Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - July 2012 - Everyone Welcome!

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  • I will be back later for personals

    Itsmyturn Today I did the Insanity Fit Test and Cardio Power & Resistance. I compared my Fit Test numbers to the participants. I did really well on the standing exercises. In fact, I matched the participants or better. I performed lower on the exercises that go from standing to the ground. I feel this is because of me being overweight previously. I still feel like there is this big belly there in my way (it is't there, so this seems really weird, I know). I think it's just that I'm not used to that movement. Whatever it is, that's my weak spot.
  • Happy Monday.
    Good heavens, am I in a bad food funk. I had chorus rehearsal yesterday morning, 8:30-12:00. I ate a good breakfast, but of course with no snack in between I was starving by noon. I had to stop at Wal-Mart on the way home, didn't want to eat any fast-food junk, so I waited it out. Being hungry and shopping isn't smart. I got home, ate a tunafish sandwich (I ate it sooo fast). I was still hungry, so I had some tortilla chips and salsa. Then I wanted something sweet to "finish off my meal", so I had some oreos (my evidence of why shopping while hungry is a bad idea). Then I wanted (and had) more. And more. And more. At 3 or 4 per time, times...I don't know...5 or 6 times, that's a lot of cookies. By the end of my cookie binge I was sick to my stomach. Why in the world did I do that? I had perfectly acceptable snacks (grapes, cherries, nectarines, cantaloupe, etc. etc.). SOOOOO dumb!!! Scale was back up to 191 this morning. I'm mad at myself for this. Really...enough is enough already. Get ahold of yourself! You're not a child who has to rebel against a perceived restriction. ARRGGHH. What is the matter with me? Either I've committed to losing weight or I haven't. I'm pretty solid with my plan Mon-Thurs, then Fri-Sun (at home) I have too much (serving size, sweets, calories, etc). Week after week.

    I started this post almost 4 hours ago and just now had a minute to finish it. I'll have more time for personals tomorrow. Sorry for ending in a rant. I need to give myself a good talking to.
  • Diana - If you came close to matching them, then you did way better than either of us, Keep it going! I am so happy for you Our numbers sucked, but figure as long as we see a difference per test, then we are improving and it's worth it

    Moon - I am so sorry you are having struggles during certain days. Commit though, figure out where the weaknesses are (like you are doing), then plan a way to fix it... you CAN do this!!! You just have to stick to your plan. Find a new inspirational visual to use... a picture, something... anything that will kick you in the butt when you need to and look at it
  • hi everyone!
    just checking in... I've had no problems staying on plan lately. I'm working out 2-3 hours a day. I find that when I'm busting my butt to exercise this much that I don't want to ruin it by going op. I've been sore and tired but in the good way. I'm feeling very encouraged because I didn't think I could do this much physically.

    lost 2 pounds last week. This week TOM is coming but hopefully I still lose.

    I think all the exercise is helping with food cravings too. Can't wait till it starts to show on the scale.
  • ah I'm sore! From working out over 2 hrs. But it's the good kind of sore that lets me know I did well (not muscle strain/sprain or injury or anything like that, thank God!)

    staying op and working out daily. doing well. lost another pound. yay!
  • Although I have already reached my weight lose goal by eating according to the paleo diet plan I don't want to get too comfortable and fall off track. I also want to tone up. My plan is to work out 4 times per week. Twice at the gym for weight training and cardio and twice at my yoga studio. I will be leaving a post after every work out to keep myself honest.

  • Hello everyone! Wow, I am reading through these posts today, and you are all kicking butt!!! Way to go!!

    I decided not to work out tonight because I am really exhausted from all I did this weekend, and I have to keep myself rested enough to get up at 4 AM to go to work. I have some 3 pound Danskin weight balls, with which I can do a nice mini-workout but I can't FIND them; and it has not been long since I had them!

    Food today was

    AM - Tonic Alchemy in grapefruit juice, 1/2 fresh lime

    Greek vanilla yogurt
    1/2 banana
    black raspberries

    1/2 banana
    4 oz unsweetened cinnamon applesauce

    Cottage cheese
    3 oz tuna packet
    6 bagel crisps
    4 bite size chunks pineapple

    4 strawberries

    2 small slices healthfully made pizza
    mega-veggie slaw
    corn on the cob

    Coffee with skim milk
  • Hi Lulu. Nice to "meet" you
  • Crystal Glad to hear your foot is better. I hate getting sidelined because my body is revolting against me. Sending you good luck with your observation.

    Serenity Have you ever tried air popped pop corn? I have a microwave popcorn that I eat that doesn't use any oil and very little salt. It's good for me because it's in premeasured packages, so I don't get in trouble. I really enjoy it on occasion, but DH does not. He wants extra salt and extra butter.

    Moondance Hang in there. Why are things so much easier during the week for you? Is it planning? More structure? Try to copy your weekly routine on the weekend. I have an issue with my meals being spaced out differently on the weekend. Sometimes it's a struggle. I am constantly having to work to keep things in check on the weekend, too.

    Itsmyturn Oh, but the exercises that were on the ground or going from standing to the ground were ugly. Very ugly. I know I looked like a 100 year old woman trying to get on the ground into push up position or whatever it was. Maybe I am thinking about my actual workout. It's all running together now. Did I mention that it was ugly? And that it was raining sweat in my office during . . . the warm up!

    Chubbygirl Good job on the exercise and for the weight loss!

    Lulu Hi and Welcome to the check-in! I am also at my goal weight now. I keep posting so I keep myself accountable. I have always been able to lose weight, I have never been able to maintain, though. Hopefully this time will be different.

