that again today.

Jack says rumor is the unions got an injunction signed by a judge keeping the city from doing pay cuts as there is a new contract in place signed before the budget was signed saying not pay cuts no holiday cuts. On the news the city council is saying they are not going to cut employee pay because of the fallen police officer. Can't even tell he truth about why they are doing it I guess. I know it is true because Jack's check is posted to his employee payslip page online and it is full pay. We shall see what comes of this now. Jack did say last night that the police and firemen were exempt anyway from the very beginning.

Gail: You take care of what needs to be taken care of. We will still be here when you are feeling better and wanting to post. You have a lot on your plate right now.

Jean: Gail's FIL has pt away from the home. I talked to her yesterday about it and she says that the choice is letting him go back to VA Beach and finding a way for him to get to his appts for 8 weeks or continuing to stay at her house. He wants to stay there and do his pt. Wayne is working a lot of hours and can't help out so she has to take him and pick him up everyday for the next 2 months. Poor thing I think must just be exhausted and so worried about her own dad. No we don't save the medical because we don't do long form. Long story as to why, but we kept track one year and found we didn't have enough to itemize anyway. A lot of what Jack has gone through has been workman's comp. The first knee surgery was as was his hand initially and his ankle when he messed it up and his back so our output isn't all that much in copays and not near enough to itemize them. Even my surgeries only cost us $30 each time and we have never paid for any procedural stuff like my female tests, mammograms, xrays, blood tests and such. That is all covered 100%. Our copays are $12 so it isn't that much.

Maggie: The thing with the acryllic nails is leaving them off every few months for at least a couple months. I always do it and have never had any problems with my natural nails, fungus or turning colors or such. I do have a good salon that puts on anti fungus before doing the nail anyway to prevent that sort of thing. Glad you like your rooster.

I need to clean the downstairs today though am not that enthused about it. I may slough it off until tomorrow. I am keeping the car on Friday to run some errands and take the dog to the groomers and pick up more of his kidney meds. It sure is nice to have him staying healthy. Guess my food is doing the trick keeping him from getting bacteria and such. I know he likes it. I bought a couple lbs of ground chicken and am going to get these tiny star pastas for next time and chop up beets in his food for a veggie and see how he likes that.

Well onward and upward. Need to get some daily chores done then sit and knit I think. Have a wonderful day all. Faye
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Old 07-06-2011, 10:42 AM   #19  
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Good Morning, Flowers! I'm waiting for the doctor's office to call -- I just received a $22 bill from a pathology lab dated 7/29/2010! To my knowledge I haven't had any pathology test done. The sun is shining, no wind, and 74 degrees -- a beautiful morning in my neighborhood! My plan for the day is to catch up on laundry; I found several sets of sheets that we no longer use so will wash them and put them in the SOS box which is leaving this afternoon.

"Gma" -- I don't like the high humidity either; the heat I can deal with. My air is set to come on at 80, but my windows are open right now. Ernie is watching the birds and squirrels from our bedroom window which I close and pull the shade when the sun moves around to that side. I hope the unions can make their contracts stick since that was signed first. It will be interesting to see if Fortune likes beets. I've heard of dogs picking out things they don't like and leaving them in a little pile beside their bowl.

Anyone have any feelings on the Casey Anthony verdict? There are alot of public opinions being expressed on TV. Her ex-fiancee put in his 2 cents worth on the Today Show this morning as to the dysfunctional family. Regardless, there is still a dead child.

I'm dressed and have picked up the kitchen so it's on to the next chore. I should make a grocery list -- wish I could find someone to do my grocery shopping for me! You all have a wonderful Wednesday and enjoy!

Jean -- from Iowa!

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Old 07-06-2011, 01:25 PM   #20  
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Good afternoon, ladies! Sun's finally come out - 74 degrees. We have bad storms with wind, lightening, hail and rain in the forecast for the next week. Our Zumba class was just getting started when the lightening began and we had to clear the pool. They were closed all morning so I only got in about 10 minutes of my 3 hours of water aerobics today. I signed on for 5 more sessions with my personal trainer. Time get ramp it up some.

Nothing happening this afternoon but some quilting. My friend just brough me 23 books so I'll have plenty of reading material for the next few weeks. I usually read about 5 books a week.

Gail, I'm sure it is lonely for your father-in-law in VA Beach and he might be aprehensive about falling again. I drove my husband back and forth to dialysis and the only day they closed was Christmas and then that was made up. All other holidays are just regular days for dialysis patients. What do you have to do for him?

