The Walking Dead!

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  • My thoughts on the finale:

    EDIT: Anybody catch that call on the talking dead? c r e e p y
  • Quote: My thoughts on the finale:

    Omg you made my day Sarah YES I was like that too!!

    My thoughts -

    Carl - I actually agreed with his action of popping that kid. The kid was not laying down his weapon as ordered. "Handing it over" as we have seen in movies is sometimes a ploy so I say Carl did right. And wow to Carl's 'tude. Well the kid has grown up! (literally, huh) And throwing down his dad's badge was harsh for Rick of course.

    Andrea - well, not many of us here admired her as we know, but i give her tons of credit for going out with dignity and courage. But SHEESH if she had only maybe tried with the pliers a little sooner instead of engaging poor Milton in conversation...I was YELLING at the TV for her to shut up and start using them pliers

    and now we have to wait til October, huh!

    I did not watch all of Talking Dead afterwards, what was the phone call you mentioned Sarah?
  • Carl was right...every person that they let go and didn't kill came back to kill one of them. They couldn't let him go back to the Governor. Although, apparently he would've been shot anyway!
  • Quote: And why is it the Woodbury residents seem to have no problem going to war? Shouldn't they be concentrating on survival, not killing even more of themselves off? I'm surprised they're not questioning very much.
    I think that most of the people in Woodbury haven't experienced the "crazy off his rocker" governor, and are willing to believe that his decisions are for the best. He gave them some semblance of their previous lives and they are holding on to that with tooth and nail.

    Meanwhile the people from the prison seem like a rag tag band of crazies who came into Woodbury and shot a kid. The residents believe that by attacking the prison they are protecting their own.

    If the writers had been smarter, they would have shown some more discussion between the residents about whether or not what they are doing is right, but I guess they figure the conversation between Tyrese and Allen was a stand in for that.
  • Wohoo, mission accomplished Holly! haha Found the call on youtube! My sister told me he was actually reading the verse just before the highlighted one left in the prison but omg it was so unexpected and weird. Creepy voice! but LOL at Norman

    I also think Carl was in the right, which is apparently an unpopular opinion but whatever. In a reality like the one he's been living in, if you tell someone to stop and put down their weapon and they keep coming closer to 'hand it to you', you gotta do what you gotta do. I WAS YELLING AT ANDREA TOO! That wasn't even ~intense~ just straight up infuriating lmao. Like can you not talk and work at the same time? And the way she'd stop and stare at him for five minutes whenever he'd move or make a noise - uh, if anything that should mean hurry up, not stop and watch him transition like he won't see you if you don't move! ugh ugh ugh sldkjflkj

    I didn't really get why the Woodbury people were so ready to just go shoot people up, but that makes sense. Plus, the Governor said something about how "I had to stretch the truth, but only a little and now they're foaming at the mouth" or something like that, so it's pretty likely that he made them believe more of what he was saying in his little speech before they took off, that the people at the prison were, like charliee said, a rag tag band of crazies that was gonna take everything from the people of Woodbury.

    October is too far away! I need to know what happened to the Governor.
  • I agree Carl was right to shoot the guy. He was told to drop the gun, not hand it over.

    Why in the world did Martinez and the other guy get back in the truck with the Gov? He showed himself to be straight up crazy yet they are still loyal to him? Not smart.

    I was sad about Andrea, even though she had done some things in the past that were infuriating. It was especially sad to hear Michon's sob right after the gunshot. Even if I didn't particularly like Andrea, I thought the actress did a great job.

    October is a long ways away.....
  • Quote:
    Why in the world did Martinez and the other guy get back in the truck with the Gov? .
    Lol..I know. Awkward. But what else would they do? It's like get in, or get shot..

  • Love this!

    Quote: Lol..I know. Awkward. But what else would they do? It's like get in, or get shot..

