Don't Be a Turkey - Thanksgiving Challenge - OFFICIAL CHALLENGE THREAD

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  • Okay I had a good gym workout today weights and elliptical. The problem is I really only get 40 minutes to workout in the morning. I wish I had more time but my mornings start really early and the gym doesn't open until 5am. Sounds like everyone is getting over the Halloween Candy horrors. I made a salad for lunch today and a sandwich so no eating out for me!
  • Stacylambert--how are you today? Have you pulled yourself out of the binging mode? I sure hope so, that downward spiral is a killer Acknowledging the problem can help you not do it this time.

    Hello, everyone else! I can't read everything I have missed so I'll just jump in here again. I got my hands in the candy jar as well, but then threw it all out so that's over with!

    On 30DS, I am going back to Jillian's other DVDs because I feel they are harder and yet safer for me right now. I just can't see working the same body parts over and over everyday, it's killing my shoulder for some reason and I don't want to get hurt. I have the DVD on the way, so can always try it later if I want. I have all of her other DVDs and they are 30 minutes long and kick my butt worse than 30DS, but they work different body parts each day so I am like that much better!

    FB I see you're at the party already I'm coming, so save me something good to eat.
  • Hello all! Completed week 6 day 3 yesterday on the C25K and day one of the 30 DS. Went pretty well but I'm back up to 161.something which is really dissappointing!!!!
  • I give all of you that do the 30DS so much credit! I'm not really sore, but I can feel that I used many muscles last night that probably have never been used before!

    Reda - We've done the all inclusive and LOVE it. We were supposed to do that again this year but are going to try something new. I've never been on a cruise and am I tiny bit scared that I'm going to get seasick. Although I do have to say I'm more scared as to what I'm going to look like in my swim suit!

    Keep up the good work ladies!

    Wish me luck working out tonight. I have a feeling I'm going to need it!
  • Jamie - I'm giving up on the scale until Thurday's weigh in. I was back up to #189 this morning! I know that the abundance of halloween candy on top of the no exercise is the reason... and my attitude... but SERIOUSLY!!! I need to get control of myself! Tonight - I'm WALKING to the polls (1.5 miles) and doing Level 2 of 30 DS. I HAVE TO GET BACK INTO THIS!!! NOW!!!!
  • Hey everyone...
    When I lived in Long Beach, I could walk to the polls, I loved it! Not happening today for 2 reasons...1) It's raining! 2) Where I live there is no polling place, we were forced to do a mail in ballot!

    Well, I am sick...again! Another cold. With the rain, I won't be walking today. I have been watching what I eat though. I am having a tough time of it in my personal life. My relationship of almost 3 years is coming to a close. I have three weeks to find time to find a place to live and pack my stuff, while working full-time, going to school full-time and taking care of a 9 week old puppy. I guess all that packing, moving and cleaning will be a good source of calorie burning.

    Stephi--I am looking at getting my new phone when I move out. I want a new phone number and a fresh start. If I get it now, since we are still living in the same place, he may get a hold of the new number. If you don't mind waiting, I would love to sell it to you. Since it came out of the box, I have had it in one of those hard shell snap-on covers on it. The outer screen still has the protective sheet that it came with. If you are interested, let me know and I can send you pictures, etc. If you don't want to wait, that's cool, I understand.

    Well, I better get back to work...I'll be hanging around all day. Take care everyone...
  • I just did week 1, day 2 of c25k and it wasn't as hard as the last time It was sorta difficult, but I could have kept running at the end. I took it to a walk, though, going to follow the schedule.
  • 2 days in a row of workouts--that's pretty good for me. The food is another issue. I am working on it, though. I know I am moving slowly but it's okay!
  • This challenge seems to be filled with 30 Day Shred fans. I'm going to look into this. I wonder if it's something I can do in addition to my weights at the gym or if it would be too much strain on my muscles.

    Mama- Is 30ds using weights? On the same muscle sets every day? That doesn't sound right. You're right, if it's killing your shoulder I'd ease up.
    Jamie - it happens. I'm sorry and hope your weight goes back down soon. It sounds like you've been working pretty hard with your C25K and 30ds.
    Vanessa- Lucky duck! I've always wanted to go to a resort. Sigh, I've seen the ocean like twice in my life.
    Eny- sounds like a great plan for staying on track. Do it!
  • Hey Mama! Great job on day two! You're right. Follow the program! You'll get plenty of running till you're dying at the end!

    Eny - I'm totally with you on that darn scale...

    FB! My idol!!! I just did day one of the 30 Day Shred, but could only find one weight so I guess I kind of cheated. Have to get another one. The biggest part of that that beats me up is the lunges...other then that day one was pretty easy on me...accept my behind is feeling it today! We'll see how day 2 goes tonight! AHHH...I tried the hummus. EWWWW...not sure how you eat that stuff!
  • Unfortunately, no the binging has not stopped I also haven't exercised.

    I'm trying to figure out something to get me motivated, but right now I'm just kinda down in the dumps.

    Sorry for being the challenge's resident Eeyore. Hopefully it doesn't last too much longer.

    Good luck to everyone else!
  • Oh Stacey - I'm so with you lady! I felt like that all weekend! I typically end up staying away from 3FC when I get in those moods so it's good you at least come back here and look for support!

    Whats got you down in the dumps? Anything spacific?
  • Hi guys. I'm in and around, trying to keep loosing as the holidays fast approach. I'm going to take this exercise challenge as a goal to finally get into a regular rhythm and schedule for excersizing. It's a just do it sort of thing.
  • blueyedlvrgirl - I've been talking to a guy on Craigslist, and if he doesn't give me a for sure answer within a week, I'll so buy it from you. My contract isn't up tel December 26th...2009!

    I've just had a rough day y'all! I know I'm by far not the only one, buy my oh my! Weigh in - no change! I need a good !
  • Hi everyone! Just wanted to pop in to say hi and wish everyone well! I'll be traveling the next few days (for work, not fun), but will be sure to get my stats in to Eny.

    Congrats on getting to the plantation already FB! I'm having a hard time getting in the exercise groove this month. I think once this conference is over and life is back to normal, it will be much easier!

    Kids were off from school today for Election Day, so DD had a sleepover last night - 5 giggling teens. Tonight will be an early night for all of us I believe! Stay well everyone!