Maggie, how do the doggies like their door? Did they run in and out a lot at first and then settle down?

Jean, did you have a pap test done around then? I got 3 bills that Medicare said they paid this year for services from Winter 2010! I did recognize what was billed but was surprised because all my billing goes directly to Humana now and nothing to Medicare. One was for my pulmonary doctor and one for my cardiologist.

Faye, Fortune sure has a good mama. He'll probably love the beets. I was looking at the cats on the Cat Corner (no kill shelter in Hampton) thinking I might get one and just seeing all of them made me cry. I can't take all of them and how can I choose just 1 or even 2? They have 5 who are very old, between 17 and 19 years that will probably live out the rest of their lives there and one poor kitty with special needs that they won't adopt. He was mauled by a dog and it did something to his little brain and he regressed to being a kitten again. I never heard of a learning impaired kitty before. They say he just loves it when they get new kittens for him to play with.

Have a wonderful day!
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Old 07-06-2011, 01:26 PM   #21  
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Talking Hallelujah Humpday


It is in the high 70's as I type and expected to be in the triple digets this day once again. Sumertime, Summertime, SUM, SUM, Summertime. Remember that song? Lets all sing and be happy for we can't change things such as the weather. Our order of jerky came today so you know what I am having for breakfast. Munching it as I type. I pulled out a serving size and resealed the container and it will go into the freezer. Works for me. I slept in and it felt so good. All was quiet here for Will was out and about with the dogs and so it was nice and quiet. By the time they got back I was up and dressed and had the bed made. My shower on this humpday is always later in the day before Bible study. I am so glad they fixed that timer thingie on the air conditioner in the church to where it comes on when it is supposed to so the place gets cooled down by the time we use the building. It is set to where it never gets over a certain heat when the building isn't in use because then when it cycles and comes on to cool the building it doesn't have to work so hard to pull the temp down. Makes sense to me.

DONNA FAYE I am sure glad we don't have the humidity that you folks do out there in lovely TN. We didn't even have air conditioning when we lived there in that house in Shady Valley. Had lots of fans though. When we lived in Serverville we were in our motorhome and it had great air conditioning.

JEAN The prosecutor went for the death penalty and lost. I do believe if they had gone for a lesser crime such as manslauter they would have won the case. But they lost the case and she is free. In my opinion they should have gone for a lesser punishment and may have won. If you don't have any direct evidence you cannot prove it is murder. That is just a simple fact. They should have not asked for the death penalty.

GAIL Know that we are all in your corner and wish you well. this too shall pass and please do come back and post when you feel like it. We are here and care for each other.

SUSAN Howdy! Beanie uses the door when he chooses and Ragg Mopp will go out but scratches on the door to be let back in. When Ragg does that I just look at him sitting out there through the doggie door and put my toe to the bottom if it and nudge it. He gets the hint then pushes his way in. That old dog is slowly learning a new trick. That is great that you are still able to do your water exercises. Interesting about that cat that regressed. Surely you can find a kitty to love. One kitten.

I am off to see what I can get accomplished this day. Type at y'all later.

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Old 07-06-2011, 02:36 PM   #22  
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Susan -- I hope the storms in the forecast will bypass you! I'm sorry your Zumba class was cut short but better to be safe than get buzzed. You must be a fast reader to read so many books in a week. I'm a slow reader. I haven't had a pap for many, many years and can hardly wait to see if that is what the charge is for. It's not the $22, it's the principal of the thing taking so long to process through. I had regular insurance last summer so can't imagine what the hold up would be. I go to Petco when we are in Sioux City, to buy a scratching insert for Ernie's toy. They have cats in little apartments and I try to avoid that side of the store. I think you would enjoy having another cat . . . or two.

Maggie -- Glad you are enjoying your beef jerky. I think Casey should have been found guilty of "something" besides giving false information. I wonder how long it will take before she is back in the news again. I'm glad I wasn't on the jury.

I'm off to fold sheets and finish packing the SOS box!

Last edited by Jean; 07-06-2011 at 02:38 PM.
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Old 07-07-2011, 07:15 AM   #23  
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Good morning to you all. It is so humid here that when I took the trash out this morning it smelled like a swamp outside all musty and stuff, ick. We are having thunderstorms every afternoon and it just amps up the humidity along with the heat. It cools off in the evening, but during the day it is murder.

Jack had to work out in the sun and overtime yesterday. They had them quit a couple hours in not finishing though as Jack said he thinks the budget for the plant took a big hit when everyone worked all that overtime during the flooding so Mike is trying to keep overtime down. Jack is ok with that as he hates working overtime.

