Alli - support for those taking alli.

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  • 8 pounds in 11 days is wonderful, are you feeling the difference in your clothes?

    I am on Day 2 of Alli, no issues but I feel hungrier than usual this afternoon.

    I was sitting thinking about why I have bought this medicine after having success already with 2 pounds++ a week for 8 weeks now. I guess I want insurance, insurance that it will help me not cheat and help me if I do via the way of TE, but still it's better than gaining or not losing.

    Good luck to everyone
  • What do you think? :?:
    Hi everyone!

    It seems like everyone here is doing very well on Alli. I need your advise. I've been doing Jenny Craig for about 10 months and have lost 47 lbs. I am 12 lbs away from my goal, but I think I might want to lose a few more lbs.

    I'm not someone who likes to take pills, but for some reason this one has me intrigued. I have been losing consistently, but have been losing very slowly. Since I'm getting close to the end of my weight loss journey, I'm really looking for an extra boost. I like that you still have to do the work with this one.

    The few people I've talked to have tried to discourage me from taking this pill, including my JC consultant. Everyone feels that I should continue what I'm doing and be patient. Actually that sounds like advise I might give one of my friends, but for some reason I keep thinking about giving this a try.

    My question to you is what do you think and also what about the long term? It seems that people who stop taking the pill run the risk of gaining the weight back. If I get to my goal and stop taking Alli do you think I will increase my chances of gaining weight, even if I follow a good eating plan?

    I might be looking for a short term fix, from something that might not help me in the long run. I'd like to get some feedback from those that are using this, or may have used Xenical in the past.

    Thank you!
  • Well the cat's out of the bag at work. I found out 3 other people are taking Alli and a couple are thinking about it. So we had a discussion after lunch - all of the bosses were either on vacation or in a meeting so there wasn't anyone to frown upon our behaviour!

    Turns out two of the other people had taken Xenical a couple of years ago and had success but then stopped for some reason and gained at least some of the weight back. They said they like Alli better because even tho you can have TEs, they aren't as bad as on the prescription strength. The 3rd person only has 10 pounds to lose and hasn't been able to make it budge so she said she'd give Alli a try. (Hard to feel sorry for someone who is already a size 8 and just wants to be a size 6. )

    Also found out that another person in the office had been on Xenical when it first came out, had lost over 100 pounds and then gained it all back plus more when she went off it. She's having bariatric surgery next week. I hope she does well.

    I'm looking forward to Saturday and the official weekly weigh in. I'm hoping I've lost some more!
  • Well I did something bad.
    I weighed myself while during my TOM the scale said I gained 10 POUNDS!!! I knew I gained a bit of water weight during TOM but 10 pounds!
    It made me feel so bad. I haven't been over 250 in three years. It sucked so bad to see that. I should've known better than to weigh myself during TOM So now I'm worried that if it's really water weight or If I somehow blew up, even though I'm carefull about eating and on Alli. I'm hitting the gym hard today
  • Quote:
    I might be looking for a short term fix, from something that might not help me in the long run. I'd like to get some feedback from those that are using this, or may have used Xenical in the past.
    You are an adult, you don't need permission from your friends or the Jenny Craig lady, this is a safe and effective drug - I think you should go for it, it might give you that little extra push/incentive to get to your goal quicker & easier. If it doesn't make it go any faster then nothing is lost except the cost of the meds.

    If you really feel uncomfortable with people knowing you are taking it, then just don't tell them. I think you should go for it!

    Quote: Also found out that another person in the office had been on Xenical when it first came out, had lost over 100 pounds and then gained it all back plus more when she went off it.
    OMG that poor soul, losing 100 and gaining it back again. I hope the surgery helps her.