  • Carl was absolutely in the right. I love Herschel, but he was wrong. The kid didn't drop the gun as asked. He was slowly moving forward with it and giving the shifty eye. I know he was giving the impression that he was going to hand it over, and it's quite possible that he was...but hello!! They're in the middle of a war, and that kid was part of the group who just attacked the prison and blew up the guard towers (although I guess Carl didn't actually know that for sure, but it was pretty obvious that he was a Woodbury dude). That was not the time to take chances. If the kid had immediately dropped the gun and Carl still shot him, then I would have a different opinion.
    I will not miss Andrea but her last scene made me feel sad, mostly because of Michonne.
    I HATE that there wasn't an actual end to the Governor. I was excited about this storyline since I love the comics, but it dragged on for too long. Hopefully he meets his end early in the next season.
    I love that Tyrese is in the prison with Rick and co. where he belongs.
    For next season, I'm hoping for no more Lori visions, and also for the pre-kidnap/beating Glenn to return. I miss him and really dislike this new Glenn. I'm hopeful, since he and Maggie seemed to have patched things up!
  • Hoping you walking dead fans are still around and watching this season.

    I agreed with Hershel about Carl and especially after Rick just made the decision to cut Carol loose I thought but hey your son arguably killed a young man who was surrendering, in cold blood. How was that better then what Carol did? But I see not everyone agrees.

    At first I deplored Carol but then as her character grew so did my love for her. I was very sad to see her go but I suspect she is not really gone. I understand why Rick made the choice. Tyreese is a loose cannon right now, almost getting the search party killed, and would surely kill Carol. And when the group finds out they will be split causing even more problems.

    But Daryl will not take this sitting down. Has Rick thought about that? I think Daryl will freak and be pissed at Rick and then go looking for Carol. What do you think?

    I can't see them staying much longer at the prison, those walls are coming down!!!!

    I think that medic alcoholic guy is trouble as well and taking him back to the camp is just as dangerous as keeping Carol around would have been.

    And sad to say I think Tyreese is going to cause major havoc at a time when the group needs to pull together and save who they can.

    Can't wait until next week.
  • So far really enjoying this season more compared to last.

    I don't think Carol is gone permanently either. I'm really digging seeing the emotional side of Michonne too. I've learned not to get attached to characters in this series LOL. Andrea annoyed the piss out of me last season, but I kinda miss her.

    Can't wait till Sunday.
  • Ficklehearts Hi fellow fan. I have always liked Michonne and agree that she is becoming more likeable. I was never an Andrea fan.

    Yes there are not many characters that are not fair game for the zombies. I was sad to see the hippie girl die too.
  • My husband and I have watched the series from the very beginning, never missed an episode. He read the graphic novels years ago and was a fan. I was said to see Carol go. She has been the character that seems to have changed the most and grown. There was a lot there to work with story wise with her character. I understood what she did and expected she would be gone because of it.
  • Rick banishing Carol seemed harsh, but I didn't have any good suggestions what to do about it either, Tyrese certainly would have gone ballistic on her. I hope she is not written out for good; and for sure we will hear how Daryl feels about that! I also don't trust the alcoholic medic, he has shown that his disease will get in the way of everyone's safety.

    WD used to be my favorite show, I have to admit though that since episode-binging on Breaking Bad ( I had never watched it but caught up on most seasons via Netflix and then DVR recording the last season) Walking Dead seems pale in comparison.
  • Oh man, I hates me some zombies, but I really enjoy Walking Dead. I even put up with my Sunday night zombie nightmares for the show every week.

    I agree, I don't think we've seen the last of Carol and I'm curious to see how the group responds to Rick's decision to banish her. I'm a bit slow on the uptake- I didn't realize Rick's intentions for Carol when they went out foraging until he told her to get lost. I thought he wanted to have a come-to-Jesus sort of talk with her, but he was in a pickle considering how enraged Tyrese was. Totally agree Daryl isn't going to be happy, those two have been through too much together for him to just accept Rick's decision.