Worldlies want a November to Remember and for all the right reasons

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  • Good Sunday Morning All the Lovely Worldlies....

    Well, needless to say, I ate entirely TOO much on Thanksgiving and the binge has not stopped. I am up about 6 lbs. and feel it. My pooper has been on the brink so I think all is backed up a bit. I need to drink more water with Shad.

    Shad....Thanks for the article about Humana. I am really not too particular who I work for at this point, it was just about getting a great job. I live about 25 miles from work, don't think I will be bikin it to work, especially since it is all highway.

    Ceejay...I call several people on when driving long distances, it breaks the dulldrums of driving. A great way to stay awake too! I will have to post sometime about when I fell asleep at the wheel on I-70, going about 70 mph, hitting a cop (personally, not his car..he did not die), and all the junk that went with it, including him sueing me (unsuccessfully, thank God). About an 18 month ordeal.

    Michelle...glad you had a good Thanksgiving with MIL. Shopping on black Friday, NO THANK YOU, would rather pet sit. DS went with BIL, SIL, nieces and nephews shopping on black Friday. They tards got up at 4:00 am and were out the door by 5:00 am, fighting the crowds. Not me sistas, this baby slept.

    Happy...don't blame you for waiting on the shopping trip. People are nuts out there. All your shopping is brat. hehe

    Carla...darlin' don't work so hard....take a break, enjoy a penguin.

    Next week is my last week of "vacation", then off to Louisville, KY on Sunday for orientation and a short training on Monday. Drive home Monday night, then first day in the office is Tuesday the 9th, I believe.

    On this Monday, I go take my drug test. Tuesday I am treating myself to getting my nails filled and a pedicure to start my new job. Wednesday I am finishing a few things around here, I just realized I have two drawers in my dresser that need cleaned out. Old panties and socks I do not wear, things like that. Thursday and Friday are still up in the air as to what to do. Why don't all you Worldlies drop by for an adult beverage of celebration?

    I received a $511. check from my mortgage company as my escrow had an overage. God does bless us with wonderful things just in the nick of time. AMEN.

    Got my $100. rebate from Verizon on Saturday also. The good Lord keeps on blessing me in special ways, doesn't he?

    Well better get myself busy making my butt chicken, fried taters and onions, mixed veggies and salad. Tony is coming for lunch and we are watching the Colts game this afternoon. DS will be joining us too. I am so excited.

    Hello to everyone I may have missed, it certainly was not intentional. Have a great Sunday all.

    Much love and Many hugs,

    Madcat...thanks for the congrats on the job. You all played a huge part in my success and for that I am thankful.

    Ruthie...a Christmas Pageant, how nice, wish I could see it. I enjoy things like that. Good thing, as my DD was in so many dance receitals....

    MEL....I love arts and crafts...I think making a baggie wreath would be fun and besides I do not have a Christmas wreath for my front door.

    Patty...glad your birthday and Thanksgiving were nice. Going out to dinner is always a great treat.
  • MEL...we must of posted near the same time. I do love the wreath, send one my way. I need a pretty for my door.

    Love ya sista.
  • Mel
    My sister and I commented on Andy William's chistmas sweaters. When he first came out on stage he was wearing a red sweater, pants and shoes, with a white scarf.

    I'm so happy to hear that the job came through. Stop by and see my niece while you are in Louisville, KY. I need to go see her and the children this year.

    I'm at work but don't really want to be here.
  • Good morning chickies,

    One last day of a vacation that zoomed by way too quickly with a pile of things yet undone. Soon I will join Ceejay in the chant of the employed "I doan wanna be here wahhhhh" Yes of course, it is all relative - if you have a job you would rather be home and if you're home you'd rather be working. I think we should get a week off every three months over and beyond regular vacation - just for women cuz we have so much to catch up on.

    I am doing a deep cleaning of each room and as I get done, I am decorating. I think, like last year, I may just put up a few pieces in each room instead of pulling everything out. Besides, that's 3 floors of stairs to get all the way to the attic/store room and the last set of stairs is narrow and a killer. I am debating about getting the cards done today - sure would be nice to get them done...

    Mel - that certainly is a nice looking wreath. But where do you get 10,000 baggies to do it? It is so nice of you to think of projects to keep everyone busy. And what a nice Christmas project - do they chide each other like children - My wreath is MUCH prettier than theirs" We might be getting a few snowflakes ourselves tomorrow morning. I will enjoy them on the way to work and then like you, okay - been there, seen that - that's enough, ok?

    Ceejay - glad you enjoyed the concert. I'll bet Andy still looks great. Gee he's just a bit younger than my Mom. How did everyone (but us) get old so quickly?

    Annie - I am right there with you when it comes to blessings showing up when you absolutely need it. Seen it myself. Yay for your good fortune - twice Now I hope you will get at least one paycheck before Christmas. We get paid once a month which is archaic. Enjoy your week off, now that the stress of finding a job is over, you can really relax. Get enough sleep so that you don't fall asleep on the road I find that night driving when it snows is the absolute worst. The snow can be dazzling and hypnotic.

    Carla - I love your avatar. We know you don't REALLY hate penquins Got your postcard yesterday - thanks so much, that was sooo sweet

    Michelle you busy bee, thanks for checking it. Glad your holiday was nice. We'll save you a seat for when you get back

    Shad - I figured turkey day was over and time to switch avatars. In deferrance to you, I opted for an interim non holiday one until at least we got into December I know you are a good planner financially, but still hope the ax does not swing your way this week. You're right tho about others being caught by surprise. The one time I was laid off, they did it on December 13 the dirty dogs. Fingers crossed for you

    Madcat and her cute Christmas kitty! Welcome back. Every time I fall off the wagon it hits home a little harder why STAYING on the wagon is a much better choice and the climb back on is also a smidge more difficult. Not that we are perfect here but we can at least reach an hand out and give you a hoist back up...

    Ruth - hope the pagent went well. Have fun with Bailey and the pups.

    Time for me to get on with what's left of the day. See yah later
  • I don't know if I am just so happy today, or emotionally in a state of joy.

    Love you all!!
  • Oh no - just looked at the weather here. Rain turning to SNOW tonight. 1 inch of slushy accumulation by morning.

    You know what that means here? Cars slid off the side of the roads, tons of accidents, all bread, milk and water completely cleared off the shelves at the stores.

    Geez Louise
  • Happy
    It is funny to watch some of these southern people drive in the white stuff. Count the stair climbing as exercise.

    It is Cold outside.
  • We had slushy snowy stuff this morning. The back patio and yard was solid white with grass poking thru. Really kind of pretty, altho I didn't have to get out in it.

    Baby boy went back to his dad's house. Um, had a few tears with that departure. Tony thought something was drastically wrong when I came back in the house boo whoing. He said, "come here baby" then put his arms around me. Bad mistake, don't be nice to me when I am crying or it will just get worse. You have to be mean to me to snap me outta it. Hmmm, poor Tony, he learned something about me today. hahahahahahha
  • Good morning all - It's December or depending on which side of the hemisphere you call home - and we have a new thread (courtesy of Miss Shad).

    Don't post here any more. Go to the new thread - Worldly Dreams in December

    See yah there