September 2021 - Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - Everyone Welcome!

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  • "I was always the biggest person in the room!"
    This is the best weight loss motivation story ever. hope you get motivated too

    "I was always the biggest person in the room!"

    I have always been the biggest girl in the room, all through the years. Wherever I was, all I could spot are 'sorry eyes' for myself. At the age of 20, I used to weigh 116 kilos and lugging around this much weight that too, at this age isn't somebody's first choice. That was kind of the reminder I genuinely needed. I knew that was it, that if I continued my lifestyle I will soon reach 150 kgs in a few months and the idea of being 50% overweight scared me to the core.

    On Diwali last year, I had gifted myself a hoodie from my own hard-earned money, in the biggest size. However, even the biggest size wouldn't fit me. While people told me to get a new size, I was honestly fed up with compromising and never actually finding clothes my size even on leading websites. The very next day, I stood outside the gates of my local gym
  • Good morning
    beauty and fitness, We look forward to hearing about your experiences at the gym!

    Teri, your exercise is fantastic . You go, girl!

    I took in 1500 yesterday for an average of 1326 calories per day this past week. I did the treadmill (my hip can tolerate about 12 minutes now so I'm improving!) and arm weights (biceps) and back to doing sit-ups too now.

    Today's plan: 1200 calories, 2 liters water, veggies, fiber, vit/min/cal supp., chest press for weights.
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Steps for yesterday: 17,248

    Have a Blessed day and stay safe and healthy!

    Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

    September 26

    Isaiah 43:5
    'Fear not: for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west.'

    It didn't look like it was going to work out. Becky wanted to lose a few pounds before the dance. It wasn't any big deal, but that made it worse. She'd had almost six weeks, and in that time she hadn't lost any weight at all. She kept telling herself she had plenty of time, but time had slipped away. Now it was too late, and she felt terrible. Why had she been so stupid? Why hadn't she taken it more seriously? Not only did she feel bad because she was overweight, but she also felt guilty and hopeless. Somehow she had to learn to knuckle down and stick to what she needed to do. With God's help, maybe she could.

    Today's thought: Today I lose weight; tomorrow's too late!
  • Good morning! Welcome beauty and fitness! Will have breakfast and work out in a few minutes. 😁🍀😷❤️
  • September 2021

    Rachel: The variant is catawampus...It means skewed, cattycorner. I think it also means a fierce cat face...

    Diana: I have a little bit different view on body image. I was thin in my youth...and found myself identifying with being thin later in life even though I was bigger and there is a lot of biases against people who are heavier. I had to not be complacent in order to change. But it had to come from within me rather than other people.

    Welcome Beauty and Fitness.

    Welcome OneMoreNight.

    Diana: Hope you get a lot done on your staycation and then get to go off on a dreamcation...
  • Good morning again! Had breakfast. Will go for a power walk and run errands in a few minutes. 😁🍀😷❤️
  • Hi Everyone!

    Teri Unfortunately it seems like there's always some type of struggle.

    Total Approx 1510 calories +

    Breakfast ( 320 calories & )
    2 Siggi's yogurtS 220 calories
    banana 100 calories
    coffee w/cream & sugar

    Lunch (680 Calories)
    grilled chicken breast & mashed sweet potatoes 500 calories
    later protein bar 180 calories

    Dinner (510 Calories)
    frittata made w/2 eggs, squash & carrots, parmesan 300 calories
    protein bar 210 calories

    30 minute walk

    Have a Blessed evening!
  • Good night all! Went for three power walks today. Ran errands. Got everything I needed to do done. My fitness goals for today have been attained. 😁❤️😷🍀
  • Good morning
    I took in 1180 calories yesterday and lifted chest press weights.

    Today's Plan: 1200 calories, 2 liters water, veggies, fiber, vit/min/cal supp., treadmill, sit-ups, squats.
  • Good morning! Will have breakfast and work out in a few minutes. 😁🍀😷❤️
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Steps for yesterday: 10,004

    Have a Blessed day and stay safe and healthy! Have a great start to your week!

    Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

    September 27

    Psalm 9:10
    And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.

    It was nice to see that the church cared so much about the ladies' group that dieted together. At the annual church planning board dinner, it was suggested that a low calorie menu be offered. Dieting was so much easier when other people understood and cooperated with you. It was gratifying to be supported by the church as if by one's own family. God had been good to the ladies of the church. God's love should be apparent in our churches. The church should be a place where we know we will be affirmed and supported. God never forsakes His children, and His children should be careful not to forsake each other.

    Today's thought: No matter what, I'm not on this diet alone!
  • Good morning again! Still haven’t had breakfast and worked out but will do so soon. 😷❤️😁🍀
  • Yesterday Steps: 6,101
    Fasted 16.25hs (4:30pm-8:45am)

    Good morning I went for an early walk this morning, the weather was nice, only 68F. Our highest today is supposed to be 88F, so I might go for another walk this evening. The scale was only .6 of a pound down this morning, I'm still up 1lb from last month.

    Going to DS2 school appointment with his gifted counselor and then grocery shop. I'm hoping to do some meal prep for the week later this afternoon.
  • Hi all! Had breakfast. Hung up a load of laundry on the line outside to dry this morning. Will go for a power walk and run errands in a few minutes. 😁❤️😷🍀
  • Super busy morning and part of the afternoon. I had a late lunch and am still full so probably I won't be eating dinner tonight. Right now I'm finishing my tea and going to do work on my crochet blanket. I'm a bit tired so not sure if I will be doing my second walk tonight.


diet, weight loss