Lose 10lb by November 1st!

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  • Weighed in 1lbs higher today than yesterday!!! dont know why - maybe because I drank like NO water yesterday? I didnt overeat by any means, but maybe did slightly extra snacking on rice cakes/granola bar???

    Got my butt in the gym today and worked out hard, drank extra water. Ready to push well past 167.

    No matter what the scale says I can SEE a difference in my body. Feel a difference in the way clothes fit, specifically in the stomach and its so flipping amazing. I want to get back in the gym and kick even more a$$.

    Hard work isn't so bad when you can see results!!
  • scale is sticking, and i just started my period. blaaah. i'm going to aim for 7lbs this month instead.
  • Well lost the reat pf the .6 and now down to 241 even! But am feeling TOM coming today.. plus busy week doing conferences. Gonna try not to over stress and over eat.

    SW 252
    CW 241
    GW 242!
  • Yay, 233 this morning! I'm finally having a decent loss. 3.2 for the month so far. Last month I had my big whooshes at the end, so we shall see.
  • Now I'm seeing the loss, down to 153.8lbs this morning, but I'm sick. I have zero appetite and had to force myself to eat a banana today and hardly ate at all yesterday either. I don't have the energy to exercise at all so my weight loss will stall.

    This sucks! Although, at 153.8lbs I have surpassed the goal of officially reaching 50lbs lost before my birthday. I'm also only 3.9lbs away from what I'd like to lose by October 25th (we had this 6 week weight loss challenge at work and I think it would be really cool to go from 170.8lbs to 149.9lbs, it looks like a huge loss because it's from the 170's to the 140's). But losing 4lbs in the next week is not realistic at all so we'll see how I do, but I'd really like to win the highest % of weight lost.
  • I'm finally seeing some progress!

    10/4 SW 153
    10/11 153 (-0)
    10/18 149.8 (-3.2)
    11/1 GW 143
  • This morning I got down to 180.0 exactly. It's like my scale is taunting me. I want to be in the 170's already!
  • Had my meeting with a dietian. Very interesting. According to her, I am not eating enough and she thinks my body is in a starving mode. She wants me to eat 200g of carbs, 80g of protein and 50g of fat for a total of 1600 calories (I was eating about 1100 calories and just recently increased it to about 1300 give or take). I RARELY ate any of the white stuff and my overal carb level was VERY low. (Maybe that's why I tire so easily when working out?!) She said that after a couple of weeks, I should see a change and will begin to lose weight again. I am more than willing to give it a go since my way is not working anymore. It's just so odd that you can talk to 10 different professionals or just people in general and get 10 diff ways of doing it.
  • @JustLorna I think you should be able to get 200g of carbs without having to eat pure white stuff. You could add back some wheat bread if you haven't already. I have been eating http://oroweat.com/Our-Products/Brea...ty-Wheat.aspx# because it has protein in it. It's has become my go to bread choice. Also quinoa has lots of carbs and other good stuff in it too. I had that for lunch. It was easy to make (cook it up, cool it down, then add in all kinds of vegs / dried fruit and throw some lemon juice on top makes a nice little salad) and it fills the protein and carb requirements.

    Good luck with adjusting stuff, I hope your body responds quickly!
  • Thanks Solarplant for your kind words I'm thinking good "7" thoughts for you

    Been on plan the last couple days so feeling much better. Scale hasn't been moving as much but I think I just need to get used to a sustainable healthy amount of weight loss, as opposed to those exciting high numbers the first couple weeks that you just can't keep pulling each week. Onwards and upwards! (Or downwards as it may be!)
  • Forget it... I can't do this! It's been over a week and I've gained 1.8lbs. It's not that I can't lose weight, it's just that I don't know how. I haven't been overeating, but I've been eating just enough to maintain my weight... and I can't get back into it I don't know what to do.
  • count me in.
  • @kylonaa I just reread my post to you and I realized I meant to say not to beat yourself up for your mistakes. Oops. I figure you must have figured that out.

    @RicecakeEater well don't give up! Maintaining means you're not gaining and you've lost 20 pounds which is awesome! I would say keep eating what you're eating if you're not gaining weight, and then add in some light exercise to get back into it. When I first started in July, I thought, walking is lame because I already knew my body could exercise but then I did it anyway, I spent most of the first month just walking because it was something. I stopped thinking that even 10 minutes wasn't good enough. 1 minute of any activity is awesome. It all adds up. Anyway, I hope you can find it in you to keep going.
  • @Solarplant- lol yeah, I saw that when I read it but I figured it was a typo... people on this board aren't known for suggesting others beat themselves up... we all do it enough to ourselves already!
  • SW: 125.8
    CW: 123 (-2.8)
    GW: 119.8

    3.2 lb to go. I keep losing then gaining and re-losing the same weight over again each month. I average a loss of 4 pounds a month.