    Misti Good job on the healthy foods you choose.
  • Total Approx 1470 Calories +

    Breakfast (395 Calories + coffee)
    spritz oil in pan
    egg 70 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 calories
    Vegetable of choice
    1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
    Rudi's Whole Wheat English muffin 130 calories
    1 teaspoon jam 20 calories
    juice 75 calories
    coffee w/sugar and cream

    Lunch (375 Calories)
    Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 100 calories
    3 Slices Hormel Natural Choice Deli Turkey 60 calories
    Honey mustard/Lettuce 25 calories
    Oikos Strawberry Greek Yogurt 4 ounce container 90 calories
    1 Apple 100 calories

    Dinner (700 Calories)
    Chicken Ka Bob 500 calories
    Broccoli 100 calories
    Plain salad w/dressing that I brought from home 100 calories

    Insanity Fit Test
    Cardio Power & Resistance
  • Thanks, everyone, for the support and encouragement! It meant a lot to me when I was down on myself. I had a better day today--no eight slices of bread --though I ate over my calorie limit by a little. I did get some exercise in and enjoyed myself. Tomorrow, like you all said, will be a better day. Thanks for being there and listening to me!

    Have a great week, everyone!
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Calories for yesterday: 1470 +
    Weigh In: 149.2
    Down: .2

    asharksrevenge I'm glad you had a better day. Some days are easier than others. Some days are just down right hard and you have to take it hour by hour to get through it. Then there are days that you have to chalk up to a learning experience and just move on. I have had plenty of those, myself. As I always say, I am a work in progress. Constantly working on things and figuring things out. I hope you have a great day!
  • Good morning, everyone.

    We're off on another day of winning the fat battle!

    asharksrevenge, glad you were able to stay away from the bread, ha.

    I'm down another pound today, yay. This is a "10" mark one so getting ready for that new mini-ticker and have a new cheerleader warming up to go on active duty soon.

    Off to work!!!
  • Chubby - that's great! Keep up the activity

    Lulu - Nice to meet you and

    Misti - Good job on staying accountable

    Diana - That was definitely the fit test...I told DD we don't look as smooth as those on the DVD, but that's normal or we would be on the dang thing We didn't end up able to do the workout yet, school work was more than I realized... so tonight after work I will bring on the punishment instead I love that you are doing this at the same time... we can relate to feeling older than we are together Due to my knees, hip and back that has RA, I have to insure my form is right and good even if it means I slow down. I am good with that - it's the only way my dr would come close to saying "ok" to TRY this program I am loving it though - when we both looked like we showered at the end of the test only??? That's going to be intense
  • Crystal and all thanks, I am trying to halve it but more or less keep it at or around 1200-1500 calories per day. I’m following The Simple Diet by Dr. James Anderson, but it’s sort of just prepackaged meals, shakes (or bars), and unlimited GOOD fruits and veggies (i.e., not a can of fruit cocktail or drowning in cheese dishes LOL). It was a struggle for me to start because I spent years doing other things and nothing, maybe 5 pounds, but I had to finally realize I needed something with EXACT (or as exact as possible) measurements and then once your down to something like 40% of your goal or have 40% left you transition to regular meals. I am learning portion control. My husband tried it and couldn’t handle the same foods or portion control (his family has issues with saying no to ANYTHING so I don’t know if he will ever be able to eat healthy long term and it makes me sad). But thanks again

    I also hope Crystal your mirror thing goes well. I’m sure it will!

    WTG on doing the fitness test ItsMyTurn. From what I’ve read that’s an eye opener and a workout in of itself. And you never know I've known people who were asked to be in Beachbody and other at home exercise videos due to their enthusiam and success

    Diana I think it’s good to know your weak spots, that way you can work on them (well doh). I still toy with getting Beachbody’s Tai Chi program because there is some sort of fitness test involved with that (although I think it’s more core/balance related?) But the workouts sound SO BORING and you know how Beachbody is kind of $$$ so I dunno…yet. Maybe as a reward.

    Awe Moondance I know what you mean! I have that problem with movie theater popcorn. I won’t give it up (and we go to a movie maybe four times a year) but I have tried (tried being the key word) to keep it at the medium versus the large. I really feel awful after and yet it doesn’t stop me. Diana I do have an air popper, but I just don’t like it as well. I really have cut back. My kids and husband used to laugh because I had different popcorn for different tastes, i.e., air popped, the one in the Whirly thing on the stove, store bought (fortunately the popcorn store closed and I don’t care for like bagged stuff at the grocer that much), and then about 5 years ago instead of wanting it daily, it’s just at the movies for the most part. I mean I probably kept Orville in business from 1985-2007, then it’s just a movie thing. But I might start that when I do watch movies at home and am craving it. Thanks for the reminder.

    Hi Chubbygirl! I bet the exercise is helping too. I notice for me it does MOST of the time, but sometimes if I’m doing too much I’m ravenous. I have not been able to do “too much” in years, which I guess is good because for me diet is 95% of weight loss, if not more. But I like to be in shape so I work out…and I like the distressing effects too. WTG with being on plan and congrats on your upcoming nuptials.

    Hi Lulu! Your plan sounds good and you have a great avatar.

    Misti one of my yoga teachers always says there is strength in knowing when to rest or your limits, and sometimes I feel my body is telling me that and if I ignore it…it’ll be worse. I think you’re just listening to your body and that’s good. WTG with staying on plan too. What is Tonic Alchemy? And congrats on going down the scale.

    Asharkrevenge see you got back on track and that’s what makes it work, everything adds up.

    Well stats from July 30th, Monday, are:
    Calories 1404
    Power Yoga 1 hour
    Indoor bike 25 minutes