Losing a Ton on Core Board Thirty One

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    Cold and damp here and I am freezing at work - but I wil keep in mind that this will help my body burn more calories trying to stay warm? ha ha ha

    Kathy - I am a bit superstitious and need to pick up those pennies that I find lying on the ground (can't afford any more bad luck you know) but I sure must look like a cheapsake or something?

    Vickie - we all have good or better days so don't fret too much. Sounds like you are still hanging in there which is great. I bet the party will be a blast but I also agree that some more sleeping/napping is in order this weekend.

    Patti - looks like 17 people in Alberta ($3 million each) won the prize and that is so nice! I am so happy for them!

    Sandra - you are not a "know it all" - okay that came out wrong - you are a highly intelligent and wise woman so I appreciate all your advice and comments! You seem to be one of the most positive people I have "met" and I hope it rubs off on me and others (like that guy at the archery place!). Have fun socializing w/your pals!

    Melissa - Sounds like you are gearing up for some core living so you can meet your goals - good for you. I hope to be there with you!

    Kellyjo - you are doing GREAT - keep up the good work. Sounds like you are right into the core thing and we all know it will pay off for you!

    I am trying to be as positive as possible (is that okay sandra?) as dh is again not speaking to me. Got home last night and for some reason starting talking about kids etc, and as he has his therapist appt this morning I was encouraging him to make sure he spoke about the current problems. And that these problems were not things like ds not tucking his shirt in, and dd not flushing the toilet and that these were just symptoms of a bigger problem. I told him he should be talking about his negativity and how he can't speak to my kids without saying something negative and how he never says anything positive and he needs to discuss why he is like this and how he can change.

    Well that sure didn't go over very well (I guess the truth hurts?). He took great offense at me "telling" him how he was feeling (which I wasn't doing) and telling him what to talk about (okay I was doing that I guess). Lots of stomping around and nasty faces after this "discussion". I went to bed around 11 pm (he stayed downstairs) and I think he eventually came to bed, but much later.

    This morning of course he still has a sour face and not speaking to me (or to little ds it seems who couldn't find a clean pair of pants to wear!!!). When I came downstairs I asked him if there was a reason he wasn't speaking to me? He said he would think about it - and again brought up me telling him what to do or say. I replied that I just wanted to make sure he spoke about the real issues and not the symptoms - otherwise we would just be wasting our money! (I think he sees this as an opportunity to "vent" at the therapist's and tell her how rotten, apathetic and mean my kids are - and then she gives him advice on how to "deal" with them - okay there is some benefit to this - but we all know there is a deeper problem and until that is dealt with nothing much will change!).

    I have noticed however since his latest dr visit he is watching what he is eating and exercising daily (1/2 hr treadmill) so this at least is a good sign.

    I am also doing better than just a few days ago. On Sunday I was stuffing my face w/kit kat bars and the like. On monday I decided enuf was enuf. Monday morning I dreaded getting on the scale but I did - and it read 206.4 I tried not to let that depress me too much.

    This morning my scale is reading 202.8 - which is a MAJOR IMPROVEMENT! and helps to reinforce what I'm doing. (and I did have 1/2 bag of popcorn at the movies last night and I do feel a bit puffy so probably some water retention going on as well). Weekends are always more challenging for me, but I will try to stay on top of it and stay focussed on what I need to do!

    Have a baby shower to go to Sunday pm and that will be challenging for me I'm sure! (have the gifts but still need to do the card/wrapping thing!). Also just realized I did not yet get my special journal so that is a priority on my list of things to do!


  • Frouf! Good for you!
    So, you are OCD with the scale too? Good for you girl! You go! I am sorry to hear about the relationship problems and hope that you guys get better at communicating?! Men suck sometimes huh? Hang in there and stick with your program....that would just be more crap to worry about. Have a great time on Sunday and enjoy yourself! Get that journal and start journalling! Keep up the good work!

    Well, I opted for Breakfast burritos (with one egg and two whites and one piece of 2% cheese on 2 la tortilla tortillas-lc/lf lots of fiber and little fat 1 pt ea on flex LOL with a banana and coffee and water oh a little ketchup too maybe .5 tsp at the most. I am having a hard time NOT adding up points and still found that I do! The dork that I am!
    Well, Good day again girls.....gotta get ready to go to the doc's. My oldest MAY have strep and is home from preschool today (I am bummed for him cause he missed his party at school) so press on...press on.
  • congratulations, kellyjo. this is an amazing bunch, isn't it? your breakfast sounds yummy. i'm thinking about homemade quesadillas for dinner along with some soup. it's cool and rainy here and that sounds pretty good, doesn't it?

    melissa, guess this means i need to set a thanksgiving goal, too, doesn't it? i'm going to set it in a few minutes without weighing. i'm being stubborn and won't step on those scales till mon am. a weekend of happiness ahead cuz ignorance is bliss.

    frouf, take out the word "trying". remember that nike ad? "just do it". (sorry, i couldn't resist even though i know it's just semantics.) frouf, i am amazed at your positive attitude. you are a head above the world around you. i am especially proud of you for not letting dh pull you down into his sinkhole. you are an amazing woman.

    we have had a terrific day! we shot archery; visited with some archery buds; ate lunch at cracker barrel (grilled catfish, turnip greens, pinto beans, chow chow and onions.); then i went to the store and loaded up on core goodies. now we're chilling out and taking the rest of the day to rest. archery leagues will start here next week on wed and fri nights. the excitement is building!!!

    i hope all of you are enjoying your terrifically--beautiful!--day.
  • thought of a title last night so i'm jumping in to set up coreboard 32.