I now have all the slippers done. I am going to forego the buttons as not only have I not really found what I wanted, but the colors in these will blend differently I think. So, I am going to felt when I get done here and stretch them to size. I am using the size you each gave me as a guide but using my sock book measurements to make sure they are the exact length needed. Maggie, I went ahead and made yours a 9 just in case you wear your brace and need a bit of extra room. It only amounts to a stitch on each side so it isn't much different than an 8 1/2. Ok Maggie and Gail please send me your home addresses to my email. I have Susan's and Jean's. I will try and get them mailed out next week and will let you know when I have mailed them and how so you can expect them.

I am now going back to knitting socks and I have one more pair of slippers to make for my friend for her birthday in August and a pair for my sister for her birthday in December.

Jean: Fortune takes the veggies he doesn't like and carries them into the living room rug and dumps them on the rug. So far the only thing he doesn't like is green beans, but that may be because they were chopped up finely enough. I forgot I bought frozen broccoli so before I venture into beets, which can actually turn their coats and skin pink if fed enough of it, will use the broccoli. He just started the ground turkey, ground sirloin, peas, carrots and orzo this morning went through a good half of it like a vacuum cleaner. It is a mess to clean up the leftovers he dumps, but better than him getting sick all the time. I think Casey Anthony should have gotten the needle. My opinion is that she drugged her once to often to go out and party and overdosed her and killed her. God will have to judge her now so she will be punished in the end and his judgment is worse than anything we humans could have done to her.

Maggie: Tonight is Burn Notice night so will have to take a nap since I stayed up until Midnight finishing your slipper and reading and got up at 4 when Jack got up and haven't gone back to bed. Enjoy your jerky. I don't care for it, but I do like those slim jim things. I stay away from them as even the lower fat ones are pretty high in fat.

Susan: Sorry the weather messed up your routines. Ooh I think you should get a cat. I know you would enjoy the company once again. Sad about the kitty with the brain problem. People that hurt animals disgust me beyond belief.

Well gals, I should go. Salmon patties and rice on the menu for tonight and don't know what veggie yet. Have a great Thursday all. Faye
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Old 07-07-2011, 09:35 AM   #24  
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Good Morning, Flowers! It's cloudy in my corner of the world this morning, and a cool 67 degrees. The garage was supposed to pick my car up at 8 to have the wheel rims checked. They are tarnishing (?), or not staying sparkly like they should. They haven't come yet and Bob told them I needed it back by 11:30 (for WW). Ernie goes to the vet this afternoon for his shots, clean out his ears -- not sure how they get dirty since he never goes outside, and his claws clipped.

"Gma" -- Fortune's menu sounds pretty good to me! I don't think he would look good in "pink" though. You whipped the slippers out in no time. Enjoy getting back to your sock knitting. I really do think CA is guilty of something besides false information. I shudder to think she could have another child. She will have a hard time once she is released because of the public outrage at the verdict. It will be hard for her to hide. I didn't realize she was a high school dropout. Her family situation is a mess to say the least. I bet her parents split eventually.

I need to get busy and get my day started. Have a terrific Thursday and enjoy whatever you are doing!

Jean -- from Iowa!
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Old 07-07-2011, 12:39 PM   #25  
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Talking Titilating Thursday


Just easing into the world ~ It is a day with scattered T-Storms here in the Heartland. Last night was filled with loud crashes of thunder at the same time the lightening hit and that tells me it was right over us. I love storms so I can sleep right through them of the dogs don't raise a ruckus. Will can't work on the museum cases today for he works on them outside. Just has to keep it covered with a tarp. I got a great idea of what to take to pot-luck this month using biscuits. Making them little carriers for guacamole and different toppings such as shredded lettuce, crumbled cooked bacon, chopped tomato, sliced onion, sliced ripe olives and grated cheese. Not all of those on one biscuit half at a time though. Put the guacamole on and use one or two of the toppings. Little open faced sandwiches would look nicely on a tray and I bet I won't bring any of them home either. They will go good with whatever anyone else brings. They are 3 points+ each. I had saved my points up during the day so I could have that yummy chicken fried steak dinner from Colonel Cluck (Sanders) after class last evening. If you eat the whole thing it is 23 points+ so I won't do that often but once in a great while it sure tastes good. Fruit, veggies and some Jerkey made my day's worth of points. Todays dinner will be left over spaghetti. I am having a green salad with tuna for lunch.

