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Old 05-23-2011, 04:49 PM   #16  
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Good afternoon, ladies! We had a shower this morning but the sun is out now. 92 degrees and humid. We are under an extreme thunderstorm advisory until 11 PM. It's the storms that have already done so much damage in the Midwest and Plains. There was a special on TLC last night about the April tornados. It sure was an eye opener. One woman was home with her 3 small children and the tornado picked up their house with them in it, spun it around and around, and set it down a block away. They were unhurt. That sounds like a miracle. Between the tornados and the floods, this has been a terrible spring. Hurrican season starts next week and I hope this isn't an indicator that it is going to be a bad one.

I went to get my teeth cleaned, came home for lunch, went and got my mammogram and the shopped at Kohl's and Trader Joe's. On the way home I decided it was too hot and humid for my hair so I went and got it cut extra short. It looks cute, if I do say so. I'm hoping the mammogram turns out okay. The tech did it and then said she needed to look at last year's again and then came back and took another xray on the right side.

Faye, congratulations on the weight loss. You can do it!

Jean, I love the apricot chicken at Olive garden.

Maggie, maintaining is good!

Gail, that computer still giving you fits?

Have a great evening.
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Old 05-23-2011, 05:51 PM   #17  
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Talking Back To Yack


We just got back from a nice drive in the country and stopped at our favorite plant nursery. Will bought a climbing rose plant to put at the corner of the church building where there used to be a plant that didn't make it. Needs something there and a climbing rose will look great there. We got some herb plants and I will start a small garden in the kitchen window again. My last attempt didn't do so well because of the grow lights. I am going to try it again without using them much at all. Today we only got parsley, chives, oregano, sage and basil. I think I will not grow any rosemary this go round. I have some of that in the freezer from a little tree I got at Christmas time.

SUSAN Join the club of short hair ~ I love my hair short. Isn't it a wonderful feeling after getting your teeth cleaned. And I certainly your mameogram comes out with a good report. It really isn't unusual for a tech to have to take a couple shots at taking the x-rays.

Have a lovely afternoon Magnolias.
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Old 05-23-2011, 10:24 PM   #18  
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Maggie -- on your maintain this week! There is nothing wrong with that! I get to eat at Olive Garden so seldom that I either order lasagna or have their soup and salad depending who is with me. I could make a meal of just their salad it is so good.

Susan -- That is a miracle that the mom and children survived the "ride" in their house! I'll bet your haircut is cute and very practical with the hot weather moving in. I wish my hair was thicker and had more body to it. I haven't tried the OG apricot chicken; guess I should study the menu more carefully to see what I've been missing.

Just looking at the calendar and can't believe the month of May is almost gone. Why is it the "nice" weather months fly by so quickly?
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Old 05-24-2011, 07:36 AM   #19  
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Another day gals and hope it is a good morning for you. It is going to be hot and humid here today though at the moment it is nice and cool. Jack's pay slip should be up on the site today so I will get to see just how much all that non sleeping will pay us. Jack didn't sleep well on Sunday night and came home tired so he crashed in his chair yesterday afternoon after dinner and snoozed for a solid hour then I woke him up so he would sleep last night. He said he got a good night's sleep last night so feels better. Guess we just have to work out the kinks because Fortune wouldn't sleep and was antsy last night so I brought him downstairs so Jack would sleep so now I am pooped.

Jean: I like OG too especially their chicken alfredo, but whoa the calories and fat in that dish. I am a fettucine or linguini gal myself and like their spicey marinara sauce which is really low in pts. Sometimes I have their salad and sometimes I like their pasta fagioli or minestrone soup. My downfall is the Zeppoli those little sugar donuts! Jack and I ate at Corky's bbq after T's recital and actually bypassed dessert there. He loves their pecan pie and I love their banana pudding or their fudge pie but we were good and didn't get a bite. They make a good spaghetti and pork plate and that's what I got. I left half of it though. They make these great sour dough rolls you have to watch out for or you make a meal of them. Jack and I did ok eating out actually.

Maggie: Yeah on the maintain. Forward or remain the same is always better than backwards! I too have a problem with swelling when the humidity is high. Now that I am off the Norvasc it has improved a great deal, but I still am working at getting it down more. My right knee needs repair as it pops out, but like you it is silly to have it worked on when your weight can cause all the work to come undone so to speak.