    Quote: I knew I gained a bit of water weight during TOM but 10 pounds!
    Okay, that's just nuts. Are you sure your scale is reading right? It is hard to believe you gained that much eating well, taking Alli, exercising. Sounds like alot for TOM water.
  • Hi Mezmerize-I know what you mean about some people and their opinions of alli, people who weren't, are aren't even taking it. On this website, one person equated it with "scarf and barf" - don't know how she connected it to that. Another one talked about not wanting to sit in a chair where someone taking alli had just had a TE and it was on the chair. I mean how did they come up with that when the product had not even hit the stores? I think some of the moderators were really being inappropriate with their posts too. The funny thing was that there was an ad for it on this website right next to all these disgusting posts. I am glad those posts have been locked and Suzanne started this thread. You know I may gain the weight back when I stop using it, but if I do, it will be the same weight I gained back after stopping WW, Fat Smash, Nutrisystems... Maybe I won't gain it back. All I know is that I bought a pair of jeans today at Macys that are a size 12, because the 14's are too baggy. I can thank alli for that. BTW, I have had no TE, so no one has to worry about sitting in a chair after I have vacated it. The gassiness is gone too. So no more blaming it on the dog. I swear she would give me a dirty look when I was wrongfully blaming her.
  • Well, tomorrow is my first weigh in day with Alli. I finally experienced the oil spills that everyone is talking about a couple of days ago and I must say, as weird as it looked....I was soooo happy to see it! I was afraid it wasn't working, but now I am sure it is.

    Tomorrow will be Day 6 for me and my weigh in and I will check in and let you all know how it goes.
  • Champagn, good luck tomorrow. What did you eat before the oil slick appeared?
  • Well, since I wasn't seeing the oily stuff everyone was talking about, the day before, I tempted fate and ate a BK Chicken Sandwich with Mayo. But that was the only bad thing I had. Then I continued to eat normal. I did not have a bad TE like some people get. I just noticed the "oil slick" in the toilet the next day. Gosh this sounds so gross! LOL! But this is the only time I am thrilled about something so gross! LOL!

    Thanks for your kind words and I will be checking in with you guys tomorrow : )
  • I can absolutely understand the joy of seeing the oil! lol
  • Well after 10 days on Alli I finally saw a 1lb change...but like I said I had been feeling pretty PUFFY so I think whatever was causing that is finally going away. I weigh in again on Monday and I am pretty sure I will show a pretty good loss. I am also starting on that "Diet to go" delivery service. So that should help me stay on track!
  • Friday weigh in
    I got through the 4th just fine. I took my pill and ate something of everything and didn't finish my plate. I've noticed that my appetite has gone down and I can't finish a meal. Which I know is good. I haven't denied myself anything and I snack on fruit and italian icies. I had 1/2 cup of ice cream that had 4 grams of fat. I watch the fat grams.

    It must have worked because I am down another 4 pounds! So far on Alli I've lost 11 pounds. That's a lot better than me doingit on my own. When I use the bathroom, I look forward to seeing the orange spots - then I know it's working! Gross, I know - but so true.

    My next weigh in goal is to hit 219. I think that's a realistic goal.

    Great news for everyone that has lost and welcome to those who have just purchased Alli!
  • Day 8 for me. Not weighing in until tomorrow, but since I cheated and had ice cream and a hamburger yesterday I'm not sure how much I threw the scale off. I have been having alot of embarrassing gas for the last couple of days, so I intend on reducing my fat content in my cooking and will see if that makes a difference. I'm very sorry for eating the full fat hamburger yesterday. My body definately will no to THAT next time around.

    I did get my reward by using the Alli on-line site. It's pretty cool. Every step you finish they give you a reward, just for sticking with the program

  • Way too much sugar content, especially in the slimfast, and bars. Alli only works with fat content. We're on our own with the sugar monsters
  • Okay's official ..........

    I started Alli on Sunday at 204 lbs. I just weighed in at 198 lbs!!!!! And I also woke up to a visit from I am sure that has added a couple of extra! But overall, a 6 pound loss since Sunday and I have not changed on ounce of my eating habits. I am still following the WW Points! I am sooooo happy & excited right now!!