DONNA FAYE What wonderful sounding gourmet meals your little one gets. Yummy and a love pat to his tummy. OOO I don't like Slim Jims. They taste like they are mostly grease and my system can't handle that. Maybe if I drink alkaseltzer while I am eating one it would help. My jerky is cut from lean strips of meat. on getting those sox all done. You are a whiz knitter. I am sure the size you made for me will be perfect. My tootsies thank you. Sounds like you may be seeing more of your main squeeze if he can't work overtime for awhile. That will be nice.

JEAN Tarnish ~ you are right that shouldn't be happening. Do they salt the roads around there for the snow or use a chemical that could cause that. They sell some stuff at Wal*Mart that is called "Wheel Bright" you might want to get to keep them nice. So Earnie goes for a grooming this day. Does he cooperate while they are fixing him up? Turn was de-clawed so we didn't have to have his nails trimmed. I sure miss that cat. He was so fun. Played fetch and put his toys up. Ragg Mopp plays "keep away" but Beanie does play fetch. Drops what ever at my feet and then sits there looking up at me. Two dogs of the same breed and totally different personalities. What fun we do have with both of them. I want a Manx.

SUSAN How be you this day?

GAIL Do know that I am missing you my friend. E-mail me if you have any needs.

All y'all have a wonderful afternoon.
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Old 07-07-2011, 04:34 PM   #26  
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Maggie -- Your pot luck biscuits sound interesting. The garage used an acid cleaner on my wheel rims but did say that if the finish starts to come off, they will replace the rims. They really sparkle now! Ernie was a good boy considering he didn't want to go in the carrier and it took the two of us to get the job done. Bob put it on the smooth floor and I held it from the back side while Bob shoved. Ernie is a big cat and fills the carrier. The vet checked him for ear mites (no bacteria nor ear mites) since his ears are grubby every year. We have some ear drops for him which he doesn't like. He got a booster shot and his nails clipped, so he is set for another year. I seriously thought about having him declawed but have read that, and know of one, older cats may start to bite afterwards. He is good about using his scratching box rather than the furniture. Bob didn't have any trouble getting him back in the carrier to come home.

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Old 07-07-2011, 06:58 PM   #27  
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Talking Back To Yack


We just finished eating spaghetti and Will is out mowing while it is cooler in the day. Right now it is in the low 80's and bearable since he has a nice new (last year) riding mower. When he finishes he will go get me a latte and himself a cole car coffee. I just came back here after doing dishes to check on a few things and here I am on the thread.

JEAN You know that is neat that he has his own scratching thingie. Cats know what is "theirs" that way. Smart little critters they are. Your cat is too old to be de-clawed for they like to do that at an early age. Since we take the dogs in every two weeks for grooming they get their ears checked regularly. That is a good thing because who knows what they could get in them outside. We give them their flea and tick meds regularly like we are supposed to ~ once a month. That is easy enough to do for Will holds them and I despense it on them. We also give them some oral chews that are good for keeping them from getting heart worm. They chomp them down like they are a real treat. Nice that they got your rims all sparkley once again.

Have a great evenin Magnolias.
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Old 07-08-2011, 08:07 AM   #28  
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Good morning to you all. It has rained here so boy is it humid. I keep thinking we all are going to just be puddles of water sooner or later.

I took Jack to work this morning and will take Fortune to the groomers this morning and pick up some more of his kidney medicine if they have it. Sometimes they have it in stock and sometimes has to order it. She orders on Tuesday so hopefully he has enough for another week since she can't order until next Tuesday if she doesn't have it. I have to go to the library and get a new library card because mine has disappeared including my little key fob library card. I found out the library now has ebooks and eaudiobooks so want to start using it instead of having to pay for books all the time to download. I also have to run to Target and get pasta to make another batch of dog food and hair dye and a couple other things. Jack said, "Don't forget I get off at 2!" I think he thinks I will leave him at the plant or something, but I don't have that much to do this morning.

Your slippers are all drying. My dining room smells like wet dog! Maybe I should say wet sheep! They should be completely dry by tomorrow I think. I just hope they fit. Like I told Gail, it is hard to felt wearing apparel if the person is not there to try it on. I measured, stretched and stuffed them with Walmart bags to dry so hopefully that will do the job. This yarn takes a long time to felt then all of a sudden it is felted and you can then end up with something too small.

