"Party Like It's 2009" Red Team Chat #2

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  • Scale is up a teeny bit today. Guess I didn't work out enough yesterday LOL. I'm not worried about it. Just keep plugging along

    We had a random mini snow storm last night so school was 2 hours delayed. What a pain - I work 9-12:30 and my DS had to be at school by 11. I had to get a sub to come in at 10:30 so I lost some hours. Oh well. More time for me to get stuff done at home I suppose!

    I'm off to make lunch for me and DS. Perhaps do some other chores on the ever growing list around here hehe.
  • Did Primm and bethbeth quit the challenge? I don't see their weigh in information on there anymore and I am trying to do the weekly results. Also, there are a few people who have now used the 2 alloted "freebies" for the challange. If you don't weigh in next week, I am removing you. Not fair to see all these zeroes. Thanks!

    As soon as I figure out the Primm & bethbeth thing I will put our results up.
  • Ok I don't see their information so they're done. Going to post results in a few!
  • Quote: Shannon - Could you describe some of the workouts? How would the bootcamp work for a beginner?
    Well, for someone coming in from "off the couch" say, it would probably be a bit difficult at first. I'd recommend the first BL workout DVD for just starting out. Bob keeps you moving on this one. Not as hard as Jillian's Shred, but it's up there in intensity.
    The workouts mix cardio and strength moves a lot. The first level combines upper and lower body at the same time (using arms and legs together for example). Then there are squat thrusts, tricep dips, leg lifts and a lot of jumping. On this DVD, you workout with Bernie, Michelle, Bill and Ali a lot (Heba & Vicky too).
  • BL Bootcamp- Let me say I find level 1 pretty easy. Level 2 is tough, that's the one where sweat starts rolling into my eyes. You're on your butt alot, moving side to side, (he uses a medicine ball) tricep dips, and then pushing your leg out in front of you. Level 3 is arms intensified (uses hand weights or resistance bands). The whole 55 min. is a long workout.

    Tonight I did BL yoga. You don't sweat much, but legs start shaking, arms start shaking, get my point. And that is level 1. I haven't tried the other levels yet. I like to sweat. It makes me feel like I'm burning some fat.

    I have been 198.8 for three days now. Come on body, give up some fat.

    So do we have tie for this week? How does that work? gotta run, the show is on in a few min.
  • FYI- There is a new thread started.