A-MAY-zing Chat

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  • I love TW...not hanging head in shame He makes that eurovision contest with all his comments, bless him, so please tell, WHO WON??

    By your comments, we didn't have a song as good as BHoM or Katrina and the Waves entries for a little bit ago then?

    By the way, I used to see K and the waves, a few years back at a club...they used to have us up and jigging about...how come no one takes me out for a jig about anymore... I can still dance round me handbag...oh God, I'm old, aren't I!!!!
  • OMG - I just heard on the radio news that the Finnish heavy rock band (the ones dressed as Klingons) won a landslide victory. Totally not a classic 'Eurovision' song.

    Now, that puts the cat amongst the pidgeons - I wonder what will happen next year? Lithuanian punk rockers? Croatian opera?

    Chris, the UK entry was every bit as strange in its own way - a middle age white bloke doing some rapping with women dressed as schoolgirls doing a kind of schoolkid backing. The first time I heard it I thought it sounded like it would make a good ringtone.
  • Oh dear, I wish I'd watched it sitting here rather than on the couch! I can't believe how well Lithuania scored, well I can, due to their geographical location, but what a stupid concept. Did you here the boos??


    I think TW was about to throttle that awful Maria if she said Amazing one more time.

    I'm up early for my swim. I'm tired today
  • I couldn't believe how well Lithuania did either, it was rubbish.

    I'm really pleased with myself, I did a 9.7 mile run this morning. It's the first time since I got back off holiday that I've made it past 30 minutes without taking a walk break, so I'm glad to be back to running for the whole distance! I was quite slow, but I'm trying to slow down my long runs because I think I might be trying to run them too fast sometimes.

    The weather was lovely with bright blue skies when I was out running, and I was making all sorts of nice plans for the rest of the day, maybe going p to York and doing some shopping. But now it's gone dull and grey again
  • Surely it can't rain anymore? its rained for a week now and I'm fed up with going out and coming back with wet jeans flapping round my ankles, muddy cats, wet socks and not being able to potter in the garden.
  • I talked more than I swam! My swimming buddy has been away on hols and I was catching up on gossip, she's very entertaining!

    I've watched three episodes of Lost, don't know if I like it. I hardly ever watch telly, dh was getting annoyed at me as I kept getting up and doing stuff.

    I'm bored now! I am trying to have a day off from the gym, but I might end up going. I am so glad I didn't do the Manchester run today, it was pouring down! I can't bring myself to run in the rain!
  • Quote: Surely it can't rain anymore? its rained for a week now and I'm fed up with going out and coming back with wet jeans flapping round my ankles, muddy cats, wet socks and not being able to potter in the garden.
    I feel the same - except replace the word 'cats' for 'two enormous dogs'.
  • i'm glad I didn't get my half marathon place too! It's strange, the weather was gorgeous when I went out for my run but has gone downhill ever since. I'm watching the rugby at the moment, then I've got some more cooking to do. I had courgette and basil soup for lunch, then it's melanzine parmigiana (aubergine) this evening, plus cooking some stuff up for the week ahead. I'm also meant to be doing some Spanish revision, but I'm more interested in perusing my new cookbook. I hope it stops raining soon though!
  • Nice av YP
  • Thanks Sarah, not knowing was doing my head in...where did we place?

    Have Finland ever won before? I'm going to have to look up some web site and see if I can download now, to see Klingons and school girls...

    All I had to watch last night was bloody CSI repeats which I've already seen! Eurovision sounds so much more entertaining.

    Very nice av, YP...anyone looking at your pics would wonder why on earth you are in the fat chick page... you look fantastic...

    Well I'd better get some stuff done around the house, bedding and such, had to dry it in dryer, not because of rain, we don't get much in these here parts, but cos my washing line has retracted and the hook came off and I can't pull the bloody line back out DOH!!!
  • I think we placed about 16th. I heard some interviews with Finnish fans and even they were surprised that their country won.

    Maybe the voting was a bit less political this year.
  • i had a fab time at the gym today I wanted to experiment on some weights so I did. I am going to get my arms nice and toned yay
  • I'm glad you enjoyed it - I love working out with weights as well.
  • It was great I took it easy because I'm going again tomoz and did an hour and a bit in the gym then an hour in the pool (well about 30 mins in pool and 30 mins in spa) I've already slept for an hour since which is fab because I get insomnia and I can tell I'll sleep tonight. I feel exercised without feeling hideous. The weights machines are so much nicer in this gym than my old one. I'm short and the seats and buttons actually adjust easily at my old gym you'd use more muscle getting the seat set up than on the machine it was so stiff!!
  • Oooh Chris..use thee ingenuity lass get theeself a hook then when you find th'end of washing line grab it with a pair of pliers and keep hold of the bugger then scream for one ot kids to tie a knot in th'end of it Fixed! How's that for a bit of Debbie Travis?

    So its wearly in jolly old England is it? not feeling as homesick now i'm thinking of going to the rodeo this afternoon its a long weekend here will no doubt end up with me in the beer tent but a gal's gotta do etc