Weight Loss Buddies IX

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  • Dance well I tried it and you need lots of spices it was a little bland I used spaghetti sauce but no tomatoes. With ground beef, allegro cheese, and no bake lasagna noodles (I used .5 a box) it was 395cals, 13.2g fat and 34.2g protien so quite a bit higher than the recipe.
    However the beef is most of it 152.4cals, 10.2g fat and 14.4g protien so take away the beef and add turkey (smart thinking!) I think you'd loose about 50cals and gain a couple g of protien. I was going to costco to get ground turkey so I'll try that in a few days. Oh and I got 8 servings out of it and they were a good size.

    speaking of turkey my mom made these yummy turkey burgers while we were away if anyone wants to try them they are about 130cals per burger the recipe makes 4. It's super simple.
    3/4lb ground turkey
    2 green onions or scallions
    1tbsp soy sauce
    1tbsp ketchup
    1/4 tsp garlic powder
    1/4 tsp pepper
    1/3 cup monterey jack cheese
    Just combine the ingredients (except the cheese) and bbq for 4minutes a side. They're pretty tastey ofcourse I used the allegro cheese because it tastes fine and the cals/fat are so but lower then most others. I think I might use garlic cloves though instead of powder or maybe both..
  • Sounds yummy, marmalade!

    Hey - where is everyone??

    Doing well here - got in a good run this morning with intervals and am planning on doing the same again tomorrow.

    What's everyone up to?
  • Much wedding planning over here. Yesterday was a very full day: officiant, cake, printing random things, photographers, wedding coordinator. And of course no one is near anyone else. I also realized that I can't lose anymore weight before the wedding or the dress will slip down too much. Yay for being able to drink beer again!
  • Dancer- yes! Pedis do work as an ego boost. I don't think there's anything better. Thoughh i do have the bf rubbing my feet as I update this comps suposed to be gettinng fixed.. I seem to disappear to avoid using my phone internet :/

    Carved- recipes sound good but I don't like cooking! Ugh! Lol.

    Fer- how long til the wedding? Beers always a good thing

    As for me, wednesday was my birthday so I did end up eating out and having some cake and ice cream. It did no harm to the scale but I know I shouldn't have. I diid get a salad and a lower fat turkey wrap to kinda make up for it. Got in a really good workout on the elliptical and treadmill this morning. Also headed out to the club with my friend tonight and danced for a couple hours. Completely worn out but figured I shouldn't be mia too much longer.

    Hope all is well for you ladies

    Sorry if there's a bunch of double or triple lettering. My phones keyboard seems to hate me
  • Hi all. Just a short check in. This morning was the weekly weigh in and I am down 2 pounds due to a lot of physical work (hubby was doing "carpenter work" and I was his helper,aka, get this, get that, hold this bring that) but it worked!
  • cajun - woohoo! congrats on the 2lbs - that's great!

    keller - hope you get your computer back soon - that kind of thing is such a pain.

    Going for a run with my sis in half an hour. What are you guys doing as far as exercise today?
  • We take Sunday off from our walking we go to early Mass and then home to start catching up on the things we don't get to do during the week when we work, like cutting the grass, laundry, cooking for the week, etc. Catchin up with 3FC friends!
  • The wedding is this coming Saturday. Eep!
  • Fer - wow! How are you holding up? Drinking enough beer to keep the dress from falling off?

    cajun - that sounds pretty busy! I bet that burns as many calories as a brisk walk, anyday! Off to go finish some laundry myself...
  • Yay Cajun!!

    Wow fer I can't believe how fast time goes!! How's the dress fitting? Good luck this week I'm not sure I remember the week before we got married it's kinda of a blur...I'm sure it felt that way too haha

    I'm super tired and icky TOM is on the way I've felt it coming all week ugh gezz get here and get it over with already Weigh in tomorrow hoping to be down a tad but not so sure how plausible that is at this point I have been eating fairly well I think been under 1-200cals a couple days that always slows things down. We went to the Stampede last night I was very well behaved I ate 1/2 a corn dog, a handfull of homemade chips and 1/2 an original lemonade. Pretty good for stampede usually eat a lot more crap but I shared with Ethan so it was better for calories and my wallet

    Hope everyone is doing well & ahving a great weekend!
  • UGH, I am getting so discouraged. I am up from ticker and it just seems like it does not want to go down. Im getting up and getting back on the wagon. Gonna be very strict with eating now. I have to get back to running too, but that will have to be a late evening thing when its cool outside. I think TOM is on the way and that probably has a lot to do with the gain. Ive been drinking tons of water so thats good. Been doing lots of crafts this week, might open an etsy account.

    Marmalade-good job at stampede, I probably wouldve caved and ate the whole corn dog.

    Fer-congrats on the wedding. Where are you in MI?

    Dance-youre gonna motivate me to get back to running. Have u heard from Vicky?? I have her cell #, I should text her.

    Cajun-sundays are always good catch up days. Congrats on the 2 lbs

    Keller-happy (late)birthday. Mine was last Sunday and I ate out and had a cupcake too. Not good.
  • Morning all. Will be going to my first diabetes education class, should be interesting, or I hope it is! "Off" today, have the house to myself and have at least 12 things on my To-Do list, so much for a day off! Have a blessed day.
  • The dress is currently at David's Bridal, so I haven't been able to double-check the fit. But everything seems to be falling in to place so far as the rest is concerned. Just worried about the weather as it's an outdoor ceremony. We're in the Lake Orion/Oxford area, north of Detroit.

    Burgundy what kind of crafts do you do?

    Cajun: hope the class goes well.

    Carved: How'd your weigh-in go?
  • Tom popped in yesterday so my weigh inn today was a pound up but I always carry the extra water weight around now so im not freaking out. Blahhh!

    I need some new snack and meal ideas that are healthy. Easy to prepare, no llong cooking time. Im gettin sick of what I've been eating and the fruit!

    Fer- im sure thd wedding will be perfect and you will look gorgeouus in your dress.

    Cajun- awesome job on the two pounnds!

    Burgandy- happy late birthday to you to. Jjst remember you cann do anything you put your mind to.. you got this!

    Marmalade-i hope that corn dog was as delicious as it sounds. Its my fave greasy foods. Our county fairs here in two weeks and I hope I can avoid the bad foods or go easy like youuu!

    Dancer- me and the bf try to go for a swim or walk each day. I uuusuallly go tto the gym and do treadmill and weights as well.

    Hope all iis well for you ladies!
  • Hi all. The class was very interesting. Of course the nurse and dietician put together don't weigh what I weigh!! But I did learn a lot. Thursday we get the food class, we get to play with plastic food-at least its NO calories! The dietician will have a custom food plan for us and we get to keep a food diary for a week, yeah more paper work! Have a blesse day. Tammy