Sarge's No Excuses Boot Camp #8

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  • A busy weekend, but I've been eating well and moving my butt. I've allotted for some pino grigio tonight, but I hope to not go hog wild. (Hi Munchey! )

    Hub and I have plans to go to the gym tomorrow, then to go buy bikes, helmets, and a bike rack. They recently opened a nice "rail trail" by us that we're going to investigate. He's thinking 20 miles; I'm thinking he's crazy. We'll see!
  • Thanks folks. I am still achy but not feeling as bad. I am so annoyed that I didn't get in even one bit of exercise today though. I slept most of the day. But if that meant that my body is going to fight off this crud, I welcome it. I did eat within my calorie limit though in spite of feeling like poop.

    Weigh in tomorrow! I expect all of us to have a great weigh in!
  • I'm gonna be sore tomorrow! Did level one AND two of 30 day shred back to back today. I am not a fan of planks...

    Hope everyone got in great last chance workouts and had a great Saturday!

    WOW, Wish I had done something like this . . .
  • haha no worries madamb im still meltin that butt-er
  • Hey everyone! I don't have time for personals right now but I wanted to tell you all about my NSV tonight.

    I was at a family dinner since it was my sisters bday (and yes I had some cake) and my grandma quietly asked me if I had been losing weight. I'm not ready to tell people so I kind of shrugged it off but on the inside I was like "YES YES YES". It was just great knowing that it is starting to be noticable.
  • celrae - What a fun trip to Target that was for you. Congratulations!!!

    MadamB - You will be jogging that long soon! You jog a lot faster than I do, it takes me over 40 min to go 2.5 miles.

    Dang...I just had a premature post!

    RMC - I enjoyed some pinot grigio last night too!

    CourtneyD - Hope you are feeling even better today.

    MadamB - That video is so cool!

    Rated - Sweet!

    Yesterday was busy, busy , busy! We sure had fun though!!! The night ended at a giant picnic at a farm with fireworks. The kids LOVED it. They should be sleeping in this morning. ) I am sipping my am coffee and thinking about where I am going for my 5 miles jog this morning.

    envelope - Thanks! I am feeling a million times better today! I guess my body just wanted a day to itself to rest.

    Okay folks, time to face that scale!!!! How did you fare?

    As for me, I pledged 2 pounds this week. I weighed...

    243.8 pounds! That means I lost 5.4 pounds this week!!!! HOLY MOLY!!!!! I am so stoked! I had to get off and on the scale like 6 times before I believed it!

    Pounds Lost: 5.4 lbs
    Pounds Pledged For Next Week: 3 lbs
    Miles Trekked: 15.8 miles
    Time Worked Out: 570 minutes
    Miles Pledged for Next Week: 15 miles

    Let's have a killer awesome week next week too! Don't let the 4th of July celebrating do you in!!!!!
  • Envelope--Enjoy your 5 miler! Also, I wonder if too much pinot grigio leads to premature posting?!?!?!

    Rated -- Sweet NSV! A comment like that makes it easy to keep going.

    MadamB--we're we supposed to watch the 365 day weight transformation or the break dancing gorilla video?!?! I kind of liked the break dancing gorilla...

    Courtney & Dreamer---Up & at 'em....want to hear great reports from you two today!


    Edit: Whoa, COURTNEY---we were posting at the same time.....HOLY MOLY!!! WAY TO GO!

    Enjoy your day!

  • LOL@Sarge! Yep, we were! I am thrilled with these results and can't wait to bring similar ones to the table next week!
  • Lost 5.6
    Pledge 1.5
    Trekked 25.3
  • Courtney-- I'm updating the many sweaty minutes for you for the week in your side challenge?
  • Pledged: 3
    Actual Loss: 6.2
    Miles Trekked: 7.68

    This week's pledge: 2
  • CourtneyD and Anon - We are on a roll!

    Sarge - I only had 2 glasses. :0)
  • WOW! Congratulations Envelope and Courtney! Seriously great job!!

    Rated, that's so awesome! I'm really happy for you! I cannot wait for people to start saying that to me!

    Things are looking great so far, Platoon!