Susan: I am determined not to screw this up this time. I have to keep from going back to bad habits as that is the problem not overeating. I go back to eating junk. You are going to have to make that quilt yet! The bad thing with me is when I first color my hair for about a week, when I sweat on my neck if it is really hot the red will run into the neckline of my clothing. I have to be careful of that. I use a really vibrant wacky red and I guess that's why.

Nothing else going on in my part of the world today. I may try and get some cleaning done, but it is going to be so hot don't know if that is going to get done. Will be glad when Friday gets here and I can get the ac man in here and fix our ac. Of course our utility bill will go sky high, but I don't care.

Have a good one gals! Faye
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Old 05-24-2011, 02:26 PM   #20  
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Talking Thankful Tuesday


It is a cloudy day in the 60's this day. We had a gulley washer of an inch of rain during the night that was loud. Much thunder and lightening and hard blowing rain that hit the side of the house with a thud. They say there is a chance of rain this day. So far we have not had to water our garden much. Kansas used to be tornado alley and it has shifted somewhat in this behavior over toward the east it seems. Those poor folks sure got hammered. And it isn't over. It keeps coming at them. Life is not the same for any of the survivors. It is hard to imagine losing all your friends and stuff at the same time. Having to start fresh with nothing. Hard to imagine lsoing everyone and everything. Here in the heartland life goes on. We were going to grill some steaks outside today but I think I will do them in my indoor grill. It is so damp and humid outside this day. Beef Tenderloin Steaks with shiitake Mushroom Sauce ~ 8 Points+. Green salad with tomatoes and a nice baker. Yummy, yum, yum. Will has gone to the market for they are having a sale on thier plants and it will be interesting to see what he comes home with. There is still room in the garden plot to plant more veggies. School is out and our neighbors have asked us to keep their boy busy. He loves to come over here and do what ever work Will assigns him. He also loves to play with our dogs. They have dogs but they are big german sheppard kind and not very playful. The other day the woman was home alone and heard the dogs barking up a storm and some talking in their back yard. There were four older type teens out there looking at their "stuff." She asked them kindly to please leave her yard and they refused. She went back inside and reappeared carrying a shot gun (which was empty) and cocked it loudly and the boys left in a hurry. They may have been the boys that scared the kid that night he spent with us coming back to get a better look at what they wanted. Car parts for the guy does work on autos back there. I don't know how those guys got into their yard for they have a high fence facing the alley and fence all around ~ well a low chain link on this side that faces our house so they probably hopped it easily. Anyway I don't think they will be back anytime soon, hopefully. At least she got a real good look at them. I don't think we have anything in our back yard that they would be interested in unless they are interested in the garden or Wills grills.

DONNA FAYE It won't take Jack long to snap back into his regular sleep pattern. Yep, it is best in my humble opion to wait for knee surgery. However, I was amazed at how Will had his scraped and walked out afterwards and not have any trouble with it since. I want mine to go that way. Yes, dear do leave those old habits back there where they will be history. You now have a new mind set of how to eat and that is helping you to achieve your goal.

Every one else have a wonderful day Type at y'all later.

Last edited by Maggie; 05-24-2011 at 02:30 PM.
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Old 05-24-2011, 02:46 PM   #21  
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Good Afternoon, Flowers! The sun has disappeared and the rain clouds are moving in. Judging from the tv weatherman's report, we will have rain and "breezy" winds the next few days and through the weekend. I've done my squirrel, bird, duck, and bunny chores, then endured another perm this morning. I need to make a grocery list and return some library books when I finish here.

"Gma" -- I hope Fortune gets back into a regular sleep pattern with you and Jack. Playing musical beds is not fun! The day started out sunny and it felt warm outside, but the temperature is dropping as I type. I've never even looked at OG desserts. I look to see if they have any new pictures and then order my "usual." Zeppolis sound yummy! I just had to at your wacky red hair color!

Maggie -- I'm wondering what kind of ****ake mushroom sauce you are talking about. Evidently the site didn't like whatever it is. I wonder what the kids thought when the lady came out with the gun. It's too bad the dogs didn't take off after them. We will have groups of 3 or 4 middle and high school age boys trooping all over town this summer. They don't usually come out as far as we live from town . . . too lazy to walk that far.

I need to get a move on! Have a terrific rest of the day and enjoy!