Jean: Fortune gets all excited when he knows he is going to the vets. They spoil him over there. He just needs a good bath and clip and his nails done as I noticed he has been chewing on them. I can do them, but it makes me nervous. I can just see you and Bob trying to get Ernie in that carrier. At least you know he is good to go again. Fortune has to have a heartworm shot in August that is good until February when it is his annuals, which always cost a bundle because they do blood work and fece testing and such. I really should get him in there and get another blood test done on his kidneys, but the test is nearly $100.

Maggie: We did Taco Bell (within pts) last night and I had a bean burrito that ugh, the beans tasted burnt so I tossed it. I ate a snack later of an english muffin and some pudding. We are having salmon that I planned for last night but was too pooped to cook. I cleaned house yesterday and the humidity even with the house cooler really gets to me.

I only have 22 more lbs to get to my vacation goal so hopefully I will. I have kind of broken it up into very long, long, med and short goals! Jack has now lost 30 lbs and says he can pull his uniform pants off without unbuttoning them as he proved last evening. He said he can get into his 36 jeans and button them but they are uncomfortable. He was wearing 40's. He has 15 lbs to get to goal but he is really amazing. He has cereal for breakfast, a ww lunch or a sandwich for lunch then his dinner and an ice cream bar for dessert. He never waivers, doesn't cheat, never uses his extra pts. I know we all wish we had that kind of will power and stamina.

Well, it is after 7 so I have to get ready so I can drop Fortune off around 7:30. I still have to get some breakfast and unload and load the dishwasher and clean up the messpots food mess. I see some peas and a couple pieces of pasta on the floor.

Have a great weekend! Faye
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Old 07-08-2011, 12:25 PM   #29  
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Good Morning, Flowers! I've been to the dreaded grocery store and put the groceries away. Life would be so simple if we didn't have to eat! The sun is shining and there is no wind again today; I can hardly believe it! Bob talked about making a SAM's run for cabin paper supplies but haven't heard from him yet. Relatives are coming at the end of the month and he doesn't want them plugging up the sewer with tp!

"Gma" -- It sounds like you have a busy morning running errands. Ernie's vet bill was $120, but they charged for "lab" work checking the gunk in his ears, ear drops, and a gel to put between his shoulder blades. The vet called it heartworm medicine but said it would be good for his ears. Ernie tried really hard to read the spot and lick it off. to Jack for losing 30#s! It's just not fair that men can lose the weight faster or "easier" than we can! You will get to your vacation goal!

Guess I will wash the fresh cherries I bought for Bob and think about what's for lunch. Enjoy your day whatever you are doing!

Jean -- from Iowa!
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Old 07-08-2011, 04:18 PM   #30  
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Talking Finally Friendly Friday


Right now it is in the high 80's not expected to get over 93 degrees this day. We just got back from a trip about 10 miles away to visit a Railroad Museum in Ellis which is the name of this county but the county seat is here in Hays. Anyway the man in there gave us some interesting post cards. One is of the city counsel of 6 in Ellis in 1896 and it was all women there was a total of 7 but one didn't make it to the photo session. The mayor was also a woman and they kept the place clean as they could during those rough and tumble days. Will was able to tell him a few things about his town that he wasn't aware of like that Walt Disneys father and grandfater are buried there. I am a happy camper, my flatbread maker has arrived. Afterwhile after I have read the 411 on it I wil make some tortillas.

DONNA FAYE I never eat Taco Bells bean burritos so I don't know how they are supposed to taste. I don't like beans in my burrito. I only have beef and cheese in them. Works for me. However, I make my own burritos most of the time and rarely have one out. Maggies out on the Avenue in Ventura CA makes the absolute best burritos. I try to copy hers when I make them. All the Magnolias are going to have "happy feet" compliments of you. You are a peach. Good idea to check out the free e-books at your local library. Why pay for them if you can get them from your library for free. It is a great service that the libraries across this country are doing. Keep it up and you will reach your vacation goal girlfriend. Yeppers, men do lose easier than we females so we just musn't trip on that.

JEAN They make great TP that disinigrates and doesn't plug up the systems. We had some of that in the MH. What you had done for your cat comes out to 10 bucks a month which isn't bad when you only take him in once a year. I tell our dogs it is their allowance that gets paid for their grooming and trips to the vet. I'm just glad we don't have to have a college fund going for them. OOO fresh cherries! Do ya think Bob will share them?

Other Magnolias ~ HOWDY TO YOU Type at y'all later. I am now going to read the material that came with my flatbread maker.

Last edited by Maggie; 07-08-2011 at 04:22 PM.
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