"Every-Day" 21-Day Challenge -- Counting the days to victory!!

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  • 21 days finished
    IM DONE!!!
    I finished my water and walking challenge today and all I need to do to finish my chip challenge is go to bed!!! I never thought I would be able to go for 21 days straight but I did it.

    My new challenges are:

    1) Drink 8 glasses of water - L1
    2) Exercise for 30 min - L2
    3) Have 1-2 servings of veggies/fruit with every meal - L3

    Marble - Congrats on fitting into size 8!!! Its gonna be a long time before I can fit into a pair.

    Danzer - Good luck on your new challenges.

    Sushi - Good job on beating your record.

    Curly - I had no idea brussel sprouts had so many carbs.

    Good luck and be safe
  • Yay Angel! Congratulations on successfully finishing your challenges! Way to Go!!
  • Marble, what on earth is a standing crunch? I just can't seem to picture it.

    Es Angel, on completing a double challenge. And straight through? Way to go!!!

    It's bedtime here in San Fran. Hoping for pleasant dreams, and more good weather tomorrow. Apparently it was hailing this morning, but it was great by the time I got here. Cool and windy, but bright sunshine, perfect for a pricey lunch at the Cliff House. I had forgotten what HUGE portions restaurants serve here in the US. But I was a good little soldier and cleared my plate, so children in wherever won't starve...

  • Thanks Fish, Jolly and Aimee for the pep talk! I'm actually working on day 3 on both of my challenges right now, so that makes me happy. Fish you're definitely right about law school! This is my second semester and it's ALL procedure ALL the time - well - that and property, which has so many rules to remember that it seems like another procedure class to me. There's a part of my brain that knows that exercise will increase my energy level and that once I get started I'll feel tons better - but then there's the part of my brain that lives in my left butt-cheek and wants to sit on the couch and play video games all the time. The two parts are at war right now. I know that the pro-exercise part of my brain will win eventually, though.


    Keep on Truckin!
  • I finished my exercise challenge 21 days of at least 30 minutes a day.

    I am on day 2 of the re-started calorie challenge. Ended the day at 1495 (hey! I could have eaten another ! Just kidding!)

    I am thinking of starting a push-up/crunches challenge, but will officially confirm once I make it through the first day .

    Es Angel - Way to go girlie! Finishing a triple-challenge is great!!! And you have jumped right back in with three more.

    Everyone sounds as if they are doing better this week. Keep it up! Talk to everyone later.
  • Day #9---2 sets of 10 push-ups
    (I overslept)

    Carla, whatever you can do on the floor you can do standing up....see Billy Blanks for details...or the turbo-jam woman.

    I MUST tell EVERYONE!!!

    Today I am wearing a skirt i haven't been able to get into since 2003! and it hasn't gone out of style...it's leather!
  • Good evening all. A big shout out to Marble with your leather skirt And to Fish and ES for finishing challenges. Way to go ladies

    Chai - Butt cheek war?? Is that what they meant in history when they discussed the battle of the bulge? I was soooo confused Actually, I hear you. The force of gravity is MUCH stronger around my couch. I also suffer from a debilitating disease - can'tgetbuttoffcouchitis. That's why I didn't make it to the barn last night. came home first, and was sucked into the couch.

    Day 7 of challenges complete (actually - day 8 for calorie counting). I am eating less these days, but really tuned in to when I "could" do with less. Slowly making those changes. Feels good.

    Off to bed now. Have a good rest of the night all
  • Way to go Angel & Fish woman!!!!!

    Day 19-----> 48 carbs
  • Woo hoo, good for you, Marble!!!

    I have completed day 9 challenges
  • Curlylocks... I'm curious... what do you have to do to collect an Easter Egg?
  • Good morning all. I just have to say, I am feeling really good this morning. First - I earned a dollar! (did my weight workout). Secondly, the gym is doing a biggest loser contest - this time I know I can do it. I am even going to spend the money for 3 personal trainer sessions and 3 nutrition consults. I can do this!

    I know I have to take this slow, so I don't run scared back into old eating habits, but it is really cool that I am realizing I don't NEED as much food. I just really feel better the healthier I eat. Not that the old demons aren't there. Sometimes I just CRAVE But most of the time I can say no.

    I will have to be careful how smug I get. I am craving more right now due to hormones. Not sweets, so much as heavy carbs. Just take it one day at a time, and do what I can.

    Have a great day all
  • Next two days done!!
  • Today is my paws day....(but I vaccuumed and did laundry at 6AM so that doesn't mean I was lazy!)....my clothes are either too big or still too tight, I spent 30 mins. trying to find a happy medium....

    I am wearing this knit top with about 6" wide ruching down the front (like a pleated drape swag)...I just bought it and it is close-fitting and flattering......BUT I can't help thinking how much it reminds me of a CONDOM....
  • Hmmmm Marble, I just can't picture it....
    Fish Woman and Es Angel!!!!! Way to go!!!
    It's always inspiring to hear of your success!!!
    For me, Day 8 done. I think. I fell asleep with the baby last night but dragged myself in front of the TV and the dreaded STEP and did a (rather leisurely) 30 min. I did something, so thats good. I wish I could stop eating so darned much though I never seem to be able to do both at the same time. (exercise and eat the way you should when one is tring to lose weight..)
    Hello to everyone!!!