Don't Be a Turkey - Thanksgiving Challenge - OFFICIAL CHALLENGE THREAD

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  • Isn't that the funnest bestest Jamie Jo? I secretly love kicking my trainer's, friends' or husband's booty. Of course, I'd never tell them that - but I can gloat a little.

    Congrats on graduating from basement to gym!

    Do you take measurements? I don't, but wish I did for when the scale was stuck.
  • Great going JamieJo! I have to ask though what is this C25K thing that every keeps talking about. Someone please fill me in.

    I'm right there with everyone being in a rut. I didn't work out yesterday, had to squeeze grocery shopping in with watching CNN's election coverage. Then to celebrate I had some ice cream... naughty, I know. But can I say I'm still sore from working out on Monday! My husband is off 3 days this week & when he's here I don't get the ME time I need to work out but I'll see if I can fit something in tonight. I should get my dogs out for a walk. Although my neighbor just told me last night that when she took her dogs to the park we all walk at sometimes, they were attacked by a bigger dog. Poor things! I don't worry about my dogs too much, the big one looks intimidating and my two little ones are crazy so I'm sure they could handle themselves! Wow, that went off the subject...

    But anyway, I hope everyone is having a better day. No more injuries, no more being in the dumps, what we need ladies is a vacation. When we all reach our goals we should all go on a cruise or to a resort and have fun wearing our swim suits & sun dresses I look for any reason to plan a vacation!
    And for everyone...
  • Hey FB! I did take measurments about two weeks before I found 3FC. I had just bought Barry's Boot Camp and wanted to get my before measurements. I actually dug them out on Monday because I was feeling so crummy about not loosing. BUT, I didn't go down ANYWHERE! So that is frustrating too but whatever. If all I get out of this is becomming a fit person who can actually run, that's FINE BY ME. I'll keep trucking to see 139, but I am done beating myself up over this 160 number!

    Hey Nessa! C25K is Couch to 5K. There are some threads on this site about it. Basically it takes a person who can not run at all and makes them a runner in 9 weeks. Well...I consider myself a runner now because 7 weeks ago there would have been NO WAY WHATSOEVER that I would be running for 25 mins without stopping. And today the 25 mins was easy! I even pumped up the threadmill to 6 for the last 5 mins! Try it out. I love it!
  • Hi Everyone~Gym went well. I like the pool aqua class it rocks. The new fitness class will be great once I get a few things figured out. Let me tell ya just because this class is designed for more mature folks doesn't mean it is sissy stuff. The teacher busted our bootay. I fit in just fine. These are the classes until Christmas. By then I might want to step it up, we will see how the muscles develop and how well my hip holds up. I am happy. I should reach the party this week. I have to run. Pat
  • Still waiting on my 30DS to get here! I have got back to enjoying the YMCA again! Been doing some water areobic, HI/LO areobics(she kicks my butt), and some Zumba classes(love it)

    Don't be a Turkey Challenge

  • Hello everyone!
    I got my Wii today! Yay!! Ive spent 90 min doing it today already. Its fun but sure is tiring.
    I guess its a good way to get the exercising in though.
    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • Hey all...just checkin' in really quick. I am on my way to Biology class. I will log on later and catch up on the posts.

    Just a friendly reminder for everyone to PM their exercise minutes to Eny when they PM their weigh ins for this week.

    See ya later
  • Why do I feel like eating a pack of almond M&Ms right now? TOM was last week and it's over now. I'm so confused. Anyway...I don't think I'm going to be able to complete this challenge.
  • Sass - why can't you complete it? You have just over #4 to lose, and there's still time! Don't give up on yourself! Even if you don't make goal, we can at least get close!!!

    My leg is still really sore today. If it doesn't improve over the weekend I may go to the Dr. THIS HURTS!!! I'm going to do a lot of upper body work and crunches the next few days to at least burn some calories!!! I gotta get to it!!!
  • Quote: Still waiting on my 30DS to get here! I have got back to enjoying the YMCA again! Been doing some water areobic, HI/LO areobics(she kicks my butt), and some Zumba classes(love it)

    Don't be a Turkey Challenge


    i got mine from the library-before i bought it-- see if they have it and then u can start early ---
  • Eny: I'm all about steamy hot baths for muscle pain.. heck.. im all about hot baths with any excuse to have em! hehe but yeah.. maybe try that for your quads..

    Im still workingon the weight i gained over the weekend. tunbs of ben and jerrys.. ARENTY worth the working it off later part!! hehe Oh well. Anyway.. off to read my new 'the new rules of lifting for women book' im really getting into the weight training stuff!!
  • Dumplin--do you have any of the cable or satellite exercise on demand channels? I know Time Warner has 30DS shred levels 1 and 2 on there, so you could get started that way if you have it.
  • Hi Everyone

    Dixie: Good thoughts and prayers sent your way for your sis.

    Eny: So sorry you hurt!! Get better soon! Way to go...doing exercise that doesn't include your leg. That is dedication. Be proud!

    SBD: Don't give up!! You are needed at that party! What are you going to bring?

    Heather: Yay for the WII!!!! Enjoy!!

    Jamiejo: it will happen just keep thinking healthy!

    11/3 Monday 32 min Treadmill No wii Total: 32 miles
    11/4 Tueday 32 Mins Treadmill NO wii TOO excited about election) Total: 32 miles

    Keep it going chicks!!!
  • Hi All~~My sister has an infected ulcer inside the hernia. The infection reached the blood vessel causing it to rupture. I don't understand all the details, but that is the jist of what caused the bleeding. They said it could happen again at any time. They took out the packing and swabbed it out good. took blood work, called the ER to make sure they had everything correct. She has an appointment to see a specialist surgeon next week. Then back to her regular doctor. They kept her back in the exam room for 3 hours. They wouldn't let me go back there with her. I was getting worried about her! I got home at 5:15 I AM HUNGRY!!!! Give me the chair with catchup!! Catch ya later Pat
  • Quote: Why do I feel like eating a pack of almond M&Ms right now? TOM was last week and it's over now. I'm so confused. Anyway...I don't think I'm going to be able to complete this challenge.
    Almonds are very good for you. Just buy a small single pack, eat it to satisfy your craving, and move on. Walk an extra 30 minutes or so a couple days in a row and work it out. If you constantly tell your sell that you are not allowed to have certain foods then you will eventually cave in and binge on them. Don't let it get to that. YOU ARE STRONG! You have control over the food not the other way around!

    Quote: Hi All~~My sister has an infected ulcer inside the hernia. The infection reached the blood vessel causing it to rupture. I don't understand all the details, but that is the jist of what caused the bleeding. They said it could happen again at any time. They took out the packing and swabbed it out good. took blood work, called the ER to make sure they had everything correct. She has an appointment to see a specialist surgeon next week. Then back to her regular doctor. They kept her back in the exam room for 3 hours. They wouldn't let me go back there with her. I was getting worried about her! I got home at 5:15 I AM HUNGRY!!!! Give me the chair with catchup!! Catch ya later Pat
    I hope your sister feels better soon and that she is okay