"Just Beachy" Black Team Chat #6

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  • Veggie-Man says "Eat lots of veggies!"

    Have a great day, all!

    Smurf, lovely family. I don't see how you could possibly lose anymore weight though, you look GREAT right now!
  • Sorry to barge in on your forum

    For those who haven't seen this please check this post that Jaime posted


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  • Smurf - Your family is adorable. And ditto what Soul said; you look great!
  • Quote: Regarding the red pepper discussion - I take it that you mean red pepper flakes as in the red pepper chilie, not the red bell pepper, right?

    I had some stir fry yesterday and the cook was quite generous with the red pepper flakes - took away my hunger all right, the pain in my stomach made me forget about food for quite a while!

    So please tell me there's magic in red bell peppers please!
    I don't know which Dr. Oz meant, his book just says "red peppers" but I have been using red bell peppers and it is working for me. He said to eat them in the morning to kill later afternoon/early evening hunger...and it has worked for me like a miracle. I usually get in trouble that time of day with munching adn eating my way through cooking dinner, but I have not felt hungry or munchy this week since eating the peppers...I am also using 1 t cinnamom as he recommends, so it might be that as well. I basically scramble eggs, adding in frozen seasoning blend I get at walmart(just frozen onion, red and green peppers, celery, nothing else), then add in more cut up red pepper and 1 t cinnamon, scramble together. It is really good, I like the taste of the cinnamom on the eggs. I added some salsa yesterday and it was yummy too.

    ADDED: I might try to add the flakes into some dinner dishes, but I am not good with spicy foods at all, so won't be trying that for breakfast.
  • Quote: Sorry to barge in on your forum

    For those who haven't seen this please check this post that Jaime posted


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    No need to apologize! Come by anytime. Thanks for the heads up.
  • Well, yesterday I tracked calories and ate within the range that I set forth for myself. Maybe tracking everything I eat will help to boost my weight loss! I did a total of 80 mins of cardio yesterday! I did find that doing it for longer doesn't necessarily mean anything though, I burned about the same amount of calories in 50 mins than I usually do when I do 40, I think b/c I can sustain the higher level of exertion for a less amount of time. Today is laundry day so I am skipping the gym. I also forgot my ipod, so walking is going to suck. I am tempting to stay in my office and spend my lunch break writing a letter that I have been meaning to write. I am sure at the last minute I will muster up the motivation and get my tush out there.

    I am going to do that one hundred push-up challenge. I think I can probably do 1 or 2, so this should be interesting.

    I hope that everyone is having a great day. It's supposed to be 82 and sunny today. Yesterday there was a great ocean breeze blowing, hopefully it is back today!

    I may check out Dr. Oz's books, as well. We have a great library out here, I wonder if they have any of them. I am a captive audience for the time that I am on the treadmill and with school that is my only free reading time!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • oolong - congrats for being the biggest loser and hooray black team for winning this week!!!

    thanks purplefly! i will try using hand weights instead of the bands/pull up bar.

    smurf, i totally understand not getting into P90X with no AC. oh my!! i'm dripping after every workout and we have AC. i've done P90X for 4 weeks (about a month ago) and then due to travel abandoned the program. i restarted this week and just completed week 1. I have 10 weeks before our next trip so i won't complete the full 12 week program but if i can get to 10 weeks, i'll be thrilled. we have houseguests coming the last weekend of july and that will throw a wrench into things though. my workout room is a guest bed room. so i may have to "massage" the program now and then. and what a great family picture!!!

    mugsy, i don't know alot about P90 vs. P90X except that they are two different programs and that P90 program came first. there's a program that came after P90X but i'm not even sure of the name. tony horton is the instructor in P90X. i really like the way the whole program is put together and this most resembles my experience with a personal trainer. (my time with a personal trainer wasn't as productive though because i wasn't committed to a healthy food plan. now i'm counting calories and tracking at the daily plate.)

    my weight this morning seemed to be back in line. now to buckle down this weekend so i, too, can post a loss on monday.

    have a good weekend everyone!! we're out of town this weekend.
  • Quote: Sorry to barge in on your forum

    For those who haven't seen this please check this post that Jaime posted


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    That's sounds like a good thing, I always wanted to learn to do many push ups.. So I'll join.
  • Laurie! I am so jealous of your house makeover. Our house is 130 years old and if I think the carpet and kitchen floor has been here since they covered up the dirt floors I would love new flooring! have fun with your housefull how fun!