Jean -- from Iowa!

Last edited by Jean; 05-24-2011 at 02:48 PM.
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Old 05-24-2011, 04:35 PM   #22  
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Talking Back To Yack


JEAN In that steak recipe you saute garlic, shiitake mushrooms, thyme, salt and pepper for a few minutes ~ then add some balsamic vinegar, water & soy sauce and cook until the liquid almost evaporates. This is the mixture that is put over the steaks. If you want the recipe I can give you the exact amounts of the ingredients. Around here we couldn't find fresh shiitake mushrooms so I will reconstitute some dried ones for this today. LOL you probably didn't type both the i's in the mushroms name. With just the one i's it thought you said a bad word. Actually we are in a tornado watch this day here in this part of the heartland. I hope it just stays a "watch."

Have a great afternoon Magnolias
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Old 05-24-2011, 11:47 PM   #23  
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Maggie -- Your post had the **** in it. I just copied it. Thanks for offering the recipe but we don't eat/fix mushrooms (because I don't like them). I saw on the news tonight where a tornado hit OK -- scary the storms that are happening. Jason was in Mpls. and said it looked like a war zone.
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Old 05-25-2011, 07:16 AM   #24  
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Good morning ladies. Up early as T has his graduation at 9 this morning and wanted to get things done first. Had to drag the trash out at 5 anyway just in case them come early. I sat and paid bills this morning and will head upstairs and get a shower and get dressed in just a bit so Jack has a nice hot shower when he is ready.

It never cooled off here last night and we both stayed downstairs where it is cooler to sleep. I am calling the guy tomorrow about coming out and fixing the durn ac and hope he can get here soon. Jack doesn't like the door open at night so it stayed pretty warm in the house all night as it didn't cool down much.

I didn't even work on the sock and probably could have finished it, but it was too hot to fool with yarn last night. I imagine I will finish today when we get home. We have to take Jack's FMLA papers out to the ortho surgeon's and get them filled out. They charge you to fill them out anywhere from 10-50$ can you believe it. The doctor doesn't even do it. We then need to run by Super Target and get Jack some work socks and I need a couple grocery items. We are eating a lot of sandwiches at lunch and go through that 98% ff ham and we need some more. I am going to see what fruits they have to because I am slim on them.

Maggie: Our Fresh Market here has probably 10 different kinds of mushrooms and even the commissary carries several varieties of fresh including the shiitakes.

Jean: I do have a wacky red on my hair, but I love it. It is a bright red with some purple hues in it. I use Feria hair color because it has such great highlights and vibrancy to their colors. If I am going to have to be an old woman, I am going to be a shining old woman! I kind of wish our temps were cool this week just to get through until the ac man gets here.

Hope everyone else is doing fine. I am outta here so I can showere and dress. Have a wonderful middle of the week all. Faye
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Old 05-25-2011, 09:22 AM   #25  
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Good morning everyone! My laptop is home and working. We went to Va. Beach to check on the Dads. My Dad looks frail and going downhill. My father-in-law looks great; however, he is getting a bad case of cabin fever in that transitional hospital. Wayne is tired...from working, then driving to and from Va. Beach. He told his Dad that he wasn't coming back this weekend--he needed a break. His Dad did not like that and didn't understand why he's tired. Wayne needs a break. He gets a 3-day weekend and I told him to relax and not feel guilty. We got back to Delaware late Sunday. Monday, I met a friend for lunch, picked up my computer, and then raked the front yard. Yesterday, I went to a dermatologist appointment and came home and did chores. And here I am!

I feel like I've been on the run doing something or other. And I need to do catch up. Again.
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Old 05-25-2011, 11:30 AM   #26  
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Good Morning, Flowers! It's pouring rain, windy, and gloomy, gloomy, gloomy in my neighborhood this morning. I won't complain since we've managed to avoid any of the tornados around the area. I've been to get a new set of nails, and now I am home for the day.

"Gma" -- Thomas is growing up so quickly! It's hard to believe he will be moving on to another school already. I guess I'm not surprised there is a charge for filling out the FMLA papers; there seems to be a charge for every little thing these days. I had to at you being a "shining old woman!" What a great description even though you are not old!

Gail -- It's good to see you here today! Driving back and forth to VA Beach, on the weekends, is tiring enough; I'm sure Wayne is REALLY tired after working long hours all week. I'm glad you have your back so you can visit with us more often.

Maggie and Susan -- What is going on with you today?

I have to work on my ironing pile today. Bob wore long sleeves today and I've been ironing short sleeves. Have a wonderful Wednesday and enjoy!

Jean -- from Iowa!
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Old 05-25-2011, 01:13 PM   #27  
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Talking Wonderful Wednesday Aka: Humpday


It is a cold windy day here in the Heartland. The tornado that had us on watch last night touched down further east from us so all is well here. We were in the edge of it and got lots of the rain pounding us but none of the hail. We do have a closet at the bottom of the stairs designated for us to spend time in if one does hit here. Got water and "stuff" in there to help us and our dogs survive and insurance to replace all our things if lost "if" we want to replace them. I certainlly would not like being caught here in my office if one hit since I have all that glass. This seems like a good day to have baked chicken for dinner. That jello cottage cheese and pineapple salad I made yesterday goes well with parmesan . Beanie is entertaining right now for he is running up and down the hall and when he reaches my office he comes and flops on the floor then up again and down the hall and back. He is such a character. They are tearing up one of the main roads that runs through town and are breaking it up now and the pounding is not pleasant to hear. The sound reverbrates though the air to here. Thank goodness while they are doing that there are roads we use so we don't have to go on that street. They are doing just one block at a time pouring the cement. My eyes sure are itchey today ~ something in the wind ~ probably cement dust from all that breaking up the street. Wouldn't you know it ~ my knee hasn't hurt since I bought that rap around brace for it. That is a good thing but I still haven't tried it out to see if it really does work like "they" say it will. Life is good.

DONNA FAYE Well It certainly does not surpirse me that you have fresh shrooms of all varieties there in your markets but you must remember I live in the sticks in a small town that hardly has the things I want to purchase. I am just glad they had some dired ones I could reconstitute and use which aren't as good but they did well. But I love living in the sticks so I put up with the inconvenience of not being able to find products that I want. BTW there is a restaurant that is owned by and has a chef in a little town down the road that used to work for "The Donald" as his private . The food there is excellent and I wonder where he buys his products. Probably just gets in his plane and off he goes shopping.

JEAN The tornado season isn't quite over yet so lets hope we all stay safe. I got a chuckle about your getting a new set of nails. Mine (that I grow) got too long and I had to trim them today. My mother has great nails and I am the one of the three girls that inherited that from her.

GAIL So glad you got your back. Wow you have been a busy gal. Now this weekend you and Wayne can relax a bit. It is good that he tells his dad no once in awhle. Slow down and have a great weekend. Memorial Day is Monday. Oh let us remember our troups. Hope it is a nice day and we can grill outdoors.

SUSAN How are you doing on this Humpday?

Too hip gotta go.

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Old 05-25-2011, 02:58 PM   #28  
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Good afternoon, ladies. The sun is shining and it's in the middle 80s today.

Yesterday was a different story. We had rain in the morning and then about 4:30 had a terrible storm. They didn't say it was a tornado, but 2 semi trucks were blown over on the bridge and one went into the water, man trees down, flooding, and 19,000 without electricity. We had more storms in the night but not so bad. Supposed to be more tonight! Hurricane season startes June 1. I hope this isn't an indicator of what to expect!

Today I did my water aerobics and water zumba classes and then attended National Senior Day at the Y. We had health lectures, free health screenings, and lunch catered by Subway consisting of ham or turkey subs, tossed salad, pretzels and strawberry shortcake. I won a very nice stainless steel coffee mug. We also got goody bags. Fun for all!

Faye, Gosh, T will be going to college before we know it! I know you are so proud of him.

Jean, I have terrible nails due to all the time they are in the water and asthma. They split and break so I keep them very short.

Maggie, I hope those kids had to go home and change their underwear after she came out with the shotgun.

Gail, I'm so glad your computer woes are over and you are back with us. It's sure tiring and no fun to be driving between DE and VA every weekend. I'm with you - enjoy the long weekend at home. Your FIL is getting good care.

Tonight I have my quilting bee and then work tomorrow.

Have a great day!
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Old 05-25-2011, 10:35 PM   #29  
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Bob's 94 year old aunt just called and invited us to come down for lunch sometime. She loves to go to the Red Lobster so we will try to make that trip soon, and take her out to eat. She lives in Ames which is about 2 1/2 hours from us.

Maggie -- The wind is still blowing but the rain has stopped finally. It rained all day long and enough is enough! What kind of milk do you use in the Jell-o cottage cheese salad? I had a different Schwans man come tonight. I asked where the other one was and he said "they" redid the routes and my former salesman doesn't come here any more. Wed. night is not a good night during the school year because I will have bell choir. I told him that and he said he could come on Tue. night so we'll see if he remembers. My mom had nails as hard as a rock, but mine have never been that way. Beth has hard nails too. I guess that must have skipped a generation like pie crust making did.

Susan -- You've had more than your fair share of rain and storms. I'm glad you were able to go to the Y and . The Senior Day sounds fun. I hope you got good things, that you can use, in your goody bag. Enjoy your new mug and have fun at quilting bee tonight.
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Old 05-26-2011, 05:50 AM   #30  
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Good morning ladies. It is nice and cool this morning but it was hot and extremely humid yesterday all day. You would come out of an air conditioned building or car and immediately feel wet. Then we had horrific thunderstorms with high wind, hail and heavy rain last evening, but it cooled it off and quick. It is supposed to be low 70's today. I am calling the ac man today and have him get out here as soon as he can as it is supposed to climb back up over the weekend and be 90 on Memorial Day. I told Jack maybe we ought to pack up Fortune and go somewhere, anywhere there is an air conditioned room this weekend.

Thomas's award ceremony was long and drawn out and we had to sit on the cafeteria benches so my behind hurt about halfway through. I had to go pee too, which didn't help and I was on the inside aisle so it would have been a big disruption to get up. Kelly looked funny. They had had field day the day before and she is really fair skinned. She had a sunburn, but though her neck was burned other parts of her were blotches of burn. It didn't look like a burn where a tshirt sleeve ended of where her knees peeked out of shorts or something, but she have a section that burned then white skin then a half circle of burn, etc. She had spray on sunscreen and she said the wind was blowing so that is why she had a puzzle look. Bless her she finally got her hearing aid. She says it helps her, but not in situations where there are a lot of people close together like in that cafeteria yesterday. Thomas got an award for several things, but I was most proud of his award for straight A's from first through fifth grade. He has never gotten anything but an A on his report card and he had all E's for his conduct too. He is driving his mother to distraction though. A few months ago he decided he was going to let his hair grow. Well now, the back of it curls up on his neck and the rest is shaggy around his face and down in his eyes. He loves it, she fights with him about it. Ahh, being a mother with a son and long hair, brings back the days!

Darn Fortune got me up because he needed to go out then promptly peed next to the couch so I have to get he shampooer out and clean that up later this morning. He is worse than a little kid! I gave him what for though.

Susan: I imagine hurricane season is going to be dicey this year. The weather has been so very volatile and unusual this year already. I figure we are going to end up with a very hot summer. Sounds like you had a nice time at the Y. The Navy retirement seminar/convention is soon in Millington at the base. They have it every year and we have yet to go, but with permanent retirement closing in, we need to go as they have booths about Tricare changes with regard to Medicare and stuff like that besides things that the military offers to retirees and such.

Jean: I am sure his aunt gets lonely for company if she is in her 90's. My best friend's mother lives with her and she is mid 90's. She has her sleep mixed up and keeps them up all nights than sleeps all day. Her doctor says they have to get her turned around, but it is easier said than done. He told her that she is going to have to face having to put her mom in a care facility soon because her mom is starting to wonder and has some dementia now. Well, my girlfriend is an only child and is very attached to her mother so it is going to be doubly hard for her to do it soon. Hope you Schwann man gets you on a good routine now.

Maggie: I imagine it is difficult to get some of the things that most people use little or none of in a small town. I lived the small town life I know what it was like. We didn't have much of a produce section at all in our store. We did however have fresh butchered meat that was great, wrapped in white paper, and the butcher would write on it what was inside and how much with grease pencil. Takes me back, especially since the grocery owner was my great uncle, then his son took it over when his dad retired.

Well gals, it is almost time for Jack to get up now so I am going to get out of here. Have a wonderful weekend. We are going to be busy trying to get things done. Jack wants new running shoes (New Balance all he wears, but he no longer runs because of his knees) though we did get him some new socks finally and I got a start on Jackson's birthday presents yesterday. Faye
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