    Thank you all SOSOSO much for saying such nice things about my family-and me :blush: you all made my day!

    Angeline-good luck with the p90x! I am looking forward to it this winter (not really looking forward to winter, but you know...)

    So I am so SICK AND TIRED of the rate I have been loosing basically in the past 10 weeks I have only lost 8 lbs ggrrrrr! I hate the thought of counting calories or points as I have said before I have an addictive personality and have counted before and had to be forced to stop-it controlled everything I did. My exercising has been put off since Saturday due to illness and blood sugar issues which I think I am finally on top of and my eating has been greatly improved and I feel that I am eating healthier, smaller portions. My snacking is now controlled to healthy snacks and I really feel that my eating has been good.

    My water could be better on my good days I drink only 64 oz. I am hoping now that it is hot I will want to drink more.

    I really wanted to be 136 by the end of this competition, but it doesn't look hopeful in that I still have 26 lbs and only 8 weeks.

    Any suggestions? Can drinking more water really effect weight loss that much? I know it is important especially when working out, but does it really effect the actual weight loss?

    Anyways-I need something!
  • blueyedlvrgirl: yeah, I noticed that too...especially with Star Jones. If I knew I was going to look like that, maybe I wouldn't lose the weight!

    smurf: you and your family are gorgeous! Nice pic, too.

    mugsy: I love mojitos. I once tried to make them and made the mistake of putting the mint and everything else in the blender. It came out looking like sewage. I've been afraid to try making them since then.

    Yesterday was great, I went to the craft party (and made a cute postcard and journal) and we didn't end up ordering pizza. I had a healthy bowl of smoked turkey sausage and zucchini first and then when I got there, I ate some fruit and had 2 small cookies. Today didn't start out so great, but I think if I eat sensibly at dinner, I will be okay. Gotta go....
  • Hey girls! Got a great non scale victory today. Slipped on my wedding band! It went past my knuckle! Still snugg. But I have not been able to wear it in 2 years!
  • Julia- that is awesome it is nice to have little surprises like that...

    I did stay within my points today but I did have a pizza roll and 3 tator tots but counted them as 5 points so I did stay within my limit today. I did also get my exercise in tonight and plan on keeping it that way. I am going to try to start the pushup challenge on Monday so that I can build some upper body strength as I could only do 2 perfect form full man push ups. I call them man push ups because no knees on the floor.

    Laurie that would be awesome to be getting new floors in the house we did our kitchen 2 years ago and are suppose to be getting the dining and living rooms floors done but of course haven't done it yet to much other stuff going on. It will be so great when all done.

    Well we have a packed weekend again of course have the races on Fri and Sun but we are also have Awesome Harley Nights in Sioux City which is about 35 miles away so we are going for a 200 mile ride then going to head to Sioux City for biker nights so we will be eating out for lunch and supper on Saturday but I am going to try my very best to stay on track and within my points.

    Everyone have a great Friday and one day till the weekend!!!!!
  • Troo - Oh my gosh!! You murdered a mojito. ROFLOL!! My problem is that I make a mess. The little plunger thingee we use to grind the mint & sugar is sticky and flings sticky all over the floor and the counter. My sisters and I get to laughing too hard . . . maybe that's part of the problem.

    Reda - You are rockin' & rollin' this week!! I've been afraid to click on the push up challenge. Maybe I'll tackle that tomorrow.

    Good luck to all you push up jocks!!

    Julia - Awwwwww . . . how sweet about your wedding ring! Congratulations!

    Smurf - When I hit a plateau I do double days. Split my workouts into two portions. One in the morning and one in the evening to keep my metabolism high. You're pretty darned thin already!!
  • Quote: Hey girls! Got a great non scale victory today. Slipped on my wedding band! It went past my knuckle! Still snugg. But I have not been able to wear it in 2 years!
    Yay! Isn't that a great feeling? Congratulations!
  • hello, ladies

    thank you for your kind words
    I'm glad we won the last week challenge

    as for me, I'm so nervous and don't have a minute to spare because my month of finals are here, and I don't know if I can survive it

    but I'll try to pass it all so I can enjoy